may you have a good time

Chapter 10 Since You Are Inconvenient

Chapter 10 Since You Are Inconvenient
Xu Manman's face turned pale in an instant.

He actually let her...

Xu Manman shook his head violently, his knees moved back unconsciously, his face was full of resistance.

"Come here." Li Sinian said with cold eyes, "I'll just say it again."

"Don't..." Her eyes slowly turned red, and she begged with sobs: "Li Sinian, can you stop treating me like this..."

Li Sinian's eyes were deep and bottomless, he stared at the woman kneeling on the ground for a few seconds, and then asked in a deep voice: "Now I feel wronged, do I feel sorry for myself?"

"Then have you ever thought about how I felt at that time?" He growled.

Xu Manman's tears flowed down "suspiciously".

She really wanted to tell him that she had some difficulties at that time, and she didn't mean to treat him that way.

However, her voice was hoarse, she opened her mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

"Since you can't lower your head, I can ask the hospital to cancel your mother's operation at any time." Li Sinian's threatening voice echoed in the quiet room.

"No—I am willing." Xu Manman rushed over, grabbed his calf, and said beggingly.

With a trembling white hand, she stretched out to the Hermès limited-edition belt.

Her hands, her body, were trembling uncontrollably.

Her tears flowed silently.

Xu Manman closed his eyes and slowly stretched his head forward.

"Bang" sound.

She was suddenly pushed to the floor, her whole body ached, and she looked up at Li Sinian in fear.

"Your reluctant appearance makes me sick." Li Sinian walked towards the bathroom with a blank expression on his long legs.

Soon, Xu Manman heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

She sat helplessly on the floor, not knowing what to do.

Just now, she offended Li Sinian, so will his mother's operation be canceled by him?

"Li Sinian..."

Xu Manman walked to the door of the bathroom and knocked on the frosted glass door.


There was a deep and dissatisfied roar from the man, with a kind of forbearance.

But Xu Manman didn't hear it, and now she was worried that Li Sinian would cancel her mother's operation.

In desperation, she directly opened the frosted door and rushed into the bathroom.

The next second, she froze in place.

Her little face suddenly turned red, she quickly turned around, shrugged her shoulders and apologized helplessly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to come in..."

Behind him, there was no reply.

Xu Manman was a little anxious, and couldn't help turning around, only to see that Li Sinian had already put on a towel, and his face was so gloomy.

"Who let you in?"

"I'm sorry, I..." Xu Manman bit his lower lip, looked at the man in front of him with pitiful eyes, and begged, "Li Sinian, can you not cancel my mother's operation? I can really help you... "

After that, she took a deep breath, rushed to the man, was about to kneel down, but was grabbed by his slender arm.

The whole person was pulled into his arms.

"Have you had any experience with this kind of thing?" he asked, looking into her eyes.

Xu Manman met his eyes and shook his head silently.

Except for that night with him five years ago, she has never had an intimate act with another man.

"No, no." She lowered her head and replied nervously.

She really didn't know how to do this kind of thing, but she was worried that Li Sinian would be dissatisfied and angry.

"Have you ever had sex with other men?" He looked at her head and asked again in a cold voice.

"Ah?" Xu Manman suddenly raised his head and asked a question.

She didn't know why Li Sinian suddenly asked this question.

"Answer me." He frowned.

"I...I didn't." Xu Manman shook his head, and replied with some embarrassment: "Just, that time five years ago."

"Very well, I don't like dirty women." The corners of Li Sinian's lips curled up vaguely.

He lowered his head and bit her earlobe lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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