Cold ex-husband please go away

Chapter 381 Damn, Come Again

Chapter 381 Damn, Come Again

Lin Mengxi, Xiao Xi...

An Ziting didn't answer, and hung up the phone directly.

Go online and browse through Lin Mengxi's information.

Laughed, but also a little puzzled.

Since she is Gu Chengze's fiancée, why is she with Shaolin again? That night she heard the sound of her and Shaolin... being together?

But she was going to marry another man anyway.

But she was worried, could Mu Shaolin really let her go?
She continued to read.

Shaolin, so you like such a woman, then I don't mind becoming her!

As long as I can get your heart, I am willing to do anything!

At night, Ye Yao stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and frowned, always having a bad premonition in her heart.

At that time, outside a luxurious villa.

A diminutive man hides in the darkness with a camera in his hand.

He pondered for a long time.

After squatting here for so long, this person is cautious enough, and he has not been able to take a picture of him, and there is no way to continue like this.

As the world's second private detective, he has never encountered such a difficult situation. This is simply a stain in his career, a shame, and it must not be allowed to happen.

It seems that now there is only a fight.

He quietly approached the villa, hung the camera around his neck, and quickly climbed over the wall.

I avoided the servants and bodyguards inside, and hid behind a big tree.

As the night deepened, a luxury car drove into the villa.

When the man who was dozing off heard the sound of the car, the drowsy man was immediately driven away.

Looking straight at Mu Shaolin with shrewd eyes.

Soon, he picked up the camera and took several pictures of Mu Shaolin, but only his blurred profile in the night was captured.

The man flicked through the photos in the camera, frowning.

Then the figure moved quickly and came to the side of another tree.

Mu Shaolin narrowed his eyes dangerously.

He has always been extremely alert.

Generally, he can detect the slightest disturbance.

While chatting with the housekeeper, he held his mobile phone.

Soon, several bodyguards in black gradually surrounded the man who was still taking pictures.

The man paused and turned his head stiffly.

"Shift!" The man cursed in a low voice.

It was discovered!Fortunately, his ability to escape is good, otherwise he would have been caught countless times!
He ran away.

But more and more bodyguards surrounded him, and they still had guns in their hands.

Running east, saw several bodyguards, turned around...

run west...

run north...

"Fuck, it seems that today's fate will be accounted for here." The man cursed fiercely.

It is because this man is not simple, so he dare not act rashly.

He could have escaped without a gun.

But what the hell, everyone pointed their guns at him, but they didn't fire. It seemed that they wanted to capture him alive.

Forget it, let's die, it's death anyway, it's better to fight.

With a movement of his figure, relying on his short stature, he directly passed through the gaps surrounded by bodyguards.

The bodyguards were taken aback for a moment, and then shot him.

"Bang bang bang..."


A bullet passed through his back, and he ignored the pain and passed the fence.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Damn, come again!"

Another shot in the back.

The man frowned, and quickly hid in a narrow and remote place. He thought for a long time, it was the place he had prepared early in the morning, and they couldn't find it.


(End of this chapter)

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