may you have a good time

Chapter 16 Please, Please Ask Me to Do Anything

Chapter 16 Please, Please Ask Me to Do Anything
"Xu Manman, have you forgotten your identity?"

At this moment, a man's cold voice came from the corridor.

Xu Manman looked over in fear, Li Sinian was walking towards them, her body couldn't help shaking.

In the next second, she passed out directly.

When she woke up in a daze, two men were arguing beside her bed.

"Li Sinian, how could you treat Manman like this? How have you tortured her!" Lu Muchen was always gentle and polite, but now he roared angrily.

Xu Manman was slightly taken aback, it seemed that Lu Muchen knew everything.

What about mom?

Does mom know too?
"Brother Mu Chen, this matter... Does my mother know?" Xu Manman asked in a weak and hoarse voice.

The two men looked at her lying on the bed at the same time.

Lu Muchen hurriedly sat by the bed, grabbed her hand, and said guiltily: "Don't worry, Auntie doesn't know, I won't tell. Manman, why are you so stupid? Why do you wrong yourself and pamper this beast? "

After all, Lu Muchen gave Li Sinian a hard look behind him.

Xu Manman looked at Li Sinian, who stood upright, his eyes full of disgust for Lu Muchen and her.

"I..." Xu Manman glanced at Li Sinian, then at Lu Muchen, but did not continue when he reached his mouth.

She went to court Li Sinian out of desperation, but was bound by his side to be his mistress.

However, she didn't really blame Li Sinian in her heart, because she was indeed responsible for Uncle Li's death, and he should hate her.

However, since he already had a girlfriend, she really didn't want to stay by his side as a mistress.

She just wanted to return the money to Li Sinian quickly and leave him.

"Xu Manman, you regretted what you promised in just a few days?" Li Sinian stared coldly into her eyes, without any expression on his face, but said calmly: "Tomorrow's surgery, wait until it's cancelled." .”

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward with his long legs, turned around and left the ward.

"Don't—" Xu Manman hurriedly got out of bed, trying to catch up, but was held back by Lu Muchen.

"Manman, don't listen to his threats, he can still cover the sky with one hand? Auntie's operation will not be cancelled, Renhe Hospital still has our Lu family's shares!" Lu Muchen looked fearless.

However, Xu Manman was really scared.

Because, the current Li Sinian really doesn't know what kind of things he will do.

"Don't worry, I'll call the dean right now, and I will accompany you and auntie all the way, and keep an eye on auntie's operation." Lu Muchen said while helping Xu Manman to the bed.

The next second, Lu Muchen's cell phone rang.

"My dad's calling." Lu Muchen and Xu Manman said, and then connected the phone: "Dad, I have something to do. What do you want me for?"

"What did you say?" Lu Muchen stood up suddenly, his expression froze, and he asked in disbelief: "No...I'll go back to the company now."

Seeing Lu Muchen's expression, Xu Manman quickly sat up and looked at him worriedly.

Lu Muchen grabbed the suit next to the bed, and said to her, "Manman, my dad said that Li Sinian would buy our company, otherwise the Lu family would be ruined. I'm going back to Beicheng now, don't worry."

After finishing speaking, Lu Muchen hurriedly left the room.

Xu Manman was stunned.

Li Sinian wants to destroy the Lu family?

The next second, a nurse came in and announced, "Is that Miss Xu? Due to the tight operating room, your mother, Ms. Shen Wanjuan's operation needs to be suspended tomorrow. The specific execution time is to be determined."

"No—" Xu Manman hugged his head and shouted.

Regardless of other people's stares, she was wearing a hospital gown, ran amok in the hospital, ran to the road outside and took a taxi back.

At this time, a car appeared in front of her.

It's Li Sinian's car.

"Come in." He sat in the back seat, rolled down the window, and looked at her coldly.

"Li Sinian, please let my mother have the operation, please let Lu family go..." Xu Manman put his hands on the car window, crying and begging him.

"Come in, I won't say it a third time." The voice was still cold, without any ups and downs.

Supporting his fragile body, Xu Manman made a detour from the rear of the car to the other side, opened the rear door, and sat in.

"Please, I can do whatever you want." She trembled like a broken doll.


Her neck was pinched so hard that she was forced to tilt her head up, making it difficult to breathe.

"Don't you want to get rid of me and return to Lu Muchen's embrace? I'll let you see how I can destroy the Lu family with one finger." At this moment, Li Sinian seemed to be the Satan of hell alive , making people frightened to the extreme.

"No, no, I just asked him to borrow money..." Xu Manman tried his best to clear the relationship between Lu Muchen and her.

She couldn't harm Lu Muchen, no.

(End of this chapter)

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