Chapter 125 The Fading Distance

"Sister Wanying, I miss you to death."

Tang Tang came out of school and ran to hug Mu Wanying first to express his missing.

"The longer the hair is, the more beautiful it is, but it is convenient to use short hair in high school. Your hair quality is really good. I grew up with long hair, and the hair quality is not good. Now I have such long hair, and the ends are frizzy."

Mu Wanying praised Tang Tang's hair.

"No, Sister Wanying's hair is very smooth, and the color is just right. It's very natural. I feel that mine is too dark and unnatural at all. I plan to keep a little less every year, and wait until I go to college and grow to my shoulders."

When the two met, they flattered each other first, Tang Tang said while gesturing.

"That's a good idea. I really want to see your long hair fluttering. Find a wig and show me it later."

"I also really think, Miss Wanying is free tomorrow, can you accompany me to get my hair cut?"

"Okay, I'll go to your house tomorrow morning and have my hair cut at noon, and I'll cut my bangs along the way."

"Sister Wanying will go to my house tonight and let my brother sleep on the sofa."


Mu Wanying and Tang Tang were together, basically nothing happened to Tang Dou, Tang Tang stuffed his schoolbag to Tang Dou, and chatted in front of Mu Wanying with his arm, as if they hadn't seen each other for many years.

"Sister Wanying, is college really easy? My brother said that he would sleep until he woke up naturally every day."

"In fact, there is a lot to learn in college, but colleges can arrange their own time. If you want to learn more today, you can sleep in if you don't want to sleep in tomorrow morning. If you don't want to take this class, you can stop taking it. You can study by yourself, or you can do other things."

Mu Wanying continued:

"Besides, the university is directional learning. You can just focus on your own major, and you can take a look at the public courses, so it won't be as messy as middle school. If you pick up this subject, you feel that you need to take that subject."

"I just like to study freely. Step by step in high school is too depressing. I envy you all."

The two chatted about college and high school.

"High school is okay. The hardest part is the students whose grades are not up to the mark. It's not hard for the scumbags and top students."

Tang Dou interjected lightly.

"Brother, you are talking nonsense."

"Students are under more pressure, okay, I'm worried about my grades going backwards"

Both Tang Tang and Mu Wanying refuted.

"Well, only a scumbag like me is happy."

Tang Dou has never been a school bully, so he doesn't know, except for the difficulty of getting up, he was very happy in high school.

"Brother, don't be complacent. If it weren't for Sister Wanying's tutoring, even if you were lucky, you wouldn't be able to score [-] in the exam. Your luck in the exam is based on the premise of passing the basics."

This attracted the contempt of Tang Tang and Mu Wanying.

"That's right, luck is also a part of strength." Tang Dou babbled.

The two people in front continued, completely ignoring Tang Dou.

"Sister Wanying, your fingers are really thin, long and straight, but mine are a bit bent, especially the ring finger on your right hand, which is uneven." Tang Tang praised Mu Wanying's hand.

Mu Wanying's hands are indeed beautiful and soft, but the speed is too slow.

In Tang Dou's previous life, after experiencing Mu Wanying's claws at Mu Wanying's home during the summer vacation of his junior year, he never used his own ones alone. thing.

Tang Dou still remembers Mu Wanying's expression of "wanting to cry" when she looked at her warm palm and bit her lip.

So cute.

At the beginning of the meeting, Mu Wanying was not used to it, but when she realized Tang Dou's troubles as a boy, she tried her best to convince herself to be a qualified girlfriend.

The first time I did it in the summer vacation of my junior year.

In fact, Tang Dou didn't feel so troubled if he didn't eat tomatoes and wondered whether they were good or not. He just thought that now that the relationship was confirmed, he wanted to make progress.

In the winter of the same year, it was a senior year. On New Year's Day, Tang Dou went to Beijing to accompany Mu Wanying to watch the new year. After Mu Wanying helped Tang Dou resolve his troubles, Tang Dou took the initiative to ask for fish and promised to be true before he got his wish.

Tang Dou finally satisfied Mo Yue's curiosity that the fish is delicious.

After being made fun of by Tang Dou, Mu Wanying felt quite comfortable.

But she still felt a little awkward, so she searched online, well, it seems to be really normal, more than 70.00% of couples, more than 90.00% of couples are like this, and gradually get used to it.

Boys still have to take the initiative.

If Tang Dou hadn't taken the initiative, Mu Wanying would never have proposed such an interesting game.

On the night of receiving the certificate, Tang Dou said, Wanying, I want you.
The distance between the two changed from positive to negative little by little.

This is the distance between the two of them gradually disappearing in their previous lives.

Mu Wanying looked at Tang Tang's hand, "Your ring finger is a little bent, has it ever been hurt?"

Tang Tang: "My brother often breaks for me."

Tang Dou: "Your fingers have been like that since you were a child. If you don't eat well, your calcium can't keep up."

"Then why doesn't my left ring finger bend?" Tang Tang rolled her eyes at her elder brother, and then grabbed Mu Wanying's hand to study, "Sister Wanying, why does your finger have such a long scar?"

Mu Wanying glanced at Tang Dou, and said, "I was bitten by a dog once in my sophomore year."

"Such a beautiful hand, that dog is so hateful, it must be a mad dog, sister Wanying should be vaccinated against rabies."

Tang Tang is sorry.

Tang Dou's face darkened when he heard it, he caught it when he shook the table, and he didn't mean it.

In the past two years, Mu Wanying is still brooding, she holds a grudge too much.

Tang Dou was particularly puzzled. Girls often chat on mobile phones, and when they meet, there are endless things to talk about. From hair to shoes, which snacks are delicious, and where is a new department store opened, everything can become a hot topic of conversation.

I will not be short of words.

Going to a restaurant for dinner, Tang Dou suggested going to a movie after the meal, but it stopped tonight, but both Mu Wanying and Tang Tang went shopping, two to one.

It's not two to one, to be precise, it's two to zero.

With Mu Wanying and Lao Meier joining forces, Tang Dou had no right to speak.

This was the case in previous lives.

Now as always.

It wasn't that they didn't have the right to speak, when the two of them had no idea, they would still ask Tang Dou for his opinion.If the two think Tang Dou's idea is OK, then let it count, if not, just ignore it.

Like deciding what to have for dinner.

Mu Wanying ate snacks at home all afternoon and is not hungry now, so Tang Tang wanted to eat something.

Tang Tang couldn't think of it for a while, and asked his brother.

Knowing that his words have no weight, Tang Dou was no longer thinking, and said casually: "There is a noodle restaurant in front that is very delicious."

"I don't want to eat noodles." Tang Tangtang shook his head, and then said to Mu Wanying, "Sister Wanying, how about eating casserole?"

Of course Mu Wanying had no objection.

Tang Tang ordered casserole sesame food, Mu Wanying casserole pure vegetables, and Tang Dou casserole sliced ​​noodles.

"I'll give you some while I'm not eating." When the meal came, Mu Wanying picked up some food for Tang Dou.

"Eat as much as you can, and just give it to me if you can't finish it." Tang Dou said without refusing.

Tang Tang lamented in her heart, if she were herself, the elder brother would say, "If you can't finish eating, give me some breakfast, and don't give me the rest." For the elder brother, Mu Wanying's farts are all delicious.

In fact, Tang Dou said that he disliked his sister, and every time he went out to eat, he would not give the CD to her sister.

When Tang Tang was around, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying seldom talked sweetly or flirted.

Keep a foot distance when walking.

Mu Wanying could see that Doudou was deliberate, and she was not angry. As an older brother, he should behave like this in front of his middle school younger sister.

After dinner, the three of them drove to Xiaozhai by car.

Mu Wanying and Tang Tang started shopping mode, and Tang Dou followed like a dog.

"Brother, wait outside." Tang Tang said outside the girls' world.

Tang Dou looked up at the advertisement on the front door, and went to the side of the road in embarrassment. It was better than Gouzi, and Gouzi could still go in.

When the two came out, the old girl came to put the schoolbag on Tang Dou's back with a delicate pouch in her hand.

Then go shopping.

PS: Thanks to the cat at that time, the readers with the tail number 3659 gave a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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