may you have a good time

Chapter 40 The Finale

Chapter 40 The Finale

Xu Manman passed the security check and was about to wait for the flight.

"Manman!" A familiar voice sounded.

She turned her head, and Li Sinian rushed straight through the security check area and came in front of her.

"My plane is about to take off, please excuse me." Xu Manman looked at the man in front of him coldly, without any expression.

"Manman, I've never touched her, everything is directed and acted by her." Li Sinian held Xu Manman's hand tightly, not letting her leave.

If it wasn't for the monitoring in the living room, Li Sinian wouldn't even know that Liu Yutong would play this game.

"You're enough! I know you threatened her. You wanted to marry me in your heart, but your body cheated. I can't accept a man like you." Xu Manman shook off his hand and turned to leave.

There were many people at the airport, and everyone gathered to watch them, which made Xu Manman feel ashamed and wanted to leave quickly.

"Manman, I've only had sex with you in my life!" Li Sinian shouted at her back: "If I, Li Sinian, lie, I will be struck by lightning and die! I swear to you by the face of man!"

Xu Manman dragged the hand of the suitcase and stopped.

She wanted to believe her, but she didn't dare to believe it.

What Liu Yutong said is so true, it can't be made up, right?
"Manman, you go back with me, and I will prove it to you." Li Sinian ignored Xu Manman's objection, picked her up, and strode away from the airport.

Instead of taking her back, he went directly to the gynecology department of the hospital.

Seeing Liu Yutong lying on the operating room, Xu Manman cried when she saw Xu Manman coming, "Miss Xu, that's all my nonsense, I'm just jealous that you are going to marry President Li, so I want to destroy it." Your feelings... please forgive me, don't let the doctor examine me, I'm still a virgin, I'm afraid..."

"Mr. Li, please let me go...Miss Xu, I'm not pregnant at all, and Mr. Li has never been drunk. Please let me go. I'm talking nonsense."

Xu Manman looked at Liu Yutong in shock, then at Li Sinian in disbelief, and asked, "Did you force her to do this?"

"Manman, no, let the doctor prove it to you." Seeing that Xu Manman still didn't believe him, Li Sinian said to the doctor in the operating room, "Check it out immediately."

"Ah... don't..." Liu Yutong struggled desperately, rolled off the operating table, and fell in front of Xu Manman.

She grabbed her calf and cried, "Help me, Miss Xu, please believe me, I'm really not pregnant, and I really haven't had sex with President Li."

Xu Manman frowned, his mind went blank.

At this time, the doctor handed her a B-ultrasound and said, "Miss Xu, this is her test, and she has not been pregnant."

"Manman, can you trust me now?" Li Sinian asked cautiously.

Xu Manman lowered his head and looked at Liu Yutong lying on the ground, feeling very uncomfortable.

Probably because she never thought that a girl would have such a deep scheming.

"Let's go back." Xu Manman said lightly at first, then turned his head and glared at Li Sinian: "Also, change a maid, no, I want a male servant or a middle-aged maid."

"Manman, don't you still believe me?" Li Sinian was very nervous.

"No, I just don't want such a thing to happen again." Xu Manman shook his head.

When Li Sinian got excited, he immediately picked her up and happily took her back to the villa.


in the bedroom.

He carefully put her on the bed.

Xu Manman snorted lightly, turning his head away and not wanting to pay attention to him.

She wants to let Li Si Nian hang out.

This man is really attractive, it seems that she has many rivals in love!
"Manman, don't ignore me..."

Seeing Xu Manman's indifferent look, Li Sinian felt very uncomfortable. He carefully brought his face close to hers, and gently kissed her forehead, nose, lips, ears... as if sniffing delicious food puppy.

"Stop kissing, it makes my face itchy." Xu Manman stretched out his hand and pushed Li Sinian's face away.

"Manman, shall we have a baby?"


Indoors, heat waves piled on top of each other soon.


Three months later.

The country ushered in the most luxurious wedding.

The leading actors and actresses are Li Sinian and Xu Manman.

The TV station and the news are all rushing to report, but Xu Manman is clutching his stomach nervously, there are already two babies hidden inside.

Originally, the wedding was held a month later, but at that time she had a pregnancy test, so she waited for three months of danger before holding the wedding.

The child was left that night.

And she was pregnant with two at once, which surprised Li Sinian.

At the wedding, Li Sinian was very emotional. After the emcee's speech, he hugged Xu Manman and kissed her passionately.

"I am willing to stay by Manman's side for the rest of my life, take care of her, love her, and never leave her in life, old age, sickness and death."

"I would too."

Under the sun, her fair face was full of smiles.

season finale.

 This article is over!Readers who like this book can also pay attention to the author "Long Live the Lord" and view other novels~ In addition to this book, the works that have been completed so far include "The rest of my life is only for you" and "The fleeting years will not disappoint your love", long live the Lord Waiting for your luck!
  The next sweet pet short story will meet you soon~
(End of this chapter)

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