may you have a good time

Chapter 18 Need me to teach you again?

Chapter 18 Need me to teach you again?
"Not yet? Do you need me to teach you again?" Li Sinian showed dissatisfaction.

"No, no need...I...I will..." Xu Manman hurriedly replied, for fear of offending him.

She looked a little embarrassed, although she didn't want to do such a thing and felt humble, but for the sake of her mother's operation, she had to do so.

The little hand stretched out.


Afterwards, Xu Manman was sent back to the villa.

The hospital called, and tomorrow's operation will continue as usual, and the doctor also specially emphasized that the family members should be present.

She understood that Li Sinian was in a better mood and allowed her to go there.

Xu Manman couldn't wait to call his mother, saying that he was busy with work and would take care of her in advance tomorrow.

Shen Wanjuan told Xu Manman not to worry, Cuifang took good care of her, and Xu Manman was relieved.

She stayed in Li Sinian's room alone, and thought that meeting Lu Muchen, she would be able to leave Li Sinian and not be his mistress.

But within a few hours, it was beaten back to the prototype.

It seemed that she could not escape punishment after all.

But, Liang Caiyue...wouldn't she have become a complete mistress?
Xu Manman smiled wryly, she never thought that Li Sinian would become such a man when he became rich.

She was very tired these two days, she fell asleep after taking a bath, and it was already late at night when she woke up.

But Li Sinian didn't come back.

Perhaps, she guessed, he should be with his girlfriend Liang Caiyue.

With bitterness in my heart, I looked out the window and experienced a long night.

When it was almost dawn, Xu Manman hurriedly got up and packed, ready to go to the hospital.

Just as she was about to go out, she received a call from the hospital. She thought it was about her mother's operation, so she quickly connected.

"Miss Xu, your mother died suddenly and the rescue failed. Please come over and go through the formalities."

The phone slipped from his hand.

Xu Manman fell to the ground all of a sudden, his face was bloodless.

"Miss Xu, what's the matter with you?" Liu Yutong saw this scene as soon as she got up, and hurried forward to ask.

Xu Manman didn't answer, as if he had lost his soul, and ran out of the villa quickly without putting on his shoes.

When she arrived at the hospital, what Xu Manman saw was that her mother was covered with a white cloth, and she couldn't help crying.

"Manman, your mother..." Seeing Xu Manman in pain, Cuifang couldn't help crying.

Xu Manman turned around and found that Cuifang's face was swollen, and there was even blood at the corner of her mouth.

"Aunt Cuifang, isn't my mother well? How could it could it be..." Xu Manman really couldn't accept the news.

Today was supposed to be my mother's kidney replacement operation, and the doctor said that the operation has a high chance of success, and she doesn't have to worry about money... She never thought that things would turn out like this.

"Early this morning, a group of people suddenly came, claiming to be creditors of your family, asking your mother to collect debts..." Cuifang covered her face and said with a choked voice: "They are making all kinds of troubles in the ward. They fought and dragged you out, and your mother suddenly became anxious, her blood pressure rose rapidly, and by the time the hospital drove away those people and sent your mother to rescue, it was already too late..."

"Ah—Mom!" Xu Manman threw herself on her mother's corpse, crying until she was dark, and finally became emotional and passed out on the ground.


When she woke up, she found herself on Li Sinian's bed with a hanging needle in her hand.

Xu Manman sat up quickly, pulled out the needle, and rushed out of the room, but bumped into Li Sinian.

"Where's my mother?" She asked in a trance.

"Your mother has passed away." Li Sinian looked at her with worry deep in his eyes,

"No, I'm asking, is my mother's body still in the hospital?" Xu Manman's tone was a little ethereal, as if he had lost all anger.

"Yes." Li Sinian said, "Take her to be cremated yourself."

Xu Manman staggered towards the stairs, but twisted his foot when going downstairs and fell down the stairs.

Li Sinian hurried over to pick her up, and drove her to the hospital himself.

In the end, he was the one who accompanied her to cremate Shen Wanjuan and bury her in the cemetery.

When Lu Muchen came to the cemetery, he rushed forward and punched Li Sinian in the face.

"Li Sinian, you canceled the operation and killed Auntie! You bastard, Auntie has been kind to you in nurturing you, how can you be so vicious?" Lu Muchen roared angrily.

With his thumb brushing the bloodshot corner of his mouth, Li Sinian looked at his rival in front of him with a gloomy face, and did not fight back.

Lu Muchen raised his hand, and continued to want to hit Li Sinian, but was interrupted by Xu Manman.

"Brother Mu Chen, stop beating." Her voice was faint, without any vitality, she just said lightly: "Mom's death has nothing to do with him, it was the creditor who came to make trouble, and my mother died suddenly in a hurry. "

Lu Muchen stopped what he was doing, and looked at Xu Manman in shock.

She lowered her head, smiled wryly, and said, "That's fine, mom doesn't have to suffer from illness anymore, and life in heaven will definitely be more comfortable than on earth."

As she spoke, she looked back at Shen Wanjuan's photo on the tombstone, waved her hand at the photo, and said, "Mom, goodbye."

Regardless of the two men beside him, Xu Manman left the cemetery in a straight line and walked outside.

Walk aimlessly.

As if there is no end.

She just kept walking, but behind her, two men followed silently.


After walking for an unknown amount of time, she squatted down, hugged her legs with her hands, and cried loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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