may you have a good time

Chapter 19 You Are Not Qualified To Negotiate Conditions With Me

Chapter 19 You Are Not Qualified To Negotiate Conditions With Me

"Go back with me."

The two men spoke almost in unison.

Xu Manman paused, choked up and said, "You all go."

"Manman, how can I rest assured that you are like this? You and I go back to Beicheng!" Lu Muchen bent down, trying to help her up, but was pulled away by Li Sinian.

Li Sinian directly picked up Xu Manman, then hugged her horizontally, and said coldly to her: "Don't forget what I told you."

Xu Manman froze.

The Lu family is still in Li Sinian's hands.

If she chose Lu Muchen today, then Li Sinian would definitely ruin the Lu family.

"Brother Mu Chen, you go back to Beicheng, Si Nian and I will go back." Looking at Lu Muchen, Xu Manman lowered his eyes and opened his mouth.

"Manman, don't listen to Li Sinian's threat, I can protect you!" Lu Muchen said anxiously, he knew what Xu Manman was worried about.

Li Sinian looked at him coldly.

Lu Muchen rushed forward to stop Li Sinian from taking Xu Manman away, but was subdued by several bodyguards.

"I'll go back with you, don't hurt him." Xu Manman looked at Lu Muchen who was pinned down on the ground, and hurriedly begged Li Sinian.

A stretched Lincoln stopped in front of the two of them, and Li Sinian put her into the car directly, and then got into the car himself.

"Let him go." After saying this, he slammed the door shut.

The car gallops away.

Xu Manman took a deep breath.

That's fine, since her mother passed away, she didn't want to hurt Lu Muchen any more.


Back at the villa, Xu Manman was carried all the way to the bathroom, and then put into the bathtub.

Li Sinian turned on the hot water tap and said, "Let's take a bath."

After speaking, he turned and left the bathroom.

Xu Manman felt that he was really tired, his tears seemed to have dried up, and his face was full of tears.

The last side, she didn't even see the last side of her mother.

She didn't dare to imagine how helpless her mother must have been at that time.In such a helpless situation, he lost consciousness and passed away.

But that's okay, mom is relieved.

Then she should also be relieved, okay?Let's go with mom too, okay?

Xu Manman's bathtub was filled with water, and then he stuffed his head in, feeling a sense of suffocation.

"Ha ha……"

She couldn't bear that feeling, escaped from the water, and took a deep breath.

She was cowardly in the face of death.

At this moment, with a "click", Li Sinian rushed in.

He frowned at her and asked, "Did you do nothing just now?"

"No." Xu Manman pretended to be bewildered.

Li Sinian turned to leave, but she stopped him, "Li Sinian."

"What's the matter?" He turned around.

"My mother passed away, and the operation failed. The hospital will refund 50 yuan to me, and I will return it to you." She said lifelessly: "So, do I not need to be your mistress anymore?"

"Xu Manman, you have to make amends." Li Sinian turned around and said with an ugly face, "Five years ago, when my dad was hit to pieces, you can think about how I felt."

After hearing this, her face became even paler.

"Li Sinian, you already have a girlfriend, we are really committing crimes like this! How can you be worthy of Liang Caiyue?"

Xu Manman said bitterly: "Li Sinian, I thought of a way. I will go to the mountain to be a nun, and I will pray for Uncle Li every day. Is this okay? Take it as my atonement."

"Xu Manman, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. I have the final say on what to do." Li Sinian said this and strode out of the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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