Douluo's ancestor dragon is destroyed

Chapter 130 Bibi Dong's Opportunity

Chapter 130 Bibi Dong's Opportunity
Gu Chen stared at Shui Bing'er.

Shui Binger froze for a moment, then knelt down on one knee, kneeling on the ground.Said: "Bing'er said something wrong, please punish the master."

With a wave of Gu Chen's hand, a soul force lifted Shui Bing'er up.

Gu Chen looked at Shui Bing'er, smiled and said: "Bing'er, as I said, I am in a happy mood today, you can say whatever you want. I will not punish you. As for your question, I can answer it for you. "

"Once the human-animal war begins, the carnivorous spirit beasts will eat human beings. This is within my expectation. And this is also the result I want to achieve."

"Humanity is developing too fast. I am not targeting human beings. Human creativity is too rich. I have been to many worlds. In those worlds, human beings have developed unprecedentedly. Some even have weapons that can destroy planets."

"Weapons that can destroy planets?" Shui Bing'er murmured to herself.

"Many, such as the atomic bomb, such as the more powerful tide. Once a war is launched, the consequences will be very serious. For the sustainable development of this continent, human creativity must be suppressed." Gu Chen replied.

"But, you are weakening the people."

"It is indeed weakening the people. I do not deny that I am preventing the development of society. However, I am also protecting this continent. Whether I am right or wrong, in this life, since I have this ability, everything will be Follow my wishes. Even if I am not understood by humans." Gu Chen replied.

Shui Bing'er stopped talking, and looked at Gu Chen blankly.

As a human being, Shui Bing'er has to admit that Gu Chen is bad.

It's just that Shui Bing'er is a human being, she has to admit that Gu Chen is a human being worthy of forgiveness.

Not just Shui Bing'er, but even Huo Wu and Shui Yue'er, the way they looked at Gu Chen became much more kind.

There is another very important reason why Gu Chen did this.

That is, he knew that after tens of thousands of years, the soul beasts on this continent were almost extinct.Soul masters have become the poor team on the mainland.Because the soul master is no longer available.


In an open space, there is a circular tower.

Narrow windows, semicircular arches, low cupolas, and door frames picked out layer by layer for decoration.A large number of columns and vaults of various shapes are used to achieve a solid, heavy, balanced, stable, and saturated aesthetic effect. The narrow windows form a strong contrast with the vast interior space, making the interior of the castle dim and deep. A sense of mystery and darkness.

This castle was built on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.Its role is to ensure the safety of human society.Prevent some spirit beasts from fleeing into human society.

Outside the castle, two soldiers in armor, armed with spears, patrolled routinely.

"Akon, do you feel cold?"


"Strange, why do I feel that I am cold."

"Could it be that women play too much? I've told you many times. There are only plowed cows, but no plowed fields. Let you take it easy."

"What are you talking about. I'm a soul master. Our soul masters are better than ordinary people. And I haven't touched a woman in the past three days. How could I feel very cold?"


Suddenly, the ground shook.


The two soul masters looked stunned, and when they were about to ring the bell to wake up the sleeping people in the castle, their eyes looked towards the sky.

In the sky, a dark cloud flew towards this side quickly.

Dark clouds cover the sky and the moon, and the speed is extremely fast.

"what is that?"

Under the panicked eyes of the soul master on duty, the trees in the Star Dou Great Forest in front moved.

The vibration of the trees formed a sea wave, rushing towards the castle from afar.

"Could it be... a beast tide?"

The soldier had just said this.In the bushes around the Star Dou Great Forest, many soul beasts sprang up.

First of all, there are ghost wolves, mandala snakes, and man-faced spiders... Although their formations are chaotic, every race will gather together and rush towards this side at a very fast speed.

"Not good, beast tide!"

The soul master was dumbfounded.

"Go and ring the bell. These damned soul beasts, have they forgotten the lesson from a hundred years ago?"

Another soul master cursed loudly.

However, he had no chance to curse anymore.

Swoop a bird from the sky.Swallowed him into his stomach in one gulp.

The shaking aroused the thoughts of the residents in the castle.

Before they got dressed, the castle was surrounded by a large army of spirit beasts, and all the soldiers in the castle were captured.

This castle has become the territory of the spirit beast.

A scene like this, centered on the Star Dou Forest, spread towards the surrounding human cities in the next day.


The two empires each received the news that the berserk spirit beasts from the Star Dou Great Forest captured the human city.

The army of soul beasts has carnivorous soul beasts on the ground, as well as birds in the sky, and there are even soul beasts in the water.

It can be described as the three major armies of sea, land and air.

Under the attack of the army of spirit beasts, there were thirty cities in the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire, all of which were captured by the army of spirit beasts in just one day.

Due to the stalemate between the armies of the two empires and the army of the Wuhun Empire at the front line, it was never expected that there would be an army of spirit beasts emerging.As a result, the imperial capitals of the two major empires have been seriously threatened.

His Majesty Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire and His Majesty Dai Aotian of the Star Luo Empire wanted to stop fighting with the Wuhun Palace and cooperate with the Wuhun Palace to fight back against the army that invaded the human world.

"I don't agree." Bibi Dong replied.

"Your Majesty, the army of spirit beasts has captured thirty cities of human beings. If we continue to fight, the cities of our Spirit Empire will also be in jeopardy." A former Platinum Bishop of the Spirit Palace persuaded.

"When it comes to such a day, we will naturally have a way to deal with it. Send me an order to kill the envoys of the two empires who came to seek peace. And launch a fierce attack on the armies of the two empires. Destroy Tiandou and destroy Xingluo. Just Today." Bibi Dong ordered.

Under Bibi Dong's order, the Wuhun Empire's army launched a fierce attack.

The Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire were under attack from behind, and they cursed Bibi Dong's counterattack angrily.

But what else could the two empires do.

In order to deal with the Wuhun Empire, the two great empires used almost all the power of the whole country to attack the Wuhun Empire.In each city of the two empires, there are only a small number of troops maintaining law and order.

However, the soul beast army in the Star Dou Great Forest is the three major armies of the navy and army.The total number is in the hundreds of millions.Although the individual strengths vary, they are scary.

Many cities have already surrendered without a fight.The imperial capitals of the two empires have been endangered.

Once the imperial capital falls, the two great empires will be completely over.

Reluctantly, the two empires could only leave a small part of their troops, withdraw their troops, and go to deal with the sudden army of soul beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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