Chapter 127 Husband and wife match
Shen Yun asked Tang Dou to help cook, when someone knocked on the door.

It's Mu Wanying.

Mu Wanying was wearing a pale pink down jacket, blue skinny jeans, white sneakers, and a high ponytail. Originally, her bangs were neat, but because they were long enough to cover her eyes, they were slanted down from her left eyebrow.

She has a pretty face, a tall figure, quite gentle and graceful, and looks like a fish and a wild goose.

Her fair and tender face was flushed from the cold, and the hand holding the orange was also red, which made her love her.

"Wanying, you came just in time."

Tang Dou opened the door, and Mu Wanying's fresh hair fragrance and skin care water made him feel refreshed. Tang Dou wanted to have a sweet good morning kiss with her, so Old Tang and his mother followed, so he could only Boomed in the air.

Mu Wanying turned a blind eye, with a sweet smile on her face, her eyes skipped over Doudou and looked inside, "Good morning, uncle and aunt."

She has come to Doujia five or six times, and this is the first time as a girlfriend, so she feels a little nervous.

"Here, a helper is here." Tang Dou looked at Shen Yun calmly and said.

He didn't feel nervous when he invited Mu Wanying to his house for the first time in the summer of the second year of high school. It took a lot of talking to invite Mu Wanying to come to his house as a guest, and it became much easier after that.

In middle school, other boys felt shy to invite female classmates to their home, let alone the head teacher's daughter, they didn't dare to say it in their hearts.

Tang Dou will not.

In order to invite Mu Wanying to move him, Tang Dou took the opportunity to have a meal at Mu Wanying's house, and as a courtesy, invited Mu Wanying to be a guest in front of his teacher and wife.

Of course Tang Dou knew it was because the teacher did not object, otherwise Mu Wanying would not have agreed.

"Wanying, it's cold outside, don't be polite, come in quickly." Shen Yun glanced at Tang Dou, covered Mu Wanying's hand and pulled him in, "You play with Tang Tang first, Auntie and Doudou are cooking, Tang , come out to play with your sister Wanying."

"You two do it, Wanying is here to show off her skills, right Wanying."

Tang Dou helped Mu Wanying hang her down jacket on the hanger, and said with a smile.

"Stinky boy, don't rely on Wanying for everything." Shen Yun pinched Doudou as he said.

"It's okay, Auntie, I'll do it with Doudou."

Mu Wanying is embarrassed to sit back and enjoy the benefits every time she comes. When she came today, her mother also told Doujia to be diligent in the future.

"My brother can handle it alone." Tang Tang said.

My mother really likes Mu Wanying, she sits on the sofa and asks about her health, the melon seeds and fruit plate are all placed, it is the first time that Mu Wanying came to the house as a son and girlfriend, and the reception is very formal.

After a break, Tang Dou said to let Mu Wanying cook with her mother, but to make Mu Wanying more comfortable, Tang Dou would do it with Mu Wanying by herself.

Prepare the main course first, boiled sliced ​​meat.

Shen Yun originally asked Tang Dou to cook fish with sauerkraut, but Tang Dou thought it was troublesome to make fish, so he asked him to buy it as tenderloin.

Tang Dou washed and cut the meat, while Mu Wanying prepared the vegetables.

"If I had known you were coming and wanted me to cook, it would be better if I went to your house." Tang Dou sighed.

"It's a pity not to cook so well. Don't waste your precious time in high school studying recipes. Besides, don't you just learn to cook for me? Practice more now, so I can give you a chance in the future."

Mu Wanying said with a smile.

"Do you really think I'm just for you? Don't tell me I won't marry you if you don't marry me? It's only been a long time since I've been in love, and my wisdom has fallen so badly." Tang Doubi said mercilessly.

"I know that your words are duplicity, and you can't believe what boys say."

Mu Wanying curled her lips, and flicked Tang Dou with her wet hands.

"Water that has washed spicy peppers." Tang Dou closed his eyes on purpose and yelled, "Rub it for me quickly."

Seeing the oil on Doudou's hands, Mu Wanying came to her senses and quickly rubbed Doudou's eyes.

"Did you wash the hand that cut the chili?" Tang Dou took it upon himself, it was nothing, but when Mu Wanying rubbed the hand that cut the chili, her eyes were so hot that she couldn't open her eyes.

"Oh, forgot."

Mu Wanying squeezed the hand sanitizer to wash her hands, and then washed Doudou's eyes. Her hands were already very delicate, and the movements were gentle, so it was very comfortable to rub.

Their faces were very close.

Mu Wanying's breathing was very even, blowing on Tang Dou's cheeks, filled with a gentle and elegant breath.This smell is more intoxicating than any perfume, it is hard to imagine that this is the exhaust gas mixed with carbon dioxide.

Mu Wanying's bangs moved across Tang Dou's face, itching.

Tang Dou pretended he still couldn't open his eyes, and felt for a while longer.

"Can't you open it?" Mu Wanying asked.

"It still hurts a little bit." Tang Dou blinked, and continued to pretend, "Wanying, when I open my eyes, I see you all, and when I close my eyes, you look more clearly."

"Then keep it closed."

The corners of Mu Wanying's mouth twitched slightly, and the cold tap water washed her hands and rubbed Doudou's eyes.

Tang Dou blinked a few times, looked at Mu Wanying whose big eyes were blinking, and quickly kissed the lips that were close at hand.

Mu Wanying didn't dodge immediately, Tang Dou paused, his lips parted slightly.

See if you can get your tongue out of the hole.

Now boo boo with Mu Wanying, Mu Wanying would take the initiative to respond every time, the soft and warm feeling made Tang Dou linger on.

"It really looks like it."

Mu Wanying backed away, pursed her lips, and said angrily.

"The eyes are still hot now." Tang Dou smiled happily, and the scene just now seemed familiar.

"It deserves it. If you don't obey me in the future, I will sue you with Tang Tang."

Mu Wanying pretended to splash water on Doudou again. She looked so cute, and some people in the family were embarrassed to let it go too much, so they were a little shy.Wearing a corseted black sweater and skinny jeans, her figure was fully revealed, and the moment she twisted her body arrogantly was very charming.

Tang Dou suddenly felt that Mu Wanying's way of throwing her temper was also very cute.

She even misses being pressed as "domestic violence" by her in her previous life.

"You brushed your teeth with mint-flavored toothpaste in the morning, ate steamed buns with leeks, and then ate watermelon-flavored gum."

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying and said.

"I still have the taste of leeks in my mouth?" Mu Wanying asked.

Tang Dou pursed his lips, a leek appeared on his lips.

"Okay." Mu Wanying looked disgusted with herself, "I ate a steamed dumpling after brushing my teeth."

Tang Dou smiled and said nothing. In his heart, Mu Wanying had long since lost her image.

In the previous life, there was a time when the jujube was washed, and the two peed farther than the other.

In the end, Mu Wanying's defeat was "too horrible" standing up, and once again she said that she squatted for the competition, and Tang Dou was not allowed to support it with her hands.

Tang Dou made it hard.

"Don't laugh, see if there are any leaves on my teeth?" Mu Wanying snorted lightly.

Tang Dou looked carefully, "It's gone."

"Do you want to cut the green vegetables?"

Mu Wanying washed the vegetables and asked.

Tang Dou: "No, just tear up the mushrooms finer."

"I have improved my skills by cooking with you a few times, and my mother praised me yesterday."

"As far as the ingredients and seasonings are concerned, look up the recipe online, it depends on whether you pay attention or not."

"I'm just impatient. If I'm alone, I won't treat snacks as meals, and I won't put my heart into cooking."

"It's not too difficult to live, but you still have to know how to enjoy life. Cooking some exquisite meals at home alone, drinking a cup of tea on the balcony, eating snacks and reading a book is more leisurely. Isn't it better than lying in bed without eating or drinking?"

"I agree that I can eat and drink alone, but I'm still comfortable in bed."


In the hall, Old Tang was watching TV with his hands on his thermos, feeling contented.

While cleaning the room, Shen Yun noticed the "noisy" two people in the kitchen, and felt very relieved that her son had made her worry about his studies, but he finally relieved her emotionally.

Tang Tang couldn't read the book, so she came to the kitchen door, watched the two cook, and helped to serve it to the table.

"Brother and sister Wanying are not tired of working with men and women."

"It's a couple match." Tang Dou smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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