Chapter 120 Pretend to be witty

After struggling for a while, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying settled down.

"Dou Dou, you're pressing my hair."

Mu Wanying brushed away the hair from the corner of her mouth, and pushed Doudou.

"I'm pressing my hair, I haven't heard this sentence for a long time."

In Tang Dou’s previous life, he heard Mu Wanying complain about pressing her hair at the beginning. It felt quite romantic. After a long time, she got annoyed. She slept just right. He pushed you and said, “My hair is pressed.” Sometimes Tang Dou said "Shave bald"

Mu Wanying turned her head away, "Shave it for me."

I miss it for a long time.

It was cold and windy outside, but the room was very warm. The winter sun shone through the glass on Mu Wanying's face with a slight smile.

Tang Dou leaned sideways with his head propped on his left arm, and moved his right hand away from Mu Wanying's flushed cheeks, and put it on her waist to straighten out the wrinkled skirt. Leggings look good with a short skirt, leggings The legs are thin, and the short skirt is very fascinating.

I have to say that leggings are really a great invention, allowing girls to be beautiful and fashionable in winter.

Can be worn inside or outside.

It also feels great in the hand.

In Tang Dou's previous life, there was a strange roommate in the university who wore leggings as long johns, and at night he was the back killer of the dormitory.

Looking back, leggings seem to have become popular in the past two years, just like jeans, they will never go out of fashion.

"Don't go in, fight hands."

Mu Wanying held down the sweater.

The corners of Tang Dou's mouth twitched, so it's fine if you don't go in.

"Don't move."

Mu Wanying grabbed Tang Dou's "octopus tentacles"-like fingers.

Tang Dou admired the two exquisite hills under his nose, but he didn't want to make an inch of it, quietly feeling Mu Wanying's heartbeat.

Compared to before, Mu Wanying's tolerance for him has increased a lot.

The bottom line of restraint should be dialed down a little bit, too impatient is not interesting, and it is easy to arouse the other party's resentment.

If love is regarded as a strategic battle.

The opponent has three fortresses from top to bottom, which are Jianmen Pass, Gemini Pass, and Yumen Pass.

Mu Wanying's fortress Jianmen Pass Tang Dou has completely conquered, and now it is outside the gate of Shuangziguan. Of course it is easy to attack, but Tang Dou does not want to attack by force, he wants Mu Wanying to offer the pass.

Just like last time, he took the initiative to open the sword gate and close the city gate.

Seeing Mu Wanying's strict defense now, it will take some time to conquer Gemini Pass.

Tang Dou is not in a hurry, anyway, even if the attack is successful now, the last one will definitely not be so easy to win, so let's guerrilla slowly.

The meat that hangs around the mouth is delicious, and eating it in one bite is like Bajie swallowing human fruit.

For Mu Wanying, Tang Dou has already learned the essence of taste in his previous life. He no longer has curiosity, and it is not so difficult to restrain it. Let's talk slowly with Mu Wanying. When he makes up for her first love without selfish desires, he can also enjoy some fun .

"The hills are quite poor. They are just better than the plains. If they want to rise to the plateau, I need to "pull my heart."

Tang Dou sighed, taking advantage of Mu Wanying's hands loosening, he pulled his hands back in a cheap way.

"what are you saying?"

Mu Wanying frowned, listening in a fog.

"Spiral pills, commonly known as rolling balls technique." Tang Dou explained with a smile.

"No wonder you guys like to watch "Naruto", it turns out it is."

Mu Wanying hadn't seen "Ninja Ninja", so she still didn't understand much, but after noticing Doudou's eyes and finger movements, she reacted, stared, and pushed away with disgust on her face.

"Wanying, why do you have such a rich imagination?"

Tang Dou couldn't help but put his arms around her neck and rubbed her face. Looking at Mu Wanying's slightly rosy face, Tang Dou bit lightly, "Wanying, your lips are like blooming drugs."

"The meaning is poisonous."

"Extremely poisonous, addictive as soon as you touch it."

Tang Dou lay flat on his back, feeling the winter sun, couldn't help but hum, "Just once, I'll take you to see the old age, laughing heartily on a sunny day, making noise in the free air "

"What song?" Mu Wanying thought it sounded good.

Tang Dou was stunned, he didn't know when this song came out, he frowned and said vaguely: "I don't know, I seem to have read this sentence in some book."

Then I turned on my phone and searched for "Just One Time", and sure enough, it wasn't there yet.

Be careful when singing in the future.

Tang Dou smiled wryly in his heart, mainly because he still couldn't sing completely.

Some people in the class group discussed today's NBA game. The Heat won and James had a triple-double.

Tang Dou is not interested this season.

Because the Heat will be too miserable next year, but the Christmas game on the 26th is still worth watching, the Lakers VS the Heat, but unfortunately Kobe missed the game that day, Tang Dou is now watching Kobe's game, and he no longer cares about winning or losing.

"I'll go to your house at noon on Saturday." After a while of silence, Mu Wanying leaned on Tang Dou's shoulders and pressed Tang Dou's lips.


"Can't you go if you have nothing to do?"

"Go early and help cook, or my mother will let me do it again."

"I'll go at dinner time and tell your mother on Friday."

Mu Wanying snorted in anger.

"Mu Wanying, you're getting thicker and thicker, haven't you noticed?" Tang Dou tugged at her face and said, "Then don't go to my house, I don't welcome you."

"Spit out what I eat." Mu Wanying grabbed Tang Dou's ear.

"The previous ones have been pulled out long ago."

Tang Dou squeezed Mu Wanying's chin and opened his mouth, "You can still spit out today's."

"Dou Dou, you are so disgusting." Mu Wanying shook her head and ran away, "Do you still remember that you lent me 1000 yuan in the second year of high school?"

"Of course I remember. I'm not a bad debtor. Don't I repay the debt with my body now?" Tang Dou said.

"You don't need to repay the debt, just pay back the money." Mu Wanying took out Doudou's wallet, which contained more than 1000 yuan, and she counted a thousand.

"You gave me this wallet, keep it for me."

Mu Wanying pouted, put the money back, rummaged through the wallet, and found a photo of herself.

It was her passport photo taken in the third year of junior high school, so stupid and so young, Dou Dou Gaoyi snatched it away, and even hid it.

Mu Wanying was so touched instantly, Doudou seemed careless, but he was so delicate to her.In fact, Tang Dou had long forgotten about this photo, and found it in his favorite book when he returned home on October [-]st.

"Compared with me, and give me a few more years as a training partner."

Tang Dou smiled, thick-skinned and affectionate, invincible.

"100 yuan interest per day, I will remember it for you."

"One hundred a day, just over 3000 a year. I'll round it up for you and give you [-] interest a year."


Mu Wanying was not hypocritical, and immediately realized that something was wrong, "Dou Dou, how did you learn mathematics, did it on purpose, no, [-] a year."

It wasn't until Tang Dou realized that his mental arithmetic ability was quite deceitful, so let's make a mistake.

"You agreed, four thousand a year." Tang Dou pretended to be very witty.

Mu Wanying took Tang Dou's cell phone and turned it over to watch the news of Le Dou's office group.

So far, today's income has exceeded 15. Looking at past data, there has never been a day of loss.

It may be that the financial market has been relatively stable recently.

Mu Wanying thought so.

"Doudou, you should set a password on your mobile phone. In case you lose it, give someone a mobile phone for nothing, and even leak information." Mu Wanying clicked on the settings and opened the password setting. Forget it, it's my birthday."

Tang Dou went home after spending time at Mu Wanying's house until after three o'clock in the afternoon.

At the neighborhood supermarket, I stopped by to buy vegetables. When Old Tang and Shen Yun came back from get off work, Tang Doufan was already ready.

PS: Thank you Fengling Baby 1 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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