Cold ex-husband please go away

Chapter 382 Sudden Accident

Chapter 382 Sudden Accident
The blood on the back is still flowing.

This is a society under the rule of law. If you carry a gun, are you not afraid of being arrested?

The man lay there, scolded Mu Shaolin no less than a hundred times, and waited for the footsteps outside to fade away.

Waited for a while before going out.

I remembered something and returned to my original position.

"Where's the camera?!" The man scratched his hair angrily.

I thought I lost it when I was running away, but I can't find it now, I almost lost my life, but I didn't gain anything!

From time to time, there were a few bodyguards walking around outside.

The man avoided left and right and finally escaped.


"Young master, this is left by that man just now." His subordinate said to Mu Shaolin respectfully.

Mu Shaolin frowned and asked, "What's on it?"

"Young master, there are all photos of this villa and your profile photo!"

Mu Shaolin's eyebrows furrowed fiercely.

"Who sent it?"

"I don't know."

"I have dealt with all the gatekeepers today!"

"Yes, young master."

Mu Shaolin returned to the villa, sat on the sofa and rubbed his brows, and there was a camera on the coffee table.

With Xiao Xi's wedding approaching, he felt more and more uneasy now.

I don't know if it's because she is unwilling to marry Xiao Xi to Gu Chengze, or because she is worried about what will happen.

Was this sent by the old man today, or who is going to watch him!

His pupils were dimmed.


The next day, Ye Yao received a call from a short man.

"Miss Ye, I was discovered by that man, and he will take precautions. In this way, it will be more difficult to know who he is, sorry."

Ye Yao frowned and asked, "Are you okay?"

He helped her a lot, otherwise it would be difficult for her to find so much evidence in such a short period of time.

The man laughed heartily, "Who am I? I'm the famous international second private detective. If I'm so prone to accidents, then I won't be able to hold this title!"

Hearing this, Ye Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, Miss Ye, I'll refund the money to you."

Ye Yao said: "You deserve it, and you have helped me a lot."

She was just a casual gang at the beginning, but he always remembered that.

"Okay, I accept it. If you want me to help you with something next time, feel free to mention it. You don't need to pay next time. It would be too outrageous!"

Ye Yao smiled and said, "Okay, definitely."


After hanging up the phone, Ye Yao sat on the bed tiredly.

Originally, I thought that I could know who the man behind Lin Mengxi was helping, so I could be prepared.

Now that there is another accident, I can only take one step at a time.

No matter what the result is, whether Lin Mengxi will be allowed to escape, she will follow the original plan. She doesn't want to wait any longer.

In the four years since she woke up, the only thing she wanted to do was revenge.

Waiting for this day, she has been waiting for a long time!

No matter what this time, she will let Lin Mengxi be punished and do her best.

She didn't know how Gu Chengze would treat Lin Mengxi after he knew that Lin Mengxi gave him a cuckold, but she thought he would protect him.

For those he cares about, he will do his best to protect them, and for those he hates, he can abandon them like shoes.

And there is the man behind Lin Mengxi...

There are too many accidents!

She really didn't know if she could completely defeat Lin Mengxi this time.

She sat on the bed silently for a long time, then turned on her cell phone and called Shen Mingxuan, "Mingxuan."


(End of this chapter)

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