may you have a good time

Chapter 17 You said, how should you ask me?

Chapter 17 You said, how should you ask me?

To her, Lu Muchen was like an older brother.

But in Li Sinian's eyes, Lu Muchen was Xu Manman's sweetheart, the man she loved.

"Are you pleading for him?" Li Sinian sneered, looked at her with cold eyes, and said with a smile: "Your mother's surgery, and Lu's, you can only choose one, what do you choose?"

Xu Manman's face turned pale, she couldn't choose this question at all.

"Please, Li Sinian, I really beg you..." Her tears kept flowing, she grabbed his hand, begging desperately.

In front of him, she was as insignificant as an ant, and she couldn't do anything except beg bitterly.

"It seems that Lu Muchen is really important. In front of your mother's operation, you can't even choose him." Li Sinian showed a terrible smile, which made Xu Manman tremble with fear.

Li Sinian wanted to destroy the Lu family.

"Li Sinian, why did you become like this?" Xu Manman shook his head in fear, and shouted hoarsely: "You are not the Li Sinian I know, that Li Sinian is not like you, Lu Muchen and you No injustice, no enmity, why are you doing this?"

Li Sinian was stunned for a second, then sneered, "Xu Manman, because I want you to suffer."

"Since you love Lu Muchen, then I will destroy him."

"No - I don't love him, I really don't love him..." Xu Manman cried out of breath: "Never, I just treat him as my brother... Really not..."

"Then why did you break up with me in the first place? Wasn't it because you liked Lu Muchen, and you were only with me for fun?" Li Sinian looked sullen, and pinched her chin fiercely.

"It's not because of him, it's not..." Xu Manman shook her head violently. She wanted to talk about what happened at that time, but she couldn't.

If she said it out, Li Sinian would definitely hate her parents very much. What if she blamed her mother and prevented her from having the operation?
"At that time, I just thought being in love was fun, so I wanted to talk about it... Li Sinian, if I was in love with Lu Muchen, why didn't I look for him at the beginning? Have you thought about this problem?" She said from the bottom of her heart from.

If she really loved Lu Muchen, why did she fall in love with Li Sinian instead of Lu Muchen?

Because, from the beginning to the end, she loved Li Sinian.

"Ah..." The hand that pinched her chin was thrown away suddenly, and she took a deep breath in pain.

"Li Sinian, what I said is true. Lu Muchen is an older brother to me. I don't want our grievances to involve innocent people." Xu Manman felt his heart ache so hard to breathe.

She never thought that she and Li Sinian would become what they are now.

With a "crash", Li Sinian opened the baffle between the driver's seat and the back seat.

"Drive." He directed towards the road name in the driver's seat.

The car moved slowly.

Regardless of whether anyone was there, she continued to plead with tears in her eyes: "Li Sinian, please resume my mother's surgery tomorrow..."

"I'll see how you behave later." He looked at her with deep eyes, and said to the road name: "Find a remote place to park."

Xu Manman clenched his hands unconsciously, his hands were sweating, and his whole body was filled with tension.

Is he going to be in the car...?

A certain part of her body still hurts badly, but as long as she can recover from her mother's operation, she will endure no matter how painful it is.

Lu Ming drove the car to a small forest, then got out of the car and left.

In the car, only Xu Manman and Li Sinian were left in the back seat.

"You said, how should you ask me?"

His cold voice echoed in the space.

Xu Manman didn't answer, but turned his body to his direction, and then took off his shirt first.

Li Sinian's eyes narrowed slightly, her skin was still as white as pearls, but she was extremely thin, and she could still see her protruding bones.

There is no symmetry and sensuality of five years ago.

Seeing that she was about to continue moving, Li Sinian said, "Like yesterday afternoon in the bathroom, understand?"

Xu Manman stopped and was taken aback for a moment.

"I'm not interested in seeing a patient." Seeing her dull expression, Li Sinian added.

Xu Manman came to his senses, so... Didn't Li Sinian want to torture her in the car?But... simply let her help him resolve it?

(End of this chapter)

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