Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 107 Someone Zhou Doesn't Like Raising Dogs

Chapter 107 Someone Zhou Doesn't Like Raising Dogs
Watching Tang Dou and Mi Le's car leave, Zhang Yadong and the others each find their way home.

"Everyone go back and post a message on the group." Zhang Yadong told others.

"Do you want me to escort Maimai?" Zhang Qiang turned to Qiao Mai enthusiastically.

"Brother Jing and I are on the way." Mai Mai smiled and waved her hands, and walked together with Guo Jing on her arm. In fact, she just took a subway ride with Guo Jing. After Guo Jing got off, Qiao Mai had to sit for a few stops, and then changed trains before going back. .

"How many people do you think?"

In the car, Mi Le asked Tang Dou.

"Of course the person you recruited is fine." Tang Dou looked out the window at the brightly lit building.

"Tang Dou, you can also flatter me."

Mi Le, who was driving, smiled happily when he heard it, and turned to look at Tang Dou, "I wonder if they can last long, can they integrate into the team, and the Chinese New Year is less than two months away. The Spring Festival is the most unstable period for manpower."

"What do you think?" Mi Le looked at Tang Dou again and asked.

"Zhang Yadong has married, if the company can maintain its current profitability during his probationary period, and he can keep his position as the business director when he becomes a full-time employee, he should stay.

The salary we gave him was not low. If he went to a mature company, he would only get this dead salary at most, and there was almost no room for improvement. He has understood this truth in the workplace for many years, otherwise he would not have come here. "

Tang Dou combined Zhang Yadong's performance and attitude in the past few days, as well as Zhang Yadong's life status analysis.

Miller nodded in agreement.

"Whether Guo Jing succeeds or fails, she will follow to the end. What she values ​​is your father."

"Your father." Mi Le interrupted Tang Dou.

"My father has no money." Tang Dou continued:

"Qiao Mai is hard to say. A girl just graduated from university and drifts north alone. She has impulsive factors. She lives in a very inconvenient place now. She suffers a bit. The family will put some pressure on the Chinese New Year. It will be hard to say next year."

"Zhang Qiang, Liu Yuan, and Wang Zhennan are thinking more now, and the purpose is to make money."

"After all, what we are doing is venture capital, and we are not sure what will happen tomorrow, let alone them, if they can find a company with a similar salary and more reliable development during the Chinese New Year, it is hard to say whether to stay or not.

At the end of the year, give them some immediate benefits. If the company can maintain its current performance before the salary is paid in January, it can take [-] as a monthly dividend, and the year-end bonus will also be paid at [-]%. After closing, the company will resume work next year and develop a detailed welfare system after expansion. "

Tang Dou spoke according to his own ideas, and he couldn't completely ignore the company's management.

Don't let Mi Le feel that he is struggling alone.

"Okay, the six people will get [-] dividends. This time, don't divide it too thinly. The main reason is to stabilize the four people including Qiao Mai. Let's divide it into two grades. Zhang Yadong and Guo Jing will be in the first class, and the others will be in the first class. Zhang Yadong and Guo Jing will be in the first class." [-] for one person, [-] for each of the others, plus salary, enough to stabilize their hearts."

Miller nodded.

Although it is easy to recruit people as long as the salary is good, there is a process for recruiting new recruits. Training and adaptation are very troublesome.

After arriving at the Zijinhua Community, Mi Le didn't get out of the car immediately after the car was parked, but turned to stare at Tang Dou.

Mi Le has recently started to take care of herself in a simple way. She is not ugly in the first place, she can be considered a second-rate beauty if she dresses up a little bit, and she is quite pretty when you look closely, but her characteristic is her personality, which does not stick to common sense.

The lights in the car are not strong.

In the dark, Mi Le has a pretty face and charming eyes. He is wearing a black sweater with a narrow waist and skinny jeans. He has a bumpy figure. The sweater at the waist of the trousers is wrinkled, revealing a silver belt and a small belly, which is still a bit flamboyant.

It's a pity that Tang Dou unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car, the boy must protect himself outside.

Is the atmosphere of this scene not good?
Mi Le glanced at himself in the mirror, with a frustrated expression on his face, unfastened his seat belt and opened the door to get out of the car, opened the back door, took out his down jacket and put it on, and said to Tang Dou who was standing by the roadside: "Sometimes I really doubt whether you are a man. "

"Even if I become a scumbag, I won't marry you. Why should you?"

Tang Dou walked away on his own. If he wanted to change the temper he had when he was in college in the previous life, he would let the other party see if he was manly or not.

"You're in trouble, it's so late, what's wrong with staying here."

"Being upright is not afraid of the oblique shadow."

Miller catches up and complains.

"I can go back to school alone, why bother when you are at the door." Tang Dou said seriously.

"It's boring to be alone." Mi Le didn't bother, and changed the subject, "Zhou Tian is running out of patience. If An Qi has an idea, let her go as soon as possible. Don't be a mother-in-law. Otherwise, the two of you will be over after the New Year's Day party."

"Zhou Tian too, is it uncomfortable to be touched by a boy?"

Tang Dou felt a little sympathetic to An Qi, and sweetened Zhou Tian wholeheartedly, but was rejected.

"Zhou Tian doesn't like to be ambiguous with boys, talk about it or leave." Mi Le.

"What a nice girl, you should learn more." Tang Dou thought about it carefully.

Just as Mi Le was about to take Tang Dou's arm, he withdrew his hand upon hearing this, and said solemnly:
"I am who I am, and I don't learn from others. Besides, we can't be considered ambiguous. I didn't act out of line, and you didn't speak nasty words. If you occasionally joked, it would be considered ambiguous. Why don't you just take your girlfriend to live in seclusion in the mountains. Met other people of the opposite sex. Don’t you think those people from God’s perspective are hypocritical.”

Confessions of a scum girl.

Tang Dou was speechless.

"What are you going to do during the school holidays? And you will start working after the new year. Do you want to rent a house?" Mi Le suddenly thought of this question.

"I'll rent a hotel then."

Tang Dou frowned. The holiday is less than a month away, and accommodation during the holiday is a problem. It is definitely not suitable to live with Mi Le, so we can only stay in a hotel. I don’t know what Wanying’s holiday plans are. It’s much more cost-effective for two people to rent together.

"I'll go home when the time comes, and you live in Zijinhua Community."

"Let's see then."

In the 412 dormitory, the sage time is entered early at [-] o'clock in the evening. Li Hao, An Qi, and Li Xiongxiong lie on their respective beds fighting landlords, running coolly, and watching movies, how leisurely they are.

Tang Dou envied him very much, but he was tired of playing games in his previous life, movies and TV shows were well known, school was like Shawshank to him, and he really couldn't stay.

"An Qi, I have spied some "information" for you, do you want to listen to it?" Tang Dou said to An Qi.

"What?" An Qi seemed a little excited as she paused the game.

Tang Dou said: "Mr. Zhou doesn't like keeping dogs. You don't have much time left. The deadline is next week's New Year's Day party. If you don't live up to it, the party may be the last time she will hold you."

"Pfft, Kakaka, Doudou, are you laughing so hard that you don't pay for your life?"

Li Hao and Li Xiongxiong couldn't hold back their breath, they sat up and coughed non-stop.

"Lying on the grass." An Qi cursed, and then asked in a stupid way: "What does Zhou Tian mean?"

"Don't understand this? It means you either get out, or treat Zhou Tian as a dog."

The old driver, Brother Ritian, understood as soon as he heard it.

"Damn, mouse, can you let me take a breath?"

Li Xiongxiong couldn't keep up with his thoughts, and the interpretation of the roommate was absolutely perfect.

"Shut up." An Qi was heartbroken, and asked a little unnaturally, "Did Zhou Tian say that?"

"Of course Zhou Tian wouldn't say that. She wants to have a good talk with you instead of being ambiguous all the time."

Tang Dou really couldn't bear to continue hurting his roommate.

(End of this chapter)

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