Chapter 121 You Are Fired
Tang Dou came back and Shen Yun was already very happy.

Tang Dou also prepared dinner, Shen Yun was relieved, who said raising a son is worse than raising a daughter.

"Why didn't I grow any meat after I went to college?"

Shen Yun pulled Tang Dou to look left and right, up and down, as if he was afraid that his son was transformed by Monkey Sun, and after confirming that it was not Monkey Sun who transformed him into a counterfeit, he stuffed the freshly peeled oranges into Tang Dou's mouth.

I haven't been back for more than two months, so what?

"Health is good, why grow so much meat." Tang Dou put his arms around his mother's neck.

"Dou Dou, isn't it going to be a holiday soon?"

Old Tang was very calm, and like most men, he was not good at expressing his emotions to his son, but the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes exposed his innermost feelings.

If Tang Dou was replaced by Tang Tang, Old Tang would greet him with care, and even ask for leave to pick him up at the station.

"It's too early to come back from the part-time job during the winter vacation, so I just come back with Wanying to have a look."

"It's easy to find a tutor when you come back, and you can also tutor Tang by the way." Shen Yun said without emotion.

"I have been tutoring this kid who is now a sophomore in high school for two months. The parents don't want to change people. I even found a part-time job in the tutoring class. I can take care of it." Tang Dou started to fool his mother again. In short, we can't let the family know about the company. .

Otherwise, it is difficult to guarantee that the whole yellow will not be given.

Grandpa and grandma used to be petty bourgeoisie.Grandpa is very good at doing business. He used to be a rare big family in the township. However, his uncle prodigal and his mother "eloped", and the property of the grandfather's family gradually withered.

Uncle eats too much and is lazy, and mother is conservative. As the eldest son and daughter of the family, both of them have no ambitions.

My aunt Shen Xiaolong inherited my grandfather's business acumen, and made my uncle's prosperous life flourish, especially in 19 years. My aunt changed to a Da Ben a year ago, but it was not very good after the year.

"Tang is only a freshman in high school, and he's not bad at his studies. Don't be too strict during the holidays. I'll let Wanying talk about it from time to time."

Tang Dou added patiently.

"Aren't you going to take care of your food and housing when you come back? Our community often recruits tutors, how convenient."

Shen Yun still hoped that his son would come back early during the holidays. When the champion of the district came back, let alone home tutoring, it would be fine to run a cram school, and he would not feel at ease in Beijing alone.

Tang Dou knew that it would not be so easy to convince his mother if he didn't go home during the holidays.

Tang Dou didn't talk back to her, he glanced at Old Tang who was "staying out of it", and then at Dahong Neiyi who hadn't unpacked the sofa.

Old Tang glanced at the sofa, feeling deeply relieved, and finally said, "Dou Dou has grown up, and he hasn't spent much money at home in the past six months. Boy, school is usually not free, so it's good to practice outside during the holidays."

"Let's talk about the holidays."

The son has just started to be financially independent, so he wants to "get out of the nest", and the family savings have not decreased but increased in the past six months. While Shen Yun feels relieved, he also feels a little uncomfortable, and misses the old bastard pestering him for pocket money.

Shen Yun sighed and ate first.

At home, Old Tang didn't usually express his opinions much, and an occasional sentence was still very important, especially when Shen Yun had a disagreement with the two bastards, Old Tang was a peacemaker, setting up a stage for both parties.

Old Tang looked honest and honest, and he also felt a bit wise and foolish.

In life, big mistakes are never made, and trivial mistakes are frequent.

"Why did Wanying suddenly accept you?"

Shen Yun looked at Tang Dou.

"Suddenly? I've been chasing him for several years." Tang Dou glanced at his mother with suspicious eyes.

"That's true, which girl can withstand your pursuit." Shen Yun held a piece of meat for Tang Dou.

"How did my dad chase you back then?" Tang Dou changed the subject.

"I didn't chase after much." Old Tang just said, seeing Shen Yun's eyes, he continued to say to Tang Dou: "Your mother and I fell in love at first sight."

Shen Yun rolled his eyes and didn't bother to argue.

The eldest lady and the poor boy fell in love at first sight, and Tang Dou was very bitter.

"Then it will be much easier to fall in love, mainly because of the great resistance at home."

Old Tang took a sip of the porridge and thought back to the time when his father-in-law and mother-in-law were like landlords, while he was a young man with nothing. Although he is still ordinary now, his children are very successful and his family status has been rising.

On the other hand, the father-in-law's family is in decline, which is also the inevitable result of not paying attention to cultivating heirs.

It is difficult to start a business, and it is even more difficult to keep a business.

It was already dark after dinner.

Shen Yun cleaned up the dishes while Old Tang watched the news broadcast.

Tang Dou returned to the bedroom, guessing that his sister was in a hurry to go to school in the morning, and the quilt was not folded, so Tang Dou threw the little clothes she changed under the quilt into the laundry basket, and lay down to check the feedback from the office group.

In the office group, Zhang Yadong sorted out and released the investment summary of the day, Guo Jing made the financial report and released it, and Mi Le sent it to Tang Dou for review after accounting.

Tang Dou only looked at the results, and then replied to Mi Le.

Mi Le sent a message: "Christmas Eve the day after tomorrow, which happens to be Friday. I was going to hold an event at the company after get off work. I'm not in the mood if you're not here."

"I'm not free here either." Tang Dou replied.

Miller: "."

"It's not that I don't care about the company, of course I spend Christmas Eve with my girlfriend." Tang Dou continued to reply.

Miller: "You can shut up now, you're fired."

Tang Dou: "How can a subordinate fire the boss?"

"Group activities are actually unnecessary, and they don't necessarily want to spend that time. You can have people put up a Christmas tree in the office on Thursday night, hang an apple for everyone, and give them a little surprise on Friday morning."

"It can play a role in enhancing the cohesion of the company, saving money, and not taking up their time."

"This kind of foreign festival, just make sense."

"Send similar gifts on New Year's Day."

Mi Le didn't reply anymore, Tang Dou thought for a while and came up with a plan.

Mi Le: "This is still human, when will your girlfriend arrive in Kyoto on Sunday?"

Tang Dou: "Afternoon."

Mi Le: "Do you want me to pick you up at the station?"

"Need not."

After chatting with Mi Le about work, Tang Dou cut the button down to a smaller size.

After Shen Yun cleaned up the kitchen, he urged Tang Dou to go out and talk.

The TV is on and it's playing Let's Get Married

Speaking of TV dramas, "Star You" has become a hot mess this winter, and "The Most Beautiful Time" has set off a trend of following dramas, especially "Star You", which has made some girls in the class obsessed.

Shen Yun brought the half-woven insoles for Mu Wanying and asked Tang Douxian to advise her.

Colorful flower insoles, my mother's needlework is really good, my mother's craftsmanship is now unfamiliar, Tang Dou remembers that when he was a child, his mother could do everything from paper cutting to kneading noodles, and his and his sister's sweaters and gloves were all knitted by his mother.


Tang Dou picked it up and looked at it.

Shen Yun knew that there was nothing to ask, and every time it was not very good, it was good, so she took it over and continued to weave.

"Mom, you're not tired after working all day, come on the weekend." Tang Dou grabbed the insole and put it on the other side.

"Today is on the 23rd. We plan to weave it on the 25th and give it to Wanying on New Year's Day."

"There's no rush, it's not too late for Chinese New Year."

At 08:30 in the evening, Tang Tang sent a message to remind Tang Dou to pick her up.

The school is not completely closed management, but the management is very strict. Students who live in the school close to home must confirm with the head teacher and their parents before signing.

It is very convenient for Tang Tang and Mu Jinhua to ask for leave. Mu Jinhua knew that Tang Dou was back, so he didn't call to confirm with his parents, but just said to Tang Tang, "Let your brother call back."

Usually, when Tang Tang wanted to go home at night, Mu Jinhua drove around and came back a bit.

Tang Tang was embarrassed to trouble others, and also embarrassed to refuse, so he usually didn't go home at night when he had nothing to do.

I haven't seen you for more than two months. Tang Dou also misses my old girl a little bit. I go out for a walk at home and do some walking. In the end, the average daily steps are less than 6000. Although the system funds reach [-] More than [-], but the "all-round assistant" will consume [-] million.

Tang Dou plans to summon the Almighty Assistant when the company expands in the next year.

You have to swipe your student card to get in and out of the school. Tang Dou couldn't get in, so he waited outside the gate. A few minutes after the bell rang at nine o'clock, the old girl came out looking around. She was wearing a blue school uniform and the school's uniform winter clothes. The figure rushed over and complained: "I don't even want you to come and have dinner with me at night."

"I'm cooking dinner for the family this afternoon."

Tang Dou rubbed his sister's hair and carried her schoolbag.

PS: Thanks to the tail number 0927, Yinghuozi, loverletters for the reward.

If nothing else, NO.14 is on the shelves.

If you like fantasy, you can read Sha Mao's other book. If you can't sign it and don't want to cut it, let's update it slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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