Douluo's ancestor dragon is destroyed

Chapter 131 Ascension to the God Realm

Chapter 131 Ascension to the God Realm
Although the armies of the two empires basically retreated, they spread rumors that Bibi Dong and the Wuhun Empire were selfish and disregarded the life and death of human beings.It is hoped that by doing so, Bibi Dong can be forced to attack the two empires, and even join them in resisting the spirit beast army.

For this matter, Spirit Empire held a vote to decide.

The result of the final vote took Bibi Dong quite by surprise.Surprisingly, more than half of the votes agreed with Bibi Dong's suggestion, taking this opportunity to destroy Heaven Dou and Xingluo.

Bibi Dong didn't know that those who supported her were slaves of Huo Wu and Shui Yue'er.Of course, except for the celestial phenomenon Hu Yanzhen and the platinum bishop Salas.

Astronomical phenomenon Hu Yanzhen and platinum bishop Salas are Gu Chen's slaves.

In the situation that the Wuhun Empire ignored the pressure of public opinion, the Wuhun Empire's army launched a fierce attack on the two empires.Let the Wuhun Empire seize a large piece of territory.

"What time is it, the Spirit Empire is going to have a civil war."

"That's right, human beings have reached the most dangerous time. I've heard that, except for pregnant women, even some children among human beings have become soul beasts. But the Spirit Empire still wants to attack the two great empires, not to deal with soul beasts." Beast Army."

"This Spirit Empire is hateful. I am ashamed to be his citizen."

If cursing could kill people, then Bibi Dong would have died countless times.

Bibi Dong didn't care about it.

Bibi Dong's original purpose was to destroy this world.

After Gu Chen's advice, Bibi Dong changed her original intention.Her purpose is no longer to destroy this world that she hates, but to destroy the nobles in human society.Especially the foundation of Qianjia.That is the foundation of the Wuhun Empire.

Since it is detrimental to the Spirit Empire and the Qian Family, Bibi Dong will definitely do it to the end.

The Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire perished under the attack of the Wuhun Empire and the spirit beast army.

After the spirit beast army wiped out the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, they did not continue to attack.Instead, it gave the Spirit Empire a chance to breathe.

The Wuhun Empire is anxious about all the forces of human society.Of course, except for the power of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the Yuzhi Clan, the Po Zhi Clan, the Min Zhi Clan, the Yao Zhi Clan and the Elephant Armor School.Together against the army of soul beasts.

There is only one purpose for Gu Chen to do this.That is the power to completely destroy human society once and for all with the help of the Spirit Empire.In this way, the mainland has at least a few decades of peace.

Bibi Dong did not disappoint Gu Chen, and gathered all the soul masters in human society.Including soul masters of more than a dozen levels.

Just when these humans were confident that they could defeat the army of soul beasts, they never thought that the queen of their empire was already Gu Chen's slave.

Yes, Bibidong sold them,

Bibi Dong betrayed the last remaining power of resistance in human society.

Bibi Dong told Gu Chen all the routes the army took.The army of soul beasts ambushed the human army.The last hope of human beings to defeat the spirit beasts also disappeared.

Hope is gone, and all that's left is despair.

When the Wuhun Empire fell, Bibi Dong, as the empress, disappeared.Elephant armor sect Hu Yanzhen was the first to surrender to the army of martial spirits.Since then, the war between humans and beasts has ended.

After countless years, soul beasts ruled the continent again.

Since then, Gu Chen has set the rules.

Qibao Liulizong, Yuzhi Clan, Minzhi Clan, Lizhi Clan, Pozhi Clan, Yuzhi Clan, Elephant Armor Sect, as well as Shui Bing'er and Shui Yu'er, the factions where Huo Wu belongs to, all received Gu Chen's protection.It is allowed to build a place where humans live around them plus Platinum Bishop Salas as the center.

The rest of the humans and their territories are all under the rule of the soul beasts.

Some powerful soul beasts have become the masters of humans in various regions by offering sacrifices to spirits.

Yes, Gu Chen changed an era by himself.Let the era return to something similar to ancient times.

Ten years later, greenery appeared in more and more places on the continent.The air became clearer and the sky became bluer.

In 14 years, human beings want to resist.But it was brutally suppressed by the soul beast.

In 20 years, there are still small-scale resistances erupted by humans.

In 50 years, the mainland has entered a period of peace.

In 80, almost no one remembered Wuhundian and Bibi Dong.

In the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, Gu Chen and the others stood together.

"It's started." Gu Chen said.

With a thought in Gu Chen's mind, ten halos appeared behind him.Rise up by itself.

Silver Dragon King, Ditian, Bi Ji, Zi Ji, Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor, Titan Snow Demon King, Deep Sea Demon Whale King, etc. are all slowly rising.

Every creature is covered with a ray of light.

From a high altitude, a colorful channel descends.

Today, they will ascend to the God Realm.


In ancient times, the Douluo Continent was ruled by the dragon clan. The dragon god, the ancestor of the dragon clan in the Douluo Continent, relied on his own unique talents to cultivate into a god, ascended to the God Realm, and directly produced the position of a god.

Because the power of the Dragon God is too strong, the God Realm Committee wants to restrain it, but the Dragon God is rebellious by nature and refuses to follow suit. In the God Realm, he joins forces with other gods and beasts to launch a war against the gods, which is known as the Dragon God War in history.

At that time, all kinds of monsters, spirit beasts and the like in the human world were allowed to enter the God Realm after reaching the god-level level through their own hard work, and they had a special system of gods for gods and beasts.

The gods and beasts have always been controlled by the gods. Under the leadership of the dragon god, the gods and beasts broke out wildly and wanted to unify the gods.

The war soon spread to the entire God Realm. In the end, the God of Goodness, the God of Evil, the God of Shura, the God of Destruction, and the Goddess of Life, the five masters of the God Realm Committee at the time, joined forces to command all the gods in the God Realm to fight against the beasts. field.

In the end, the gods and beasts headed by the dragon god were defeated, but the gods also suffered heavy losses. Among the seven first-level gods of the elemental gods at that time, four of them fell in the hands of the dragon god.It was the God of Good and the God of Evil who joined forces to defeat the Dragon God.

Dragon God's consciousness and soul were all shattered, but with his own powerful ability, he forcibly split under serious injuries and turned into the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King.After the spiritual consciousness was completely shattered, it turned into spiritual consciousness again, and the original extremely powerful and perfect abilities were also inherited by the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King respectively.

The Golden Dragon King inherited the powerful physical ability of the Dragon God, with infinite strength, invulnerability, and unparalleled speed.The Silver Dragon King inherited the Dragon God's ability to control the power of the elements, and at the same time controlled the power of the six elements: water, fire, earth, wind, light and darkness.

When the Dragon God split, a huge amount of energy was generated. In order to be able to wipe out the grass, the God Realm Committee went all out to kill it.In the end, the Golden Dragon King was killed in the God Realm, and everything in his soul was obliterated, leaving only his divine power, which was sealed in the God Realm Committee.However, the Silver Dragon King took advantage of the chaos and rushed out of the God Realm, burrowing into the turbulent flow of time and space and disappearing.

But fortunately, the Silver Dragon King was also severely injured when he fled, and his spiritual consciousness was completely shattered, turning back into a spiritual consciousness that only exists in the human world.Even if he didn't die in the turbulence of time and space, it would not be a problem.

That change of the dragon clan brought great damage to the God Realm. Nearly half of the gods' positions were vacated, and it took hundreds of years to recover their vitality.

You know, hundreds of years in the God Realm, for the human world, that is tens of thousands of years!It took several 10 years in the human world to replenish the divine slander for the God Realm, which shows how painful that experience was.

This tragic experience also caused the God Realm Committee to issue the most severe divine punishment in history. From then on, no human beasts were allowed to enter the God Realm through cultivation.The path for beasts to advance to the God Realm was completely blocked, and a series of gods for beasts were also cancelled.

After that, all the beasts under the control of the God Realm, no matter how powerful they are, will eventually be suppressed below the God Realm, and they will never find any way to the God Realm.In the end, it can only be at the peak of the beast until death.

(End of this chapter)

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