may you have a good time

Chapter 5 Do you think you are worth so much money?

Chapter 5 Do you think you are worth so much money?

"Let her in." A deep voice sounded.

Xu Manman looked up and saw that Li Sinian was standing on the balcony with a glass of red wine in his hand, with a reckless posture and a masculine laziness.

"Yes, Mr. Li." The maid gave Xu Manman a dark look, and opened the door.

Xu Manman pursed her lips, walked into the villa with her head down, passed the living room, went upstairs, and came directly to Li Sinian's room.

"Li Sinian, I don't understand, what do you mean? What exactly do you want?"

When she got to the room, Xu Manman walked to the balcony. Because of her height difference, she could only raise her head, facing the sunlight, and asked Li Sinian.

"What do I mean, didn't you make it clear on the phone?" Li Sinian turned around, raised his eyebrows slightly, handed the goblet in front of Xu Manman, and ordered: "Drink it."

Xu Manman looked at the full red wine in the goblet, her expression was a little stagnant, and her tone was a little indifferent and ethereal, as if she was a warrior.

"It's because I dumped you five years ago, so you let me be your mistress to get revenge on me, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Manman was pulled into the room and pushed against the wall
She struggled desperately, but Li Sinian
Xu Manman turned his face away, but he forcefully pulled him back.

"Xu Manman, do you really think you are worth a lot? I will hold a grudge for playing games when I was young?" Li Sinian's face was sullen, and his voice was deep, as if he was Satan from hell.

"Li Sinian, then why did you treat me like this?" Xu Manman shouted aggrievedly.

The man in front of him was slightly taken aback.

In the next second, Xu Manman was violently pushed to the ground, his whole body was in severe pain, as if all the bones in his body were broken.

Li Sinian looked down at her who fell to the ground, his face was ashen, and his scarlet eyes stared at her.

"You don't know?" Li Sinian squatted down, stretched out his hands to pinch her chin, and said with a sneer, "Whether you admit it or not, my dad was killed by you. So, I think this punishment is for you." light!"

"What? Uncle Li is dead?" Xu Manman opened his eyes wide, obviously ignorant of this matter.

The family was sealed off five years ago, and her mother fled in a hurry with her.

After that, she never saw Uncle Li again.I haven't seen Li Sinian either.

"Are you still pretending?" He sneered.

"Li Sinian, I really don't know how did Uncle Li die? He's not very old next year!" Xu Manman was really dumbfounded, she felt that this news was a bad news for her.

Uncle Li is like a father to her, an elder who brought her up since childhood.

"Five years ago, when you ran away from home, I chased you and was hit by a car and died." His voice was gloomy like the king of Hades who came to ask for his life.

Xu Manman suddenly collapsed on the ground.

She never thought that Uncle Li would be killed because of herself.

"Uncle Li, I'm sorry..." Xu Manman covered his mouth with his hands and cried bitterly.

"Why are you pretending to be pitiful?" Li Sinian frowned, clamped Xu Manman's chin, and said coldly, "Isn't my father just a servant in your eyes? Are you heartbroken now?"

"No, no, Uncle Li is like my father to me..." Xu Manman shook his head desperately.

"Xu Manman, it's undeniable that you have good acting skills." Li Sinian knelt down, put his face in front of her, watched her every move, and then sneered.

"Do you remember what you said five years ago?"

(End of this chapter)

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