may you have a good time

Chapter 38 Man Man, Do You Want It?

Chapter 38 Man Man, Do You Want It?
Xu Manman stayed in the hospital for almost two months.

When she returned to the villa, she looked in the mirror and found that she had gained a lot of weight.

Li Sinian hugged her from behind and looked in the mirror with him.

"Manman, why are you so beautiful?" He inhaled the fragrance of her hair deeply.

"I've gained so much weight, yet you still say I'm beautiful?" Xu Manman felt that the man's mouth was really a deceiving ghost.

"I like it. In my eyes, it's beauty." Li Sinian gently pressed her against the wall and kissed her tenderly.

It wasn't until Xu Manman was a little out of breath that Li Sinian reluctantly let her go, but he didn't take a step closer.

"You...why don't you continue?" Xu Manman leaned against the wall, asking with downcast eyes shyly.

Li Sinian patted her head, and considering her weakness, said with a smile, "When you recover."

"I'm cured." Xu Manman blurted out, and immediately bit his lips.

Her face was flushed, what was she talking about?
Crazy crazy!

She is crazy!
"Manman, what did you say?" Li Sinian was a little dazed, a little surprised, he asked in disbelief: "You... want it?"

From what he heard just now, what Xu Manman meant was to invite him.

"Li Sinian, you...who wants it? You want it! Look at your place..." Xu Manman blushed, turned around and ran out of the bathroom.

Li Sinian lowered his head, he did react.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, Xu Manman must have been shy just now.

He walked out of the bathroom happily, Xu Manman had already fallen asleep, and he quickly went to bed, hugging her tightly.

"Manman, after a while, when you recover, we'll...have a wedding." He rested his chin on her head.

The woman in his arms didn't answer.

Li Sinian called her nervously, "Manman?"

"Li Sinian, do you still hate me for killing Uncle Li?"

Xu Manman felt guilty and uncomfortable when he thought that Uncle Li was hit by a car because of her, and he must have died in pain.

"I'm sorry, Manman, that's not your fault, don't be sad..." Li Sinian hugged her tightly and said, "I don't hate you, not at all, I only hate myself, I hate you I hated you for so many years."

"Manman, give me a chance to make up for you, okay?"

It was late at night, whether it was outdoors or indoors, it was very quiet.

a long time.

She whispered a word.

"it is good."

The two slept together.


After Xu Manman came back from the hospital, he had recuperated in the villa for another month.

She felt that she was almost fine, so she thought that when Li Sinian came back, she would talk to him about finding a job.

In the past few days, Li Sinian left early and returned late, and the company seemed to be very busy with a project.

She didn't want to bother him either.

After Xu Manman took a nap, he came back after taking a walk in the villa area, and then nestled on the sofa in the living room to watch TV.

At this time, Liu Yutong leaned over with the peeled apple, and asked probingly: "Miss Xu, President Li bought some supplements for you last night, let me give you some."

"Boss Li treats you so well!"

Xu Manman smiled, his face was full of happiness.

She found that her relationship with Li Sinian was getting better and better.

"By the way, last time I heard that President Li is going to marry you, when are you going to hold the wedding?" Liu Yutong asked again.

"Not yet." Xu Manman lowered his head slightly, and said shyly, "Look at him."

Liu Yutong held Xu Manman's hand sincerely, and said, "Miss Xu, you and Mr. Li will be very happy, because Mr. Li really loves you very much. During the time you were in the hospital, he lost a lot of weight. It's hard every day."

"Once, after he came home, he was so drunk that he recognized me as you, cried and shouted, insisted on hugging me, calling me Manman, treating me as you, I couldn't resist... "

"Ah... No, that's not the case, Miss Xu, I was talking nonsense just now, don't take it to heart..."

Liu Yutong looked flustered, like the kind of fear of accidentally slipping the tongue.

The smile on Xu Manman's face suddenly froze, she looked at Liu Yutong, her small face was pure and lovely like a Jiangnan girl.

"You... had a relationship?" Her voice was trembling with doubts.

"Miss Xu, I really didn't do it on purpose, and Mr. Li didn't do it on purpose either. Please don't think too much about it."

Liu Yutong knelt down on the ground with a "plop", tears streaming down her face. She grabbed Xu Manman's calf and shook her head while crying.

"When was it?" Xu Manman felt as if his whole body was icy cold, as if he had been stabbed in the heart, and it was difficult to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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