One Piece Demon

Chapter 96 Farewell to Shura Island

Chapter 96 Farewell to Shura Island

"Brother, what was that just now?"

"Let it explain to you, Xiao An, it's your turn to play." Yang Tian shook his shoulders and woke Xiao An up.

"Meow~ here to squeeze the power of the cat again!" Xiao An, who was lying on Yang Tian's shoulder, stretched her waist and opened her sleepy eyes.

"Ah, what a cute cat, I haven't noticed it all this time. This cat has such a low sense of existence, and it actually started talking."

"What, what!? I have a low sense of presence. Is there a mistake? I deliberately lowered my sense of presence. Where is my cat? I don't have a lot of voices. Hmph" Xiaoan rolled her eyes at Annie arrogantly.

"However, I will forgive you if I have a lot of adults." Xiao An licked the cat's paw, jumped off Yang Tian's shoulder comfortably, and sat on the table coquettishly.

"This is called an energy structure. It uses a rare attribute energy to arrange, construct, output, and finally form a target body. In short, she can act as you."

"Little cat, you mean her..." Annie pointed to her energy model and said, "Can you replace me? Really?"

"Of course it's true. She can imitate all your movements, even the voice of your speech, but one thing to note is that you must not let her be attacked. A slightly stronger attack will make her, Understood!" Xiao An stared at the sky, and the cat's claw made a blooming movement and explained.

"Understood!" Annie nodded understandingly, and all kinds of little jokes popped up in her heart.

"Brother, wait for me to go out and give instructions, and then we will leave immediately. Otherwise, things will change if it is too late."

A big stone fell in her heart, and Annie had a pure smile on her face, she tidied herself up, opened the door and walked out.

"What, Sister Annie, are you finished talking!?"

"Well~ Ah Jin, you go in and find my brother. I have something to deal with."

"Oh~" Ajin looked at Annie who was walking away, and replied in a low voice.

"Yang Tian, ​​what's the situation now."

"Nothing, it's just that we're saying goodbye to the island."

"No, I came to this island after a narrow escape, and I didn't take a good look at it. I have to go back."

"Because I don't want too many people to know that I've been here."

Yang Tian's tone was calm and his words were clear, but it was because of such calmness that Ah Jin realized the unusualness of the matter.Concentrated his emotions, stopped laughing and joking, and sat opposite Yang Tian in a serious manner, waiting for Annie to come back.

Annie went out and went to Patriarch Shura.It happened that the captain who had just sent Yang Tian to Annie's was there, and Annie asked Captain Shura to strengthen the guards around her residence from tomorrow, and no one was allowed to disturb her. Issue an injunction to prohibit anyone from approaching their residence.This is a two-pronged approach, one is to make them often notice the existence of the fake self, and the other is to keep them away from them, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles.Anne's words still had a certain authority, and the patriarch and captain immediately agreed.Seeing this, Annie nodded in satisfaction, and left gracefully with a flick of her sleeves.

"Brother, I'm back." Annie, who returned to her residence, could no longer suppress the joy in her heart. For the freedom to ride on the sea, this was definitely something she never dared to dream of in her life.And this dream is about to begin, and her heart is no longer the peace it was just now.

After Annie entered the room, she rushed towards Yang Tian directly.

"Okay, let's go!"


Yang Tian waved his hand, and the energy structure transformed into Annie.

When leaving, Annie took a nostalgic glance at the little house where she lived for a long time, and blew a kiss, which was the best farewell to it.

The next actions of the three were like thieves, stealthily and quietly. Fortunately, Ajin's fruit ability could sense the small movements around him and perfectly avoided all chance encounters.

In a small corner of Sky Island, the forest is dense and overgrown with grass.The three of them squatted on the edge of Baibaihai, with grass roots in their mouths, they were very down-to-earth.

"Yang Tian, ​​we've been sitting here for a long time, when will we leave?"

"Don't worry, I don't know how to leave. Just follow Annie's orders. Annie, tell me what we are going to do next."


"What's going on?" Ah Jin asked with a puzzled look on his face.

The clouds and water on the white sea were tumbling for a while, Annie stood up and stared at the sea happily, waving her little hand: "Here I am!"

"Yo~" With a deep and powerful cry, a strange underwater creature that looked like a lantern fish emerged.

A small lantern emitting red light protruded from the head of the lantern fish and stretched out in front of the three of them. The red low rhyme light reflected the cheeks of the three of them red, revealing warmth in the blush.

"This is a lantern fish, we can ride it down."

"What's this about riding?" A Jin stared at the strange fish covered in spikes, but he really couldn't say the word "riding".

Annie patted her immature breasts with a smile, and said confidently, "Look at mine~"

The lantern emitting red light condensed into a straight line, leading Annie to walk towards its back. As Annie approached, the spikes on its body retracted, and a flat road appeared like this.Annie walked up to the back of the lantern fish with a steady gait, and a spike softened as Annie sat down, just enough to support Annie.

Seeing this, Ah Jin was already shocked from ear to ear, and then the shock turned into curiosity.Three steps and two steps, like a happy monkey jumping on the back of the fish. After sitting down, he still couldn't hold back his curiosity. He poked the back of the fish from time to time, making the fish unwilling. After patting Ah Jin twice, he stopped his pretentious heart.

"Okay, let's go. If you stay for a second longer, you may be discovered." Yang Tian said after he had just sat down.

"Okay, let's go! Little guy." Annie patted the fish's neck and said softly.

The fish dived in response to the sound, and the white sea clouds rushed in. Fortunately, the fish's spikes turned into a barrier to block them, otherwise it would be unavoidable to get wet.

Under the speed of the fish, Bai Hai rushed out in a short while, and everyone was exposed to the height of [-] meters, and the feeling of weightlessness of falling suddenly struck. Yang Tian couldn't pull it off, but Annie was very happy like a flying bird.

Yu'er led the three of them down quickly, and the spikes on his body kept changing in the air, and finally turned into two spiked wings, which flew up like a glider.

"The world is so big, there are no surprises, I have seen it today." Yang Tian also felt sincerely about this change.

Without the sense of weightlessness, the panicked Ah Jin slowly came out of the panic.With eyes narrowed, he carefully observed the surrounding situation. Seeing that it was much more stable at this time, Ah Jin felt relieved, and slowly loosened his hands and feet wrapped around Yang Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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