may you have a good time

Chapter 3 Why, Do This To Her!

Chapter 3 Why, Do This To Her!
It wasn't until Xu Manman seemed to be out of breath that Li Sinian let her go.

Reaching out to hold her shoulders, he pushed her onto the bed again.

Xu Manman fell down unexpectedly, looked up at Li Sinian who was standing by the bed, bit his lip, trembling all over.

Her eyes glistened with tears, like a frightened little rabbit.

"Li Sinian, I'm begging you. Give me 50..." Xu Manman had no choice but to plead as his mother was still waiting for the operation fee to go to the surgery.


"50 I've already sent someone to your card." He looked at her coldly, then turned and left directly after speaking.

After a while, there was a sound of closing the door outside.

When she walked out of the bathroom, the first thing she did was turn on her phone.

Then, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The 50 was already on the card, and Li Sinian didn't lie to her.

Xu Manman didn't dare to stop, and left Li Sinian's villa in a hurry, and came to the hospital.

Her mother, Shen Wanjuan, because she and her have been avoiding debts and overworked for the past five years, was investigated and dealt with kidney failure some time ago.

Originally, she had been undergoing dialysis, but the doctor said a few days ago that there was a suitable kidney source, which gave Xu Manman hope again.

Xu Manman has been a princess of the Xu family since she was a child, a daughter who grew up with a golden spoon.

But just five years ago, the company suddenly went bankrupt, and her father, Xu Jianguo, couldn't bear the blow, so he jumped off the building of the company and committed suicide.

In order to protect her, her mother, Shen Wanjuan, took her away from Beicheng and lived a life hiding from debts.

In the past few days, she actually thought of many ways to raise money, but she couldn't borrow any money, but...she met Li Sinian.

Xu Manman didn't know what had happened to Li Sinian in the past few years. He was no longer a young man who was dependent on others, but a wealthy group president.

However, she couldn't think too much, and hurried to her mother's ward.

Shen Wanjuan was lying on the bed with a pale face, she was already skinny.

"Manman, you're here." Shen Wanjuan smiled gratifiedly and sat up from the bed.

"Mom, take a good rest and don't move around." Xu Manman hurried forward and supported Shen Wanjuan.

"Aren't you tired from work? Mom knows that filming is very hard for you. I can take care of myself in the hospital. If you have time to rest, go back and sleep." Shen Wanjuan's voice was full of vicissitudes and weakness.

Thinking of five years ago, her mother was still a noble lady, but now her face is wrinkled and even has a lot of white hair.

"Mom, I borrowed the surgery fee, you can have the surgery now." Xu Manman sat by the bed, tightly holding the hand of his mother Shen Wanjuan.

The expression on his face was a mixture of happiness and sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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