may you have a good time

Chapter 4 Never Forget What You Said Chapter

Chapter 4 Never Forget What You Said
"What, Manman, have you borrowed money?" Shen Wanjuan grabbed her daughter's hand, her face turned paler immediately: "How did you borrow so much money? Don't let mother worry!"

"Mom, don't worry. I asked our boss for the loan. He thought I had great potential. He was worried that I would quit. Now that I asked him for the loan, I will have to work for him all the time." Xu Manman reluctantly With a smile on his face, he patiently explained to his mother.

But she lied to Shen Wanjuan, the boss didn't lend it to her at all, and even wanted to rape her.

In the end, the boss failed and fired her.

In desperation, she met Li Sinian, but she still couldn't escape the road of selling her body.

"Then did your boss make any unreasonable demands? Mom hopes you don't do stupid things." Shen Wanjuan's voice was a little choked up.

"Don't worry, Mom, I won't do anything to hurt myself."

As soon as Xu Manman finished answering, the doctor came to inspect and called her to the office to discuss the operation.

After leaving the doctor's office, her cell phone rang.

Xu Manman took out her mobile phone and saw that it was a series of unfamiliar numbers, so she pressed the answer button.

"Xu Manman, where are you now?" A familiar yet indifferent voice sounded.

Xu Manman's hand trembled, and the phone almost dropped.

"I'm in the hospital. I just confirmed the operation time with the doctor." She answered, then pursed her lips and said, "Thank you."

"Thank me? Then come and find me." Li Si young laughed, with a sarcasm in his tone.

"Our deal is over, I have to take care of my mother. Mr. Li, we have a chance to see you again!" Xu Manman took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to say it.

There was no sound on the other end of the phone, it was quiet.

Xu Manman was about to hang up the phone when Li Sinian's voice suddenly sounded again.

"Xu Manman, do you think you can sell for 50 yuan overnight?" Li Sinian's face was gloomy, and his deep eyes revealed a cold aura.

Xu Manman's face turned pale, and he asked in a trembling voice, "You...what do you mean?"

"Be my mistress." Li Sinian said with a sneer, shaking the red wine glass in his hand leisurely, narrowing his brows and eyes slightly.

With a "click", the bag in Xu Manman's hand fell to the ground, and he froze in place.

What she didn't expect was that Li Sinian was not such a person who would give up easily.

"Li Sinian, you are shameless! You didn't say that at all yesterday!" Xu Manman was a little flustered and at a loss.

She didn't know what Li Sinian wanted to do.

"Oh? Really?" Li Sinian sneered, his tone extremely serious: "Xu Manman, the operation fee has been paid, but what if the kidney source is gone?"

"Don't—" Xu Manman screamed, she didn't expect Li Sinian to be so ruthless.

Gritting her teeth tightly, she took a deep breath and slowly exhaled: "I am willing..."

"Be your mistress."

"That's good." Li Sinian seemed extremely happy.

That tone, as if she was a pet he bought with money.


Xu Manman delayed for a while, and after comforting his mother, he left the hospital under the pretext of working.

Came to Li Sinian's villa.

Standing at the gate of the villa, she looked up and could directly see the balcony in front of Li Sinian's bedroom.

It was in that place yesterday afternoon that she had been forced to suffer that kind of thing in humiliation in broad daylight.

Xu Manman felt as if her heart was being scraped by a blade, she had difficulty breathing, she really didn't know what Li Sinian would do if she asked her to be a mistress.

As if she was a whore without dignity.

"Ding dong... ding dong..." Xu Manman rang the doorbell of the villa.

A maid came out casually, looked her up and down, and asked, "What are you doing here again?"

Xu Manman was speechless for a moment, with an embarrassed look on his face.

She can't say that she is here to sell herself again, can she?
(End of this chapter)

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