Chapter 114 Convincing Mu Wanying

Le Dou Office.

In the public office area, Zhang Yadong and others stared at the computer screen, praying in their hearts, it's going up!up fast.

Guo Jing is still improving the financial system.

Qiao Mai took the time to study corporate human resources management, and her goal was to be a human resources supervisor.

Work is very attentive.

In the private office, Tang Dou and Mi Le have business meetings, have private chats, and have a cup of tea, which is very comfortable.Looking at Mi Le who was "posing" on the chair, Tang Dou lamented that being a boss has its advantages, and the temptation to resist is also extraordinary. He may have to make the best of his people.

"Have nails under your ass?"

Tang Dou said to Mi Le who was crooked for a while.

"I want you to take care of it." Mi Le rolled his eyes.

"Then you hide the meat." Tang Dou threw the pen cap in Mi Le's sweater's wrinkled belly.

"Actually, you really want to see it." Mi Le blinked charmingly.

"Not only want to see." Tang Dou.

"Tang Dou, oh Tang Dou, isn't it uncomfortable to hold back? Open the cage and free your little bird. Let us also learn from Wang Xiaoer and Chen Qingyang. With Hehe Dun's great friendship, have you read Wang Xiaobo's book?"

Mi Le leaned against the table, propped his head on his arms, and stared at Tang Dou.

"I've seen it, but it's a pity that the two of you didn't end up together." Tang Dou looked at Mi Le curiously.

Mi Le really has the feeling of Chen Qingyang in Wang Xiaobo's "Golden Era". She is in second grade, eclectic, but unfortunately she met at an untimely time. If she met in junior high school, Tang Dou would definitely have an unforgettable green onion with her.

"I often think that people live a lifetime, and the good times are only ten years,"

Boom boom boom!
"President Tang, Vice President Mi, there is a courier from the company downstairs, I'll pick it up."

At this time, Qiao Mai knocked on the door and said.

"Go." Mi Le sat up and straightened his sweater.

After posting it for a while, Mi Le turned on the computer and searched for TV dramas to watch.

It is an urban drama like "Gentle Temptation" and "The Boss's Personal Secret".

The boss is handsome, wearing glasses and well-dressed, and the secretary is thin, pure and cute. When entering the office, the boss leans back in the chair, and the secretary pours a cup of tea. The boss stares at the neckline of the secretary, and says in a gentle way:

"Secret, it's going to be fine, let's rest."

The boss said very gentlemanly and helped the secretary's waist.

"Mr. Liu, there are people outside." The little secretary backed away in fear.

The corner of Mr. Liu's mouth twitched, and he smiled and said, "There is a reception tonight, so you will work overtime today."

At the reception, each boss brings an assistant.

"You really worked hard."

Tang Dou glanced at it. Watching this kind of TV series in the office is really appropriate. I was bored and wanted to continue teasing and teasing with Mi Le, but I lost my mood.

"No, you can see that most of these bosses did not end well in the end. You should learn from it."

Miller said seriously.

"It was a video warning lesson for me."

"Actually, when you talk to some bosses, you can't do business if you don't get along with them. There are standards on TV, but in reality there are no standards. So honest men can't do business, and younger brothers can't do business. How to survive, you can only Cynical whining."

"But we are investors, so we don't need to look at so many faces."

Mi Le gave Tang Dou ideological education.

"Actually, it's not just modern times, the ancients were too upright to mix well. If you're not interested in money, power, or beauties, the imperial court will find it hard to mess around. If you're not close to women and treat money like dung, some emperors will be afraid of you. "

Seeing that Tang Dou had no interest in watching TV at all, Mi Le quit the broadcast.

Tang Dou originally thought that Mi Le said that these were all tricks played by the unknown little boss, until Brother Qiang Xi overturned his car.

Tang Dou understood what Mi Le said, and she didn't refute it, so she just said it if she didn't feel tired.

It was almost lunch time, Tang Dou and Mi Le left after finishing their work arrangements. There was still class in school in the afternoon, so they ate their meals on the way, took them back to the Zijinhua community, and then took a taxi back to school.

In the past two days, Tang Dou has officially put on the agenda how to tell Mu Wanying about starting a business.

Otherwise, I always feel at a loss.

Starting a company is very easy to talk about. Tang Dou's headache is whether the partner is a woman or Mi Le. After thinking about it, Tang Dou still doesn't make predictions. Let's make it clear first and see what Mu Wanying asks.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying are now a couple. With Mu Wanying's character, she can think rationally.

When Tang Dou went to find Mu Wanying at night, he had a copy of the company's financial report for the first half of the month in his pocket. When meeting Mu Wanying, she habitually put her hand in Tang Dou's pocket, then took out the paper and opened it to read.

"I'm about to tell you." Tang Dou said calmly.

"Dou Dou, you really started a company?"

Mu Wanying looked at the signature of the person in charge at the bottom of the report, and was a little puzzled. Tang Dou mentioned that he wanted to start a business in October. She thought it was just a casual talk, how could starting a business be so simple, but she didn't expect him to do it.

"Well, partner with a classmate in our class."


Now that the topic has been spoken, Tang Dou simply puts the partner and the method of capital contribution plainly, it is at this critical point, and the more he hides it, the speaker is panicked, and the listener is also uncomfortable.

This is also Tang Dou's first step today, to be frank and lenient.

"Dou Dou, Mi Le doesn't care about money, he doesn't care about success or failure, but you, you are trapped like this"

Mu Wanying stopped in the middle of her words, and couldn't speak the rest.

"Wanying, I was the one who proposed to start the company. Mi Le likes me, but when it comes to starting a business, Mi Le and I have our own goals. I want to seize the opportunity to change my destiny. Mi Le wants to break through the shackles of my family."

"I know what you're thinking. If Mi Le didn't like me, why would he take risks with me, but Wanying, you trust me, I can separate my career from my relationship, and I can handle my relationship with Mi Le well."

Tang Dou patiently explained.

"I know you want to change your destiny, but Doudou, starting a business requires more than money."

Thinking of Tang Dou's high school "begging for food and drink" and being teased by others, Mu Wanying gradually calmed down. At this time, she put aside her personal emotions and tried her best to understand from Tang Dou's perspective. She felt that Tang Dou was impulsive, so she persuaded him first He turned back early.

With Mu Wanying's character, she will not hold on to the cause of the incident. If the incident has already happened, she will quickly calm down and consider how to solve it.

"I know, Wanying, but I have a sense of propriety. Look at the company's finances for half a month since its operation, and I have decided on the direction of investment. I know it well. At least the current development is very good."

"Invest 600 million today, and earn more than 30 in a single day."

Tang Dou started the second step, the facts speak for themselves.

Mu Wanying re-opened the financial report and read it carefully. She is a student of accounting and accounting, so she can understand it at a glance.

With an investment of 500 million, the income in half a month is more than 1307 million.

The highest single-day income is 22.3, the lowest is 9.6, and the average daily income is nearly 10.

From the perspective of economic benefits, the income is very high. If you want to deposit it in a bank, the annual interest rate is calculated at 500%. If you deposit [-] million yuan a year, you will get [-] interest.

However, financial investment is also risky after all, and temporary results mean nothing.

"But you don't discuss such a big matter with your family." Mu Wanying said.

"I said they would never support it. My mother knew in advance that she would come to school to stop me." Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying and said seriously: "Wanying, it's my fault for not discussing with you in advance. I didn't want to hide it. You, you know in advance that if you don't support me, you will stop, but I am not reconciled."

"Opportunities will not wait for anyone. The opportunity I am talking about is not Mi Le's funds, but the direction I am looking at."

"I know you don't think I'm poor, and you won't think I'm poor in the future, but I don't want my classmates to talk about the best and most beautiful girl in the class marrying the worst boy."

Mu Wanying calmed down, and Tang Dou began to use his emotions to win her understanding and support.

PS: Thanks to the readers with the tail number 9215 for the reward.

A few days ago, I had a tooth filling, and it became inflamed. In the past two days, I have been so blue and thin, woo woo woo.

(End of this chapter)

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