Chapter 105 as you wish

"It's not a conflict, it's just that I didn't meet the right person."

Sun Ying said helplessly.

It is very difficult to meet the right person with the conditions and vision of a counselor. Tang Dou smiled and said: "The more excellent a person, no matter emotionally or getting along with other people, he should try his best to ignore his own superiority and the other party's "non-principle." "Sex" is insufficient, especially when getting along with a partner, it is like diplomacy, sometimes requiring common ground while reserving differences, and making a choice."

"Otherwise you will have no friends."

In this regard, Mu Wanying is impeccable.

"Too good to have no friends, I'll take it as you to comfort me." Sun Ying looked at Tang Dou with some novelty, and suddenly felt like seeing each other late, "Knowing so much, how many times have you been in love?"

"I don't have a puppy love, I'm just a theoretical expert, summed up from the book and other people's marriage."

Tang Dou shook his head.

Sun Ying seriously reflected on herself.

"There are actually no right or wrong standards for many things, but the same goal by different routes. Everything is based on your own way. Isn't it obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

Tang Dou said again.

"My parents and my elder sister are all like this. I have been influenced by them to some extent. In order not to be judged by my family, I have strived for perfection in everything since I was a child. Maybe I was too precocious. At school, people around me are very naive."

"I'm getting more and more alone."

Sun Ying nodded in agreement, "I have been teaching in the mountains for two years, and I have changed a lot."

"In my family, my father is easy to talk, my mother has severe obsessive-compulsive disorder, and my sister follows me."

Tang Dou expressed sympathy for Sun Ying.

The next two concentrated on playing a few rounds.Tang Dou played billiards with his roommate a few times, it was really boring, it was just the feeling of how lonely it is to be invincible.The people around her are only Sun Ying, who can play at a certain level.

After playing ball until after nine o'clock, Tang Dou and Sun Ying took a taxi back to school.

Farewell to the counselor, Tang Dou estimated that Mu Wanying had finished reading the book, so he called her.

Mu Wanying had just finished her run and was about to go to the supermarket to buy things for her roommates, so she hung up after a few words and went back to the dormitory to chat.

Tang Dou's cell phone rang again just after hanging up, and his mother Shen Yun called.

"Mom, haven't you slept yet?" Tang Dou connected.

"I just fell asleep and dreamed of you, and I was woken up by your father, you son of a bitch, did you forget about your home when you went out, so you can't take the initiative to call home every few days? Your father and I won't call you. There was no reply."

Mom started talking about Tang Dou again.

Just dreamed about his son, Shen Yun missed him very much, he never called home or sent messages when he was fine, as if he had been released.

"What are you shouting about at night?" Then Tang Dou heard Old Tang's voice.

"Mom, I know. I will report my safety once a week." Tang Dou quickly comforted his mother.

"Don't take this as a task, but make it a habit, and call home every now and then if you have anything to do."

Shen Yun guided patiently.

"Mom, I know." Tang Dou said.

"Is the living expenses enough?"

"That's enough. It's enough for me to do a part-time work-study program."

"Don't take the part-time job seriously. If you have no money, just say, Mom will call you two thousand tomorrow."

"By the way, what's going on with you and Mu Wanying? Mu Wanying's mother added me as a friend today, and even invited me to hang out on weekends." Shen Yun suddenly thought of this and found it interesting.

"As you wish, I will care more about Wanying in the future." Tang Dou didn't intend to hide it either.

"Okay, I'll add Wanying as a friend tomorrow." After reacting, Shen Yun was overjoyed, "If you catch up with me, take good care of her, I'm about to weave a pair of insoles for you, let's give Wanying first, what size shoes does she wear. "

"Mom, you have a daughter-in-law and forget about your son."

"Don't talk nonsense, you don't lack insoles now, how big are Wanying's feet."


"Okay, don't stay up late, go to bed early." Shen Yun was sleepy and hadn't reacted yet.

"Mom, wait a minute, Wanying's shoes are size 37."

"Stinky Boy"


After Shen Yun hung up the phone, Old Tang turned on the bedside light and turned off the overhead light, "I don't want the two children to talk too early, although the family knows everything, they are still young, and it's not easy to see each other if there is a constant quarrel."

"Don't worry, Wanying is sensible, I feel more at ease with her watching Doudou outside."

Shen Yun didn't worry so much.

Tang Guozheng didn't say much, his son was too assertive, and no one could change what was decided.

After returning to the dormitory and washing up, Mu Wanying sent Tang Dou a message as soon as possible.

If you don't chat with Doudou for a while before going to bed, you always feel that there is something missing in the day. If you chat with Doudou to say good night, you feel that the day is complete.

After the relationship was established, Mu Wanying felt that college life was simpler, more stable, and more interesting.

study, fall in love.

When you are tired of reading, chat with Doudou, look at the photos of the two, or imagine the future.

The future that Mu Wanying imagined is also very simple.After graduating, go home, fight for proof, get a job, and get married at the right time.
Eat, sleep, fight.

Mu Wanying thought in her heart, the corners of her mouth curled up.

It will be sour, good night.

There is basically nothing wrong with the company's operation, and Zhang Yadong and Guo Jing can handle it well.Improvement in other aspects, such as the establishment of the database, the purchase of some office supplies, etc., are all done by Guo Jing and Qiao Mai.

Tang Dou posted the investment projects and plans in the group according to the investment guidelines, and Zhang Yadong just followed the steps.

Mi Le checks Guo Jing's financial report every day, counting the money to put it bluntly.

For convenience, Mi Le brought all the computers from high school, put them in his bag, and calculated his finances every day.

Tang Dou didn't like counting money, so Mi Le counted as much as he could.

Since Le Dou Company officially invested 500 million working capital in operation for a few days, the average daily income has been around 15, which means that it brings about [-]% of the investment amount every day, which is already very impressive.

According to this benefit, Tang Dou would not have to repay the debt with his own body after more than two months.

Mi Le discussed with Tang Dou to bring a few employees to a dinner after get off work on Friday, which would be regarded as a formal welcome for them and at the same time make the team better integrated.

Tang Dou will definitely not be able to do it on Friday, Mu Wanying will come over.

"I can't be with my girlfriend anytime. It must be Friday. I don't work on weekends. On Fridays, employees can have fun." Mi Le explained the reason.

"I want to go home early on Friday when I have a family in Jindu, let's say Thursday." Tang Dou suggested.

Miller was helpless.

Although she ran the company single-handedly, she has no temper at all in front of Tang Dou.

But seeing that Tang Dou didn't take the company seriously, Mi Le was worried and angry, could he have some snacks.

In order to be crazy with you, people work tirelessly regardless of gains and losses, and you are so inattentive.

"You still focus on your career. What kind of girls can't find a man who succeeds in his career? When a girl fell in love with you when she was a freshman or sophomore, as a girl, I can tell you in charge. It's a waste of time, wait for the novelty to wear off, not to mention after graduation, girls will start to think about reality when they are in the third or fourth year of college, if your family background is mediocre and your job is not very good, there is a high probability that you will break up."

"Most of the time when we fall in love is to raise a daughter for someone else."

Miller said righteously:
"If it's just to solve a certain need, there is no need to waste feelings and time. I am willing to sacrifice everything for our great cause. If you don't think I am beautiful enough and don't want to be with me, you can find someone else. Just pay attention to safety and be serious. Treat our business okay."

In order to pull Tang Dou into the water, Mi Le "benevolently lures"

However, what Mi Le said was indeed reasonable and convincing, but she didn't know Mu Wanying well.

Mu Wanying is one tenth of that few.

"The main reason I fall in love is to have an emotional sustenance. If I want to waste my relationship and time with you, would you be willing?"

Looking at Mi Le who was rarely angry, Tang Dou made a very serious look.

PS: Thanks to the readers with the tail number 5292 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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