Chapter 129
"I am the ancestor dragon, the group of all things. It is not unnoticed that among the spirit beasts participating in today's gathering, some have been enslaved by humans; some have just escaped from the captive forests of the two empires; , Under the suppression of human soul masters, your body is full of scars. You are the long-term victims of man-made pain. Stick to it, and firmly believe that the political power is obtained from the fist."

"Let's go back to Wuhun Hall, back to Tiandou City, back to Xingluo City, back to the places where our ancestors left their footprints."

"We need to know that this situation can and will change. Let's not fall into despair."

"Friends, today I tell you that in the present and in the future, despite all the difficulties and setbacks we have encountered, I still have a dream. This dream is deeply rooted in the dream of the soul beast."

"I dream that one day, the soul beasts will come out of the Star Dou Forest, out of the Empire's captive Soul Hunting Forest, out of the extreme north, out of the ocean."

"I dream that one day, in the city of Tiandou City, our soul beasts can live the lives of humans in the past."

"I dream that one day, the mainland will be rejuvenated and full of lush greenery."

"I dream that one day, the valleys will rise, the mountains will descend, the rough and tortuous roads will become smooth, and the holy light will shine on the mainland."

"However, the cruel reality gave me a slap in the face. The soul masters in human society hunt and kill us indiscriminately. Their territory is expanding step by step."

"They told me that they advanced to the level of soul masters and must hunt for soul rings. They are innocent."

"They told me their populations are getting bigger. The population is getting bigger. The forest has to keep being eaten."

"Even if they put our blood and flesh on the table. They still have a reason. The reason is that they are hungry."

Gu Chen used his soul power in every sentence.The sound spread to every corner. All the soul beasts on the 33 hills heard Gu Chen's speech at the swearing-in meeting.








Gu Chen deliberately remained silent for ten seconds.The purpose is to seduce the hatred in the soul beast's heart.

Gu Chen glanced at the soul beasts on the 33 mountaintops, and an angry light appeared in their eyes.Even under Xiao Wu's rule, those kind-hearted rabbits still showed fierce eyes.

Some carnivorous soul beasts sounded like they were oppressed by humans in the past.Especially those who were infiltrated by Gu Chen and Silver Dragon King and rescued by the two empires were captured by the two empires and possessed the soul beasts used for annual hunting.Showing their sharp fangs.

Ten seconds later, Gu Chen asked, "Is their reason ridiculous?"





The soul beasts on the 33 hilltops all roared in unison, responding to Gu Chen.

"Is their reason ridiculous?" Gu Chen continued to ask.




"In the human world, the victorious Congress requires the defeated country to cede land for compensation. In the human world, if an accident kills a person, it needs to cultivate fifty gold soul coins. One life, fifty gold soul coins. What about our soul beasts? ? Is the life of a soul beast worthless?"




"How many years. I can't count. The soul beasts that are killed every year because of the soul master's advanced soul master level; the soul beasts that die every year because the nobles show off their wealth and go to the dinner table. But I To be sure, this is an astronomical sum. An astronomical sum that cannot be paid by the entire human society."

"Among you, some people will say. Humans are very strong. They are no longer a humble race in ancient times. They have stood at the top of the food chain. They have some powerful martial spirits, and an army of soul masters that cannot be ignored. People There are many forces, we are not opponents."

"Yes, I have to admit that."

"Our soul beasts are indeed no match for humans in some respects."

"But, we have no choice."

"Due to the expansion of human beings, the major forests on the mainland are shrinking every year. Sooner or later, our spirit beasts will be homeless."

"If we don't fight this battle, our children and grandchildren will fight it."

"Even if our descendants don't fight, they will definitely be persecuted by humans."

"Now, tell me. To fight, or not to fight?"




The soul beasts on the 33 hilltops all roared in unison.The voice is loud enough to boil the sky.

"Okay. If that's the case, let's go. Declare war on humans. Tell them who is the real master of this continent!"

After Gu Chen said these words, Ditian, Bi Ji, Zi Ji, Wan Yao Wang, Xiong Jun, Chi Wang, Da Ming, Er Ming, Xiao Wu, and Yao Ling all summoned their spirit avatars.


Amid the deafening roar, the soldiers were divided into 33 groups.He ran out of the Star Dou Great Forest and entered the human society.

Originally, the 33 mountain tops were full of wild spirit beasts, but in the end there were only five people left, Silver Dragon King, Gu Chen, Huo Wu, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er.

Gu Chen waited until everyone had left, then put away his martial soul avatar.It slowly landed in front of Huo Wu and the others.

"Are your respective families ready?" Gu Chen asked.


Huo Wu, Shui Yue'er and Shui Bing'er nodded.

"Dugu Bo, Dugu Yan, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School, Yuzhi Clan, Min Zhi Clan, Po Zhi Clan, Li Zhi Clan, and Meng Yiran's family. Is the news in place?" Gu Chen continue to ask.


Huo Wu, Shui Yue'er and Shui Bing'er nodded.

Gu Chen also has his power in human society.

As an emperor, you must know how to check and balance.

What Gu Chen wants to be is not only the supreme soul beast, but also the supreme human race.

Gu Chen asked Huo Wu, Shui Bing'er, and Shui Yue'er to pass on the order to let his forces in the human world gather their troops and stay behind closed doors.And put a mysterious symbol on the door, and raise a banner with a mysterious symbol at home.

In this case, the spirit beast army can avoid attacking them.

Gu Chen looked at Shui Binger's hesitant to speak, and asked, "You can say whatever you want. I'm happy today."

Shui Bing'er raised her head, looked at Gu Chen, and said, "The Heaven Dou Empire and the Xingluo Empire are fighting against the Wuhun Palace at Jialing Pass and Yangchun Pass. Almost all of their forces have gathered in those two places. The army of soul beasts suddenly Attacking human society, I believe that many human sites will be captured in a short time."

"This is my purpose." Gu Chen said.

"However, soul beasts are soul beasts after all. If you continue like this, many people will definitely be killed. Especially those carnivorous soul beasts, they will eat humans when they are hungry." Shui Bing'er reminded.

"I know." Gu Chen nodded.

"Then you still haven't made rules to restrain those soul beasts?" Shui Bing'er urged Gu Chen anxiously.


PS: I heard that there is a war.

Let me explain here that this book is not against humanity.

Let me also explain here how precious a prosperous country is to us.

Here, I wish our country stronger and stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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