may you have a good time

Chapter 22 Their Puberty

Chapter 22 Their Puberty
Class 1, there seems to be a few people still there.

Xu Manman walked to the bed, and found that apart from two or three hard-working top students, Li Sinian was sitting with a girl.

The two of them were leaning against each other and their heads were pressed together.

In the third year of junior high school, it was puberty, and some students began to fall in love secretly.

There is a couple in their class who usually like to sit together, saying that they feel very happy this way.

Seeing Li Sinian and the girl like this, a few words suddenly appeared in Xu Manman's mind, Li Sinian is in love.

After Li Sinian finished teaching Wen Yuqing's topic, he picked up his schoolbag and turned to leave, only to find Xu Manman standing by the window.

He hurried out from the classroom door, walked up to her, and said in a gentle voice: "Let's go, let's go back."

Xu Manman glanced at the girl in the classroom, who was also looking at her, and their eyes met.

She recognized this girl, who was the class flower of class 1, named Wen Yuqing.

Xu Manman felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and the expression on his face became very ugly.

On the way, she didn't say a word.

Li Sinian felt a little strange, Xu Manman was always chattering and noisy on weekdays, but today he was exceptionally quiet.

"Xu Manman, are you in a bad mood today?" Li Sinian asked.

"No!" Xu Manman shook his head and said, "It's just too sleepy, aha..."

She pretended to yawn.

In fact, she has been sleeping in class, not sleepy at all.

However, Xu Manman felt very uncomfortable, and she didn't know what was wrong with her, so she opened her mouth.

"Wen Yuqing, the class flower in your class just now, right? Are a relationship?" Xu Manman glanced at Li Sinian and asked tentatively.

In fact, she would have liked the answer to be no.

"Dating?" Li Sinian frowned slightly, then stretched out his hand and flicked her forehead.

"Ah, it hurts." Xu Manman hurriedly covered his forehead with his hands, but felt even worse because Li Sinian did not deny it.

"She insisted on asking me to teach her a question just now. That question... I am the only one who can do it, so I was too embarrassed to refuse, so I explained it to her."

Li Sinian patiently explained the ins and outs of the matter.

After listening, Xu Manman's frowning eased, and then he raised his steps and walked lightly towards the school gate.

Seeing Xu Manman's changes, Li Sinian is a sensitive person, he seems to find that... Xu Manman is jealous.

"You wait for me."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he quickly followed.


Xu Manman is in a good mood.

After returning home, in the living room, Shen Wanjuan sat there with a bad face.

"Mom, I'm back, I'm going upstairs first." Xu Manman jumped up the stairs easily.

"Come here!" Shen Wanjuan roared.


Xu Manman was very puzzled, turned around and glanced at Li Sinian, who also shrugged, not knowing what happened.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Xu Manman stepped forward and questioned.

Shen Wanjuan is actually a very strict mother. She frowned and asked coldly, "Tell me, how much did you score in the English test this time?"

"Eh..." Xu Manman then remembered the English test paper with 26 points that she rolled into a ball and stuffed into her schoolbag.

Seeing that Xu Manman didn't answer, Shen Wanjuan stepped forward, snatched the schoolbag from Xu Manman's body, unzipped it, and dumped everything out.

And at this moment, a pink card fell on the floor, which was particularly eye-catching.

Xu Manman looked at the card with a puzzled face, why didn't she remember that she had this thing?
Shen Wanjuan took a step ahead of her, picked up the card, opened the package, took out a letter from it, and read it.

"Manman, from the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you. You always like to smile at me, your charming eyes, beautiful lips..." Shen Wanjuan became more and more angry as she read, and said angrily : "What are these things? How old are you, you just do this? No wonder your grades are so poor! Do you know that I can't even lift my head up in front of your head teacher?"

Xu Manman was completely in a daze, she quickly snatched the letter from her mother, and found that the inscription of this love letter was actually the regulations of the class next door.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhang really confessed to her, and it was still in such an embarrassing situation.

(End of this chapter)

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