Chapter 119 Unbearable
Mu Wanying's cousin got married on Thursday, and Tang Dou accompanied Mu Wanying back to Tangdu on Wednesday.

I took three days off, plus Saturday and Sunday, there are five days in total, and I can stay at home for four days.Mi Le is in charge of the company's affairs. Tang Dou's mobile phone checks the investment status, and remote command is fine. The boss is so casual.

About starting a company, Tang Dou decided not to tell his family first, but to talk about taking a part-time job if he couldn't go back on vacation.

Now that I have said that with my mother's character, Tang Dou will definitely accept it before he loses the money.

It's not Tang Dou's character to have a head but no tail. Once something is implemented, don't bump into the south wall and don't look back.

When Le Dou Company really makes a name for itself, at least it will be convincing to complete the last small goal.

At that time, even if my mother does not support it, there is no reason to hinder it.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying set off at [-] o'clock in the morning on Wednesday, and arrived in Tangdu in the afternoon. Both of their parents were away at work, so Tang Dou went to Mu Wanying's house first.

"It's still comfortable at home."

As soon as Mu Wanying entered, she threw her bag on the sofa, changed into slippers at the door, and took her down jacket off the hanger.

There was a new pair of cotton slippers on the shoe rack, which Feng Qinglan bought for Tang Dou yesterday and Mu Wanying bought for Dou Dou.

"It was comfortable when I came back, but within three days at my house, I felt like a public nuisance."

Tang Dou smiled. On the first day back home during the holidays, his parents could satisfy almost all his requirements. Even the old girl who usually fights with him about everything is a cute mess, serving tea and water, washing fruits, and being courteous. .

After three days, my mother said "the bastard is long and the bastard is short"

The old girl was even more contrasted, "Brother, you don't have long hands, you can't move yourself, brother wash an apple for me, peel an orange for me, brother go find a charger for me, brother, you are so lazy."

At home, Old Tang is very compatible, and rarely talks about Tang Dou, on the contrary he is stricter with Tang Tang.

Mu Wanying said: "Actually, I really envy your family. You also have a playmate. No one quarrels with me when my family quarrels."

Tang Dou said: "My parents paid a lot for my sister. A fine is a trivial matter. It ruined the future of the two of them. They haven't made any progress for many years."

Maybe it was influenced by the thinking of their hometown. My mother and Lao Tang were extremely stubborn about having children, thinking that one child was not enough. In my hometown in Shangjun, some people secretly made things, and there were quite a few families with three or four children.

Mu Wanying: "When we were young, we were really strict. It would be nice if your parents could keep their jobs."

Tang Dou heard from his grandparents that the meeting was indeed very strict, just like a trickster entering a village, breaking down doors and windows, demolishing houses, and confiscating furniture. Tang Dou couldn't help thinking, why didn't the "extra" ones be shot to death? up.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. My mother and father are not paying attention to safety now. If they win the lottery, they will prepare to give birth."

Mu Wanying grinned, a little dumbfounded, if her parents really added a brother or sister to her, at least younger than herself, she didn't know whether she should laugh or cry.

Tang Dou wanted to say Wanying don't worry, it's not such a coincidence.

But it’s hard to say, Tangdou University was in Tangdu in the previous life, and he would come to the teacher’s house every weekend to play chess with Mu Jinhua and chat with Feng Qinglan about the family. The impulse may not be so strong, now it's different, maybe it's really a second treasure.

In the morning, I ate some snacks in the car, and after a break, the two of them made a meal.

Mu Wanying let Tang Dou handle the cooking, and she did it herself.

"Wanying, this is your house, do you treat guests like this?"

Tang Dou rolled his eyes, Mu Wanying doesn't regard herself as an outsider at all now.

"Then let's go to your house. Besides, are you a guest? Good boy, raise your arms."

Mu Wanying smiled sweetly, took an apron and tied it on Doudou, and patted her head when it was tied up.

Tang Dou suddenly felt that it is not a good thing for a man to have more skills. For example, at home, it is not good to cook too fragrant. Shake the pot.

At Mu Wanying's house, Mu Wanying now relies on him confidently.

Don’t do it if you don’t know how to do it or if it tastes bad, and others don’t expect you.

For example, Lao Tang knows how to cook, but it’s hard to explain in a single word. All meals are oily, and all dishes have the same taste. He also likes to come up with some innovations on a whim, such as the original "egg fried meat", but the taste is not bad.

Mom can do it herself without relying on Old Tang.

In Tang Dou's previous life, after the engagement, the women of the two families would love him only because of his mother-in-law.

When the mother-in-law was here, she didn't need Tang Dou to do anything, and she often said that Mu Wanying should not focus on work and take care of her family.When you are a class teacher, you don’t have to stare at the students in the first and second grades. You don’t have to worry about the details. You just need to lead your own courses well. Don’t interfere too much with other courses. If you are tired, students will be annoyed, and other teachers will be dissatisfied.

Mother Shen Yun thought Tang Doulaan.

Old Tang didn't say anything, and he didn't do it himself.

The old girl came to my brother's house, and the little old man was alone. She could be more diligent when Mu Wanying was around.

"Hear, the departure of winter, I woke up in a certain month of the year, I thought I was waiting for me to look forward to, but I don't know how to arrange the future"

Mu Wanying's cell phone called.

"Hey, mom is out of class."

"I'm home, and I'm about to cook with Doudou."

"Evening, let me make dinner, what do you want to eat?"

"Then I'll ask my dad later."

"Mom, eeeem."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Wanying went to help in the kitchen.

Tang Dou opened the refrigerator to look. There were eggs, tomatoes, green peppers, and braised pork.Tang Dou is going to simply order fried tomatoes and eggs.

"What else do I need?"

Mu Wanying put the rice on the pot, and the braised pork was hot.

"Crack three eggs, and then take two pieces of rock sugar this big."

Tang Dou gestured and said, then took two tomatoes and one green pepper to wash, and used half of the green pepper and cut them into shreds.

"Do you want garlic? My mother sometimes frys some garlic." Mu Wanying asked after mixing the eggs well.

"Need not."

When the rice was ready, Tang Dou started to cook.

Fry the eggs first, and take them out when they are half-cooked.

Leave oil in the bottom of the pot, fry the tomatoes, turn the heat to low, add appropriate amount of salt, light soy sauce, add a little less water, put the rock sugar in to melt, don't add too much water, just enough to melt the rock sugar, the eggs will be hard boiled if there is too much juice.

"My mother will add some white vinegar when she scrambles tomatoes and eggs, instead of green peppers."

Mu Wanying leaned against the kitchen door to remind Dou Dou to eat the peeled oranges.

"White vinegar can make the eggs taste fresh, and you don't need white vinegar if you sprinkle some shredded green peppers on the plate. The taste of green peppers can dilute the fishy smell of eggs." Tang Dou explained.

In a few minutes, Tang Dou scrambled the tomatoes and eggs.

Eggs, tomatoes, sprinkle some shredded green peppers, the color is bright.

"The appearance is good, it looks more delicious than my mother's." Mu Wanying praised, and couldn't help but taste it first, "Doudou, it's much more delicious than my mother's."

"It's not that exaggerated, it's because I ate too much of your mother's cooking."

Tang Dou doesn't like this now.

He can't stand others' praise now, and he wishes he could not take care of himself in the eyes of his family and wife.

"Really, it's even better than the restaurant ones. What seasonings did you put in?" Mu Wanying asked.

"Salt, light soy sauce, and rock sugar, it's very simple, learn it, try it next time." Tang Dou encouraged Mu Wanying.

After eating, Mu Wanying smiled and asked Tang Douxi if he liked washing dishes.

Tang Dou couldn't bear it.

Push Mu Wanying into her bedroom.

PS: Thanks to cwjxqb, for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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