Chapter 124

Mu Wanying fed Tang Dou sugar, and when it reached Tang Dou's mouth, she suddenly took it back and ate it by herself.

"give me."

Tang Dou opened his mouth after speaking.


Mu Wanying shook her head, and playfully fed the sugar-coated plastic paper.

"Force me to be a gentleman."

Tang fights for food.

"Doudou, don't rob me, if you want to eat, buy it yourself."

Mu Wanying threw off her slippers, put her legs back on the sofa, and sat crookedly with her back.

Tang Dou was not rude, so he tore off her socks and scratched the soles of her feet.

Mu Wanying's feet are very beautiful, white and well-proportioned, her little finger is very delicate, curled up like a silkworm baby.

"You made me swallow the candy."

Her feet were so itchy, Mu Wanying turned around in a jerk.

Tang Dou didn't believe it, so he wanted to check.

The spirit snake entered the cave and carefully searched for it in the sandalwood space.

Mu Wanying dodged coquettishly, carefully hiding the candy, but Tang Dou found it easily.

It's a piece of sweet toffee, already soft.

So the two started a battle for candy again.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Mu Wanying choked and coughed non-stop.

Tang Dou quickly patted her on the back lightly.

Nestled on the sofa, Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying whose face was blushing. While longing for it, he felt love spontaneously. He took his right hand away from Mu Wanying's seat, put his arm around her shoulder, and concentrated on eating sweets, tenderly eat sugar.

Sugar is gone.

After a while, Mu Wanying pursed her lips and watched TV with her knees leaning against Tang Dou's shoulder.

Leaning on Tang Dou, Mu Wanying felt very at ease, she could feel Dou Dou's impulse every time she boo boo, but Dou Dou could suppress the impulse every time.

Although she doesn't want Doudou to be uncomfortable, there are some things that she still can't open her heart to.

"Dou Dou, get me the water." Mu Wanying said lazily.

Tang Dou touched the honey-lemonade glass, and it was no longer hot, so he brought it to her, then cracked melon seeds, peeled peanuts and oranges for her to eat.

"I'm sure to gain weight when I'm with you every day." Mu Wanying pretended to be distressed.

"How can it be like this every day, even if I am patient, my wallet won't allow me."

Tang Dou often spoke out of common sense, which made Mu Wanying dumbfounded. Mu Wanying thought that Doudou would say that he would like her even if he was fat, and that he would love and pet her even if he was fat.

Mu Wanying was so angry that she stopped eating. Tang Dou thought that the feeding method was wrong, so he changed it to another method.

There is no TV series that I like to watch, so Mu Wanying searched for movies, "Have you watched "XX Meets Seattle"?"


"Okay, watch it again with me."

"Aren't you asking who I watched it with?"

"With whom?"

"A puppy."

Mu Wanying rolled her eyes and stopped asking. This movie came out in March, and Doudou would definitely not be watching it with someone in college.

In all likelihood, I watched it for my "sister" after her birthday in April.

"Your sister Dai Yuan is talking about her boyfriend. You should have seen her posting photos in Moments, right? How do you feel?" Mu Wanying looked at Tang Dou.

"I felt cheated, so when I went to college, I stopped being with girls' brothers and sisters."

Tang Dou deliberately angered Mu Wanying.

Mu Wanying was really unhappy, she bit Tang Dou's finger after eating the peanuts.

"Actually, I don't feel much. Which boy would be jealous for a girl who has never been tempted." Tang Dou said truthfully.

"It means boys are ruthless." Mu Wanying smiled.

Forget about the double standard of girls.

Only then did Tang Dou realize that no matter how he answered this question, he was wrong. He was going to say "I used to think that there was pure friendship between opposite sexes", but he didn't say that if Mu Wanying pulled Mi Le out again, he would be speechless. .

"It should be unfeeling but also unfeeling."

Tang Dou simply followed Mu Wanying's words. He wanted to continue to say "otherwise it will be a disservice to both ends", but he changed it to: "People must know how to choose, or they will only hurt more people and lose more. many."

Tang Dou used absolute words instead of vague and ambiguous words.

"Do you know who my favorite hero among martial arts is?" Tang Dou asked back.

"Who?" Mu Wanying was curious.

"Master Qiao, you can choose whoever you like, never ambiguous." Tang Dou.

Mu Wanying nodded, feeling much more comfortable, she leaned back into Doudou's arms, and punched Doudou, "Then don't live like Duan Yu."

"It's impossible for Duan Yu. Other than Gang Leader Qiao, I admire Duan Yu's father the most. Duan Yu is not in the same rank as his father."

Tang Dou hadn't finished speaking yet, and his waist was aching.

Turn danger into a bargain.

Tang Dou secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Sometimes Mu Wanying didn't care about anything, and sometimes she was serious. If she answered incorrectly and sparked a debate, she would have a headache. If she was serious about reasoning with a girl, she would lose half of the game at the beginning.

If Tang Dou retorted just now, "Even if you have a partner, what's wrong with normal dating with other girls."

Mu Wanying would say, "If you don't exclude them, it's equivalent to giving them a chance to daydream and poach them."

So take a step back and go big.

"The movie Uncle and Tommy at the end."

"Don't talk about Doudou." Mu Wanying immediately covered Tang Dou's mouth.

"The two of them finally. Finally. Uncle crashed."

"Dou Dou, you are so annoying, what's the point of saying it, I hate giving spoilers the most."

Mu Wanying threw down the remote control and moved it aside angrily.

Tang Dou happened to have a sore shoulder, so he lay down on Mu Wanying's lap to rest, but Mu Wanying couldn't push it away, nor was she too lazy.

"Wanying, if you look carefully, you are quite ugly." Tang Dou looked down at Mu Wanying's fierce expression.

Mu Wanying turned a deaf ear to it.

"Girls' faces can't be looked at carefully, especially the more beautiful girls, they are not fake at all, the more they look, the uglier they are."

"Wanying, your nose hair is growing soon, I'll pull it out for you."

Tang Dou sighed to himself.

"Then don't look." Mu Wanying patted Doudou's hand away, and brought a pillow to press Doudou's face.

"Wanying, I'll sing for you. What do you want to hear?" Tang Dou took the pillow away.

"I don't want to listen to music, I want to watch movies."

"Then I will play randomly."

Butterflies with broken wings and withered leaves that can’t find flowers will never see withering. The eaves of small bridges under the night in the south of the Yangtze River can’t be read. Has it ever snowed on the broken bridges in the wilderness of Saibei? I look at the lake, and the cold moon in the water is like snow. tip to melt
Let us live in harmony with the world of mortals.
Finally found a way to tell the winner, the price of winning and losing is each other's exhaustion.
Wanying doesn't play around with Tang Dou, he sings by himself, doesn't look at the lyrics and sings a few words when he thinks of the song, just like the "browse and play" mode of mp3.

"Conquer" can be sung by Tang Dou in its entirety.

Mu Wanying's ears were so annoying, she was so noisy that she was not in the mood to watch a movie, so she stuffed the whole peeled orange into Doudou's mouth.

Tang Dou was also tired, turned over after eating the oranges, and fell asleep inside.

Mu Wanying was angry and helpless, so she put the pillow back on herself, and after a while, she heard Doudou breathing evenly, with a peaceful expression, and really fell asleep. Mu Wanying turned down the volume of the TV, and covered her down jacket on the side .

The corners of Mu Wanying's mouth curled up involuntarily.

Doudou is so down-to-earth outside, but he is still so annoying when he comes home, he doesn't look like he grows up.

I've read a saying that it takes a moment for a girl to mature, but it takes a lifetime for a boy. It's really like this.

Tang Dou slept for half an hour, and when he woke up, he saw Mu Wanying watching a movie with gusto from the corner of his eyes. Tang Dou pressed his face inward on purpose and took a deep breath.

"Go to my room if you are still sleepy, I have to go to the bathroom when I get up."

Mu Wanying pushed Doudou who was pretending to be asleep.

"It's still your gentle and comfortable place."

Tang Dou stretched his waist and sat up, drank the remaining half cup of honey lemonade, refreshed, and opened the spicy bar to eat.

Mu Wanying took out two pieces of paper, stood up and hurried to the bathroom, and went to the refrigerator to get two bottles of drinks.

Eating snacks, watching TV, having a sleepy break, spending a sweet and happy afternoon, after five o'clock, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went out, strolled to the alma mater of high school, and it happened that get out of class was over outside the school, waiting for Tang Tang to come out .

Start Christmas Eve arrangements.

PS: Thanks to the north wind does not return, the small eraser, the tail number is 4010, and life blinds the eyes to reward.

These days, I feel sorry for everyone's rewards and recommendation tickets. The release time should be confirmed this time. Fat Cat sorts out the plot and returns to normal as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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