Chapter 106
"Mile, would you like it?"

In the car, Tang Dou looked "affectionately" at the fierce Mi Le.

Mi Le, who was still furious just now, lost his temper in an instant.

Mi Le naturally understood that Tang Dou was not confessing his love to her, but tactfully refuted her, making her contradict herself.

The best form of rebuttal is to make the other person contradict themselves.

At the same time, she defended Mu Wanying and her relationship with Mu Wanying.

Too hard to do.

Mi Le lamented in her heart. During this period of time, she almost finished pouring Tang Dou the poisonous chicken soup that she had prepared for more than ten years after comparing it with ordinary people in the expensive circle. Tang Dou still showed no signs of poisoning. Tang Dou was a little poisoned a few days ago Signs, manifested as low mood and love of work, but how suddenly it got better these two days, and the resistance became stronger.

Who detoxified.

Mi Le, who was asked by Tang Dou, was speechless. Seeing Tang Dou's "passionate" eyes, Mi Le's anger dissipated instantly, and he waved his hands and said, "I'm one of those few people. After all, I'm not short of money. I lack love."

"Lack of love, you should have said earlier, father's love, mother's love, elder brother's love, I can give you all."

Tang Dou was not aggressive, he spread his hands and said with a smile.

Mi Le glared viciously, and got back to business, "Stop joking, I want you to take our business seriously, I don't care about losing money, I just want you to succeed."

"Wouldn't it be fine if I just let the company go bankrupt just for the sake of you?"

Mi Le looked at Tang Dou and added.

"Stop, stop, don't be expressive, I'm still used to the scum of you."

Tang Dou interrupted Mi Le, who was getting more and more provocative.

Mi Le turned his head and stopped talking.

The company dinner is scheduled for Thursday after get off work, at a hotel near the company.

Tang Dou and Mi Le didn't go to the company. They drove to the hotel to book a private room after four o'clock. Because it was a personal treat, Guo Jing was not allowed to arrange it. Tang Dou and Mi Le arranged it personally. The address was posted in the group, which seemed sincere .

After get off work at five, Zhang Yadong and Guo Jing took the others to the hotel.

"Boss Tang and Vice President Mi are so sincere that they went to arrange the dinner in person." Qiao Mai was flattered.

"It shows that we attach great importance to the company, not impulsive entrepreneurship."

"The return on investment these days has been very good. It should be that someone behind the scenes has instructed Mr. Tang and Mr. Mi to manage the operation of the company. This can indeed play a very good role in tempering. If you succeed, it is of course good. If you fail, you can spend money to buy experience. "

"It's nice to have money."

"This red four-ring A6 is the car of President Tang and Vice President Mi." Qiao Mai pointed to the driveway outside the hotel.

Tang Dou and Mi Le didn't order food first, they only ordered a bottle of champagne worth more than 5000 yuan, and asked others to come and order.

"Give me back what you said later?" In the private room, Mi Le asked with his legs crossed.

"You, you speak well." Tang Dou threw the pot away without thinking.

"You've really brought out the best in managing people." Mi Le took a sip of water, shook her shapely legs and complained, "If you have something to do, let me do it, and if you don't have anything to do, just leave me alone, and don't reply to me."

Tang Dou looked at the phone and stopped talking, wondering if he had nothing to do and wanted to do something?

After a while, Zhang Yadong and others came into the private room, "Mr. Tang, Mr. Mi."

"Everyone sit down, order whatever you want." Mi Le handed over the menu and called the waiter.

Zhang Yadong and Guo Jing have rich experience, knowing that the boss doesn't like the staff to give way if he is sincerely entertaining guests, and the boss's time is very precious, so the two of them were not polite, took the menu and looked at it with others.

They don't order super expensive ones, nor do they order too cheap ones.

Ordering too cheap is tantamount to slapping the boss in the face, and the boss should order the dishes that are under pressure.

"Mr. Tang, Mr. Mi, see what else you need." Each of the six ordered one, and Guo Jing gave Mi Le the menu.

"Let's have a Kyoto roast duck and a roast leg of lamb." Mi Le didn't look at the menu, and ordered directly to the waiter, which are the characteristics of this hotel.

When the dishes came, the waiter brought the poured champagne, gave each a glass, and put the bottle on the side of the table.

A bottle of champagne worth more than 5000, and a table of meals worth more than 2000, totaling more than 8000.

For these employees, the standard is very high. Some of them have never drank such expensive wine. They suddenly feel that it is okay to be messy and busy at work for a few days. As long as they follow the right boss, all hardships will come.

".Today, I would like to take this opportunity to formally welcome everyone to join the Le Dou team, and at the same time celebrate our company's successful start. I hope that with the joint efforts of all of us, Le Dou will go far."

Mi Le picked up the wine glass and spoke instead of Tang Dou. To make a long story short, she didn't talk about work today.


Everyone stood up and raised their glasses.

Mi Le still had to drive when he went back, but he just took a symbolic sip.

"First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Tang and Mr. Mi for giving me the opportunity, and then thank Brother Jing for patiently guiding me in my work, and Brother Zhang and Brother Wang for taking care of me."

After everyone else sat down, Qiao Mai went to pay respects one by one.

Qiao Mai, who is inexperienced in the workplace, made a very low-level mistake. This kind of internal team gathering does not need to clearly state who to thank first, and then to whom to thank. It makes people feel that there is a long-term relationship.

In this way, it is more offensive to be thanked than not to be thanked in the end.

However, Qiao Mai has just graduated from university this year and entered the workplace, and she is a girl, so no one cares about her.

"Colleagues should help each other. If you don't understand anything, just ask."

Qiu Mai is the favorite of the office group, and the male colleagues are very enthusiastic.

Guo Jing and Qiao Mai both have a face value of around 75, which is not very outstanding, but they are also very eye-catching. They are two flowers in the office.

The difference between the two is six or seven years old, and their styles are opposite.

Guo Jing has loose hair, black silk, and a gray hip skirt, mature and sexy, dignified and generous.

Qiao Maiqi has bangs, leggings and short skirts, and she looks like a little girl.

Zhang Yadong and others Mi Le's idea is not to fight, they admire Qiao Mai in the office.At Tang Dou's age, he admired sisters like Guo Jing more, just like he liked young female teachers more than the girls in his class in middle school.

Tang Dou and Mi Le didn't talk about work today, they just talked about their hometown, life, and relationship with them.

The company has just opened, and it is usually busy at work. Today, it is relaxing to have dinner.

Several people Zhang Yadong got married, and the children would run away.Guo Jing was reluctant to mention her feelings, as if things were not going well.Zhang Qiang, Liu Yuan, Wang Zhennan are either talking or single, and Qiao Mai is also single.

The emotional state of employees is a factor that cannot be ignored in the company. Companies generally hope that employees have a stable emotional state. Some mature companies will also consider this issue when recruiting. They will not say it explicitly, but they have a tendency.

Le Dou Company doesn't need to care too much about the stability of personnel now.

But Miller has been included in the company's next expansion plan.

During the conversation, Miller revealed some of the company's expansion plans, implying that employees should settle down and grasp the advantage of being first-come. Once the company expands, it will definitely give priority to existing employees when job upgrades are completed.

It won't be too long. According to the current benefits, the company will expand in the next year.

At that time, it will be the best opportunity for existing employees to take up positions, and of course it will depend on their abilities.

Miller is indeed good at company management, not only stabilizing people's hearts, but also motivating them.

Hearing the implication of Mi Le's words, Zhang Qiang, Liu Yuan, Wang Zhennan, Qiao Mai and others took it very seriously, and they must work harder in the future. Even if the company raises salted fish, it is not a comfortable thing for the old to listen to the newcomers.

After eating and drinking until after eight o'clock in the evening, when Tang Dou was going to pay the bill when he went out, Mi Le took the first step, how could the boss pay the bill himself.

"Is there anyone who lives near Zijinhua, drop by." After leaving the hotel, Mi Le asked several people.

No one, after saying goodbye, Tang Dou and Mi Le got in the car and left first.

PS: Thank you Water Emperor Zhenjing, for the years when I met you, I gave you a reward for rebellion.

(End of this chapter)

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