may you have a good time

Chapter 39 She Wants to Leave Here

Chapter 39 She Wants to Leave Here
Liu Yutong looked very scared, and cried, "It was because you were hurt by Liang Caiyue at that time. When you were in a coma in the hospital, Boss Li was very uncomfortable. After coming back, he was drunk, must not misunderstand!"

"When I woke up later, Boss Li gave me a sum of money and asked me not to say that I accidentally slipped my mouth just now. If Boss Li finds out, he will definitely punish me."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuu, I really didn't do it on purpose, please don't think too much, the only person Mr. Li loves is you, every time he looks at me, he always calls your name, he loves you already To the bone."

Xu Manman had been comforting himself in his heart just now, thinking that Li Sinian was just too uncomfortable, so he was drunk and had hallucinations.

She convinced herself to forgive him.

However, when she heard what Liu Yutong said, her psychological defense collapsed again.

"Every time?" Xu Manman's voice was cool, and she asked: "How many times have you done this?"

"I... I don't know either." Liu Yutong said in panic and fear like a little white rabbit: "Miss Xu, don't ask me, Mr. Li raised my salary and gave me an extra Money, he forbids me to tell you."

"Tell me!" Xu Manman roared.

"Miss Xu..." Liu Yutong cried even more pitifully after being beaten up. She sobbed and said, "If you don't count the drunk that night, there are still five nights... President Li said that you are sick, and he needs to find someone to solve it." Physiological needs, and said that I taste good, so I reluctantly use me..."

"He told me not to misunderstand, saying that he just regarded me as an inflatable doll and didn't allow me to tell you."

"Miss Xu, I really didn't say that on purpose. Don't worry, President Li hasn't looked for me since you came back. Don't worry..."

Liu Yutong lowered her head, and couldn't help but smile while crying, but Xu Manman didn't notice it at all.

Xu Manman stood up from the sofa in a daze, her heart was very uncomfortable.

Seeing that Xu Manman hadn't completely collapsed, Liu Yutong continued to cry: "Miss Xu, I... I am one month pregnant now, but I will go back and get rid of it in a few days. I will never disturb you and President Li. From now on, I will be your maid..."

"What? Pregnant? Are you pregnant?" Xu Manman felt his hands trembling and his voice trembling.

Liu Yutong nodded violently, and continued to sob: "President Li was very happy a few days ago, saying that you are coming back, let me pack everything here, and said that you will not have anything to do with me in the future."

"But he suddenly broke into my room again, saying that he had been suffering from suffocation for the past few days, so he begged me hard... After he left, I found out that I was bleeding when I took a shower, and I found out that I had blood when I went to the hospital for an examination. Pregnant..."

Liu Yutong sniffed like an innocent victim.

Xu Manman looked down at the woman kneeling on the ground crying. She was so pitiful and helpless. She worked as a maid in the master's house, but was used by the master as a tool to vent his desires, and she was even pregnant with a child.

Taking a breath, Xu Manman felt completely disappointed in Li Sinian.

Obviously the misunderstanding between the two has been resolved, and the two are about to enter the wedding hall, but what happened today is like a bolt from the blue.

The truth is so cruel.

That time when she was drunk, she might be able to bear it.

However, she never expected that Li Sinian would continue to assault Liu Yutong one after another, just for her own physical needs.

Xu Manman's heart was cold from beginning to end.

She wanted to leave here, to leave Li Sinian.

(End of this chapter)

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