may you have a good time

Chapter 23 Li Sinian, get out!

Chapter 23 Li Sinian, get out!
"Mom, how can you blame me for this kind of thing? I don't know him, it's just a love letter he wrote to me out of love! My poor grades have nothing to do with him."

Xu Manman explained anxiously.

The most important thing is that she didn't want Li Sinian to misunderstand.

The love letter written by Zhang Zhang was very ambiguous, as if she had responded to him a lot, but in fact she had never paid attention to this man at all.

It's purely his own crookedness.

"It doesn't matter at all? It doesn't matter that he can write these things for you?" Shen Wanjuan accused angrily.

Xu Manman felt that he was wronged, and immediately burst into tears.

"Auntie, I can testify that Manman didn't have such scandals in school." Li Sinian couldn't see Xu Manman crying, so he stood up and explained to her, saying: "He is very famous in school, likes many girls, and behaves like a man. Very obscene, especially like to recite love poems at the classroom door."

For Xu Manman, Li Sinian lied calmly.

Countless question marks appeared in Xu Manman's mind.

Charter well known in school?He's just an obscure little boy!

Zhang Zheng likes to recite love poems at the classroom door?But Class 1 and Class 14 are not on the same floor at all!

Could it be that... Li Sinian is lying for her?
"Really? Si Nian." Shen Wanjuan was dubious.

"Yes, Auntie, you can investigate if you don't believe me." Li Sinian looked confident.

Shen Wanjuan nodded, looked at Xu Manman again, and said seriously: "I don't blame you for the love letter, but your grades are so bad now, how can you go to high school like this? Find a tutor."

"Mom, I don't want to make up lessons!" Xu Manman protested.

"If you don't make up, you have to make up, otherwise, even if your high school buys it for you, you won't be able to keep up! How can you get into college?" Shen Wanjuan really hates iron for being weak.

"Mom..." Xu Manman was very wronged, she really didn't like studying!

"Auntie, why don't I give it a try? I'll make up lessons for Man Man." Li Sinian suggested.

"Sinian, are you willing to make up lessons for Manman?" Shen Wanjuan didn't expect this at first, since Li Sinian is also a student after all.

However, after thinking about it, Li Sinian is a top student in the school, and he is about the same age as his daughter, and since they grew up together, his daughter shouldn't be too resistant.

"Yes, Manman is like my younger sister. I also hope that Manman can improve her grades." Li Sinian solemnly promised, "Auntie, I can assure you that I will tutor Manman well."

Xu Manman was very happy at first, but when she heard the words "Manman is like my sister", she felt very uncomfortable, and it can be said that she felt a lot depressed.

"Okay, that would be great, thank you Si Nian." Shen Wanjuan agreed with a smile, pointed at Xu Manman and said, "Manman, you have to learn from Si Nian."

"It's so annoying!" Xu Manman yelled at Shen Wanjuan, then glared at Li Sinian, turned around and went upstairs quickly.

"This child, why is he so ignorant of good and bad!" Shen Wanjuan sighed helplessly, and said to Li Sinian, "Sinian, don't blame Manman, she was spoiled by us since childhood."

"I won't, Auntie." Li Sinian squatted down and tidied up all the books on the floor.

Shen Wanjuan looked at Li Sinian's actions with satisfaction, and said, "Sinian, if you want, you can stay in Xu's and be Manman's special assistant."

Li Sinian paused his hands slightly, then forced a smile, and replied, "Okay, Auntie."

After packing Xu Manman's schoolbag, Li Sinian went upstairs to Xu Manman's room and knocked on her door.

No one opened the door.

"Xu Manman, I'll come in if you don't open the door. I'll bring your schoolbag in." Li Sinian shouted at the door.

The next second, Xu Manman opened the door and looked at him coldly with pursed lips.

"Give me the schoolbag." She held out her hand.

Li Sinian didn't give it to her, but went straight into the room, closed the door, and put the schoolbag on the desk.

"Li Sinian, get out." Xu Manman's tone was bad.

(End of this chapter)

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