may you have a good time

Chapter 12 Meeting Lu Muchen Again

Chapter 12 Meeting Lu Muchen Again

"What? Mom, reimbursement for the nursing staff?" Xu Manman asked in surprise.

She hadn't heard anything from the hospital about it, and her mother wasn't a retired military or civil servant.

At this time, the door of the toilet was opened, and a kind-hearted middle-aged woman came out, and said with a smile: "Miss Xu, I am your mother's nurse. Ask how much money you want."

"That's right, Manman, Mom also asked the doctor." Shen Wanjuan also nodded.

The doubts in Xu Manman's heart deepened, but on the surface he nodded.

In the afternoon, Xu Manman chatted with Shen Wanjuan, and she found that the nurse named Cuifang was very experienced and kind, which made her feel at ease.

Soon, it was evening, after taking care of my mother, having dinner, washing up and waiting for my mother to fall asleep, she called Cuifang to come outside the ward.

"Auntie Cuifang, I know you were hired by Li Sinian. The nurse's fee must not be reimbursed by the state, right? Can you tell me what's going on?" Xu Manman wanted to solve the mystery in his heart.

Cuifang smiled and said, "I don't know the specifics. I was in contact with Mr. Li's secretary, so I just need to get paid to say so. I am a professional nurse. Don't worry, Miss Xu, I'm sure Take care of your mother."

"Thank you, Aunt Cuifang." Xu Manman smiled and nodded politely at her.

"You're welcome, I have to take care of things after I take the money." Cuifang smiled kindly.

At this moment, the cell phone in Xu Manman's pocket rang, and she took it out to see that it was Li Sinian's call.

He recalled what he said in the afternoon, as long as he called, she must appear in front of him.

Seeing her mother sleeping peacefully through the glass on the ward door, Xu Manman waved to Cuifang, then turned and left.

On the other hand, the phone was connected.

"Li Sinian, I'll go back right away." Xu Manman whispered.

"Yeah." Li Sinian on the other end of the phone responded lightly, then cut off the phone.

Seeing that there were too many people waiting for the elevator, Xu Manman hurriedly went up the stairs, and bumped into someone when turning the corner.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was in a hurry and didn't pay attention, I'm sorry." Xu Manman bowed his head repeatedly to apologize.

"Manman?" A man's gentle voice sounded from the corridor.

Xu Manman raised his head, but met familiar eyes, which turned out to be him.

"Brother Mu Chen!" She shouted in surprise.

Seeing that she recognized him, Lu Muchen laughed, reached out and touched her head, and said excitedly, "Manman, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Yeah, I didn't expect to see you again." All kinds of past memories suddenly appeared in Xu Manman's mind.

Lu Muchen was her good brother who grew up together. Back then, the Lu family and the Xu family were also very good friends. She had a very good relationship with Lu Muchen since she was a child.

Later, something happened at home, she and her mother fled Beicheng, and never saw Lu Muchen again.

"Manman, I'm really sorry that I couldn't help you at that time... In the past five years, have you and your aunt been doing well?" Lu Muchen asked with concern.

At that time, the Xu family went bankrupt, Xu Jianguo committed suicide, and Shen Wanjuan disappeared with Xu Manman.

Lu Muchen accused his parents of why he didn't help the Xu family to tide over the difficulties at that time, but his parents asked him not to ask about the Xu family's affairs, or even to find Xu Manman again.

However, Lu Muchen secretly sent someone to investigate, but they couldn't find Xu Manman's whereabouts.

"We..." Xu Manman hesitated to speak.

She and her mother were not doing well, and her mother was going to have a kidney transplant operation the day after tomorrow, but she didn't know how to talk about it.

"By the way, Manman, why are you in the hospital? Are you feeling unwell?" Lu Muchen asked anxiously while holding her shoulder.

"No, it's my mother..." Xu Manman pursed her lips.

"Manman, what's wrong with Auntie? Take me to see her quickly." Lu Muchen's face was full of worry.

Xu Manman finally told Lu Muchen about his mother, and Lu Muchen insisted on visiting Shen Wanjuan, so she had no choice but to take him there.

Unexpectedly, Shen Wanjuan was awake at this moment, watching TV with Cuifang, and seeing Xu Manman came back, she asked in surprise, "Manman, hurry back and rest! This is..."

When she saw the person behind Xu Manman, she froze.

"Auntie!" Lu Muchen hurried forward, held Shen Wanjuan's hand, lowered his head in self-blame, and said, "I'm sorry, Auntie, back then..."

"Mu Chen, stop talking. Man Man and I won't blame your parents, it's Lao Xu's own fate..." Shen Wanjuan patted Lu Muchen on the back, and said comfortingly.

"Auntie, don't worry, now that I have found you, I will definitely take good care of you." After Lu Muchen said solemnly, he glanced at Xu Manman behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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