Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 113 You Are Actually a Good Woman

Chapter 113 You Are Actually a Good Woman
Mi Le was driving, and Tang Dou was in the co-pilot holding a tablet to read domestic and foreign news.

Major international events are more or less directly or indirectly related to the country, restricting the freedom of other countries in the name of freedom.

No way, strong can do whatever they want.

Want more freedom, become stronger.

"I don't know how many summers and autumns the sun sets and the moon rises, I don't know how long I have been running like this fly with me"

Miller seems to like this song very much, every time he drives, he plays it and sings along.

Although it feels good to play this car music in a car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, it doesn’t fit Mi Le’s personality. Absolutely, she should listen to Jay Chou's song.

"Do you have a sense of substitution for this song?"

Tang Dou asked very puzzled, how can a young lady like Mi Le be so restrained and depressed, but she sang "Perfect World" very flavorfully, as if she was deeply suppressed, don't drive and fly .

"Yeah, I have a special feeling."

Seeing that Tang Dou didn't understand, Mi Le sighed softly:
"You don't understand my helplessness, so let's use eating at home as an example."

"When I was a child, my mother knocked on me if I didn't wash my hands when I was eating, knocked on me when I ate loudly, knocked on me if I ate too slowly, and knocked on me when I ate too fast. After eating a meal, I could get half angry. Now my wings are a little harder, and I Mom said I didn't wash my hands, so I just grabbed it with my hands and ate it, and sucked my fingers after eating."

"After the college entrance examination, my mother doesn't care about me for the time being. It's rare for me to be free. You don't know how comfortable I am living in Zijinhua's house alone. I can do whatever I want. When I'm bored, I drink some wine, play games, and smoke more than two. Yueyan, but I understand that I am not truly free, because I will not be able to make decisions about my marriage smoothly in the future."

"It's not enough for my family to arrange my marriage, but a good family is the minimum requirement of my parents."

Mi Le sighed, "You are my God of Liberty now, you must help me take pictures of my dad on the beach."

"I didn't expect you to have such troubles. I don't understand your circle very well."

Tang Dou shook his head.

"Do you think rich people don't have troubles? The troubles of rich people are really troublesome, because money can't solve them. For example, money can't buy health, love, or happiness."

Mi Le said the words of fooling the elementary school students in a serious manner.

It has to be said that Mi Le is more poisonous than Han Wentao.

Han Wentao just likes to throw money at people.

Mi Le poisons the soul, it is a real dimensionality reduction blow, and it makes you doubt your life.

"According to what you say, the troubles of the poor are all fake, and they are all complaining of no illness. You are really cheap." Tang Dou glanced indifferently. If he is really poor, he will be hit by the second generation of rich people to reduce his dimensionality. up.

Mi Le was not angry either, she was using poisonous chicken soup to stimulate Tang Dou.

Hearing Tang Dou's rare swearing, Mi Le found it very interesting.

"Ordinary is precious. If I could choose to be born, I would like to exchange lives with Mu Wanying." Mi Le continued solemnly.

You should exchange with Su Yuwei.

Tang Dou didn't want to talk to Mi Le anymore, so he took out his mobile phone to browse the space. His mother Shen Yun sent a message, sending two pictures of insole styles, asking him what flowers Mu Wanying likes.Tang Dou replied, saying lotus.

On Saturday, Shen Yun and Feng Qinglan went shopping together and talked very happily. After returning home, they called their respective sons and daughters, saying that they should understand and tolerate each other when they get along.

At noon today, Feng Qinglan asked Mu Jinhua to take Tang Tang to his house for dinner.

Has entered the rhythm of in-laws mode in advance.

This invisibly enhanced the relationship between Tang Dou and Mu Wanying.Tang Dou couldn't help thinking, the relationship with Mu Wanying after rebirth developed three years faster than in the previous life, where did the change start.

Mu Wanying's attitude towards him changed drastically after returning from a trip together after the college entrance examination.

On the first day of the trip, Mu Wanying was still very disobedient to Tang Dou. Tang Dou kissed her neck, and she was so irritable. After a few days, Mu Wanying felt a sense of dependence on Tang Dou.

Furthermore, every time Mu Wanying came to university and felt homesick, Tang Dou would appear by her side, even if she was absent from class, even if she was braving the continuous autumn rain.

Such a rapid development is not what Tang Dou expected. Since his rebirth, Tang Dou has paid for Mu Wanying and has never paid for it.

But it finally settled his mind, when he was most confused.

"Tell me about Mu Wanying."

"I think she is really good, beautiful, very self-restraining, and the demeanor of a lady."

"If you don't want to talk about Mu Wanying, let's talk about your sister, isn't she a bear?"

Mi Le shut up after talking to himself, but he was still unwilling to be lonely. He glanced at Tang Dou and said depressedly, "You are really speechless because of your lack of movement and silence. I don't know if you should talk to the driver more. ?"

"You sing very well." Tang Dou said lightly.

"." Miller.

Go downstairs to the company, stop the car and the two go down.

"It's too ugly to tie your shoelaces like this. Are you like many boys who often don't tie your shoelaces? You can wear them casually in front of employees, but the shoelaces must be elegant, not too long, not too short, not too tight , can not be too loose, and can not be left aside, the shoelaces are tied too casually, which will give people a sloppy feeling."

Mi Le said as he knelt down to untie and retie Tang Dou's shoelaces.

Tang Dou usually doesn't pay much attention to tying shoelaces. Although he can't tie a pair of shoes only once, he can tie the basic shoelaces once and don't bother to loosen them by himself.

"Mile, you are actually a good woman."

Looking at Mi Le who was crouching in front of him and bowing his head to tie his shoelaces earnestly, Tang Dou praised him.

"Don't, I'm just a scumbag. A good woman may not be able to be happy, and a scumbag must be less disappointed."

Hearing Tang Dou's implication, Mi Le didn't appreciate it, stood up and walked away.

Tang Dou shook his head and followed.

In the company office, several people were busy with their own business. Tang Dou and Mi Le went in. Qiao Mai stood up after reading the book "Enterprise Human Resources Management" at the front desk, "President Tang, Vice President Mi."

Tang Dou and Mi Le nodded and went in.

"President Tang, Vice President Mi." Zhang Yadong, Guo Jing and others all stood up.

"The XX shares did not improve in the afternoon, so I sold them, and bought them before get off work." Tang Dou looked at the big screen and ordered.

Zhang Yadong, Liu Yuan, Wang Zhennan and others recorded carefully.

"Vice President Mi, here is the purchase list for half a month. Please check it, and there is also the financial report." Guo Jing gave Mi Le a form and two financial reports.

Mi Le took a look, and went to the private office with Tang Dou, the inside was spotless, there were a few more folders on the desk, a calendar, a pot of green radishes, etc.

"Sign it!"

Mi Le crossed his legs, checked the financial report, there was no problem, and threw it in front of Tang Dou.

Tang Dou pulled out his pen and signed it stroke by stroke.

"Didn't I design a personalized signature for you? Didn't you practice?" Mi Le.

"I've practiced, but I still can't do it now." Tang Dou.

"Seal, it's too tiring to be your assistant."

Mi Le was powerless to complain, what to do with a boss who didn't like being in charge, she came to open the drawer and took out Tang Dou's seal to cover it, went out and handed it to Guo Jing, and then came back.

"Is there a party organized in the final class?" Mi Le asked suddenly.

"Why do you care about things in the class? This is not your style."

(End of this chapter)

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