may you have a good time

Chapter 11 Only Make Me Happy

Chapter 11 Only Make Me Happy

The earlobe is her sensitive point.

Xu Manman shuddered twice, feeling as if an electric current had struck him.

She couldn't help shrinking her neck, and wanted to step back, but Li Sinian grabbed her wrist.

"You..." She started, wanting to ask him what he was going to do.

However, in the next second, Xu Manman's face flushed red.

He let her... the little hand was controlled by him, and she couldn't even retract it if she wanted to.

"Focus." Li Sinian's voice became hoarse.

Xu Manman turned his head away, not daring to look at such a scene, but felt extremely embarrassed.


After half an hour.

Xu Manman was kicked out of the bathroom.

She was sitting on the sofa in the bedroom, her wrists were sore, listening to the sound of water in the bathroom again, the blush on her face lasted for a long time.

She didn't expect that Li Sinian would let her do such a thing.

With a "click", the frosted door was opened.

Li Sinian came out wearing a bath towel, took out a formal suit from the closet, and started changing in front of Xu Manman.

Xu Manman quickly turned his face away, not to look at him.

"You have to learn how to serve me in the future. When I'm happy, you can ask for it." Li Sinian put on his shirt but didn't button it up.

Xu Manman was slightly taken aback.

He means... She can make a request?
"Li Sinian, can I take care of my mother?" She quickly stood up from the sofa.

"Come here, fasten the buttons for me." Li Sinian turned around and faced her, showing his muscular abs.

Xu Manman nodded, walked up to him with strides, and then gently helped Li Sinian fasten the buttons with his slender hands.

"But, I have a phone call, you must appear in front of me." He reached out and clamped her chin, making her look up at him.

Xu Manman's chin was caught off guard, and his brows frowned in pain.

Li Sinian realized how hard he was, and put down his hand.

"Is it really okay? I promise you, as long as you call, I will appear in front of you. At other times, I want to take care of my mother in the hospital." Xu Manman grabbed Li Sinian's wrist, with a begging expression manner.

Li Sinian frowned slightly, he wanted to open his mouth to ridicule this woman who had tortured his heart a thousand times, the woman who caused the death of his adoptive father.He wanted her to submit to him, to give her a taste of pain.

But for some reason, he stopped at a critical moment.

"I'm going to the company." Li Sinian pulled Xu Manman's hand away, and strode out of the room.

Inside, there was a sudden silence.

Xu Manman's eyes lit up. Since Li Sinian went to the company, wouldn't she be able to go to the hospital to take care of her mother?

Thinking of this, she didn't care whether her body needed rest or not, so she quickly changed into her clothes and hurried downstairs.

Originally planning to call a taxi, a burly man suddenly stood in front of her.

"Miss Xu, I am your exclusive driver and bodyguard. My name is Lu Ming. Are you going to the hospital now?" the big man named Lu Ming asked.

Xu Manman was stunned, she looked up at Lu Ming, and asked, "Hello, Mr. Lu, did Li Sinian send you here?"

"Yes, President Li ordered me to take care of Miss Xu's itinerary." Lu Ming replied.

Xu Manman's heart felt warm and then cold again.

She guessed that the road name should be sent by Li Sinian to monitor her, not to take care of her.

After all, he hated her to the core.

"Then trouble Mr. Lu, now go to Renhe Hospital." Xu Manman said.

"Okay, Miss Xu. Just call me by the name of the road."

Afterwards, Xu Manman arrived at the hospital by car.

"Manman, you're here!" Shen Wanjuan immediately sat up, her face was joyful at first, but when she saw Xu Manman's face clearly, she suddenly became sad again.

"Mom." Xu Manman sat down, called her, and asked, "You're going to have surgery the day after tomorrow, are you nervous?"

"Manman, don't worry about mom. Look at your face, why are you so haggard?" Shen Wanjuan was so distressed that she touched Xu Manman's cheeks with both hands, tears were rushing down her cheeks, and she choked up, "Did you borrow it?" After paying the money, the boss tried his best to let you make a film?"

"Mom, really not, the boss... is pretty good, he didn't enslave me." Xu Manman quickly shook his head.

"There's a nurse here, so go back and rest after work, don't come and take care of me. You're going to waste your time." Shen Wanjuan held her daughter's hand, thought of something, and said quickly: "By the way, the nurse told me For this disease, the state will reimburse the nursing expenses, so you don’t need to pay any more.”

Last night, Shen Wanjuan personally dismissed the nurse, not wanting to put more burden on her daughter's shoulders, because she knew that the nurse's fee was not low.

But the nurse said that she would be reimbursed in full, so Shen Wanjuan didn't drive her away.

(End of this chapter)

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