Chapter 128

Mu Wanying's face flushed red when she heard about the match between husband and wife. Based on herself, Doudou, and the current relationship between the two families, it's settled if there are no accidents after graduation.

Classmates for three years in high school, lovers for four years in college, married after graduation.

For herself, Doudou, and for both families, it should be the best result. It would be great if they knew each other in junior high school. It would be a whole ten years. It sounds very romantic, Mu Wanying was thinking.

"Then when can I change my name to sister-in-law!" Tang Tang laughed.

"I asked you to change it a long time ago." Tang Dou smiled.

"It doesn't count if you say it, but it doesn't count if Sister Wanying says it." Tang Tang.

"You have to take the initiative to be sincere, right Wanying?"

Tang Dou looked at Wanying who had a smile on her face and didn't speak. Tang Dou's attitude was an attitude. The younger sister said that it's okay for Mu Wanying to have the final say. Tang Dou said that it's not so perfect, it will make people feel Lack of sincerity.

Could it be that Mu Wanying didn't agree and he stopped chasing her?
That's the truth.

"I still have to see how you perform."

Mu Wanying smiled generously. The two brothers and sisters sang together, which made her feel very comfortable and quickly adapted to her current status.

"You heard me, brother, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard."

Tang Tang is very sensible, joking is enough, although the relationship between brother and Mu Wanying is confirmed now, but sister-in-law is not just calling it casually, it is appropriate and kind to call sister now.

In the hall, Old Tang was still watching TV.

He has watched "Bright Sword" countless times. This will be the worst part of Li Tuanzhang's training. He didn't dare to make a sound, seeing Zhen Te Niang being aggrieved, but he couldn't see that he was aggrieved at all, and he played out the hero's spirit and mind.

Combining with "Second Battalion Commander, pull up Lao Tzu's Italian cannon and fire.", it is impeccable.

"I used to envy my colleagues being served by my son and daughter-in-law, but now I can't sit still." Shen Yun couldn't sit still.

"You will suffer." Old Tang looked up.

"You still have the nerve to say, when have you cooked for me all these years?" Shen Yun.

"You don't need it." Old Tang expressed his innocence. "When I was young, I also wanted to show off more. You don't understand style."

"I'm going to learn from Xiaolong in the future. A good man depends on it."

Shen Yun sighed, realizing that she pursued perfection too much at home, and couldn't understand what others did, and ended up exhausting herself.The younger sister Shen Xiaolong is on the contrary. Her husband can do whatever he wants, as long as he is willing to do it. Over time, the craftsmanship will naturally come out. Hao Jun can now go to the hall and go to the kitchen.

"You can learn from Xiaolong, but I am too clumsy to learn from Hao Jun."

Old Tang smiled and shook his head.

Shen Yun was speechless. In fact, she just complained and complained. She used to cook for four people and wash clothes for four people. She came here. Now that her daughter lives at school, there are only two people at home, so it's much easier .

"Tang's character is like a little dragon, very lazy but very satisfying."

"Dou Dou was also trained by Xiaolong when she was a child. Xiao Long often said that she trained Dou Dou at the request of her boyfriend. I have to say that Xiao Long is good at raising children. Yuan Yuan only went to elementary school. She speaks really nicely."

Compared with his younger sister Shen Xiaolong, Shen Yun felt inferior.

My aunt taught Tang Dou boys to be "thick-faced, careful and bold" and "could be romantic, but not dirty". This kind of education almost goes against the conservative traditional family education of my parents. My mother often accused my aunt of teaching bad Dou.

As a result, Tang Dou listened to his aunt.

Mom was also worried.

Tang Dou cooked boiled pork slices, fried mutton with green onions, and pumpkin porridge, and said to Mu Wanying, "I'll leave the rest to you."

"I don't even know your family's taste." Mu Wanying twitched.

"It's okay, my family's taste is very ordinary." Tang Dou turned to the old girl, "Tang, do you want to try Wanying's craftsmanship? Her shredded cabbage is really good."

"Alright, Sister Wanying shows her hand."

Tang Tang really wanted to taste the craft of his future sister-in-law.

"Okay, don't be disgusted if you don't do well." Mu Wanying pursed her lips and just did it.

Ready to make shredded cabbage and tomato cauliflower.

"I didn't cook the cauliflower for the first time in my second year of high school. It tasted so bad, even worse than the ones in the school cafeteria."

Mu Wanying laughed at herself.

"Someone even boiled instant noodles in cold water." Tang Dou said, looking at his younger sister who was at the door.

Tang Tang pouted and kicked the elder brother. When did this happen?

The instant noodles are boiled in cold water, with a taste of dark cooking.

Mu Wanying covered her mouth and smiled, and looked at Tang Tang, "Is it delicious after cooking?"

"Go back and try it yourself." Tang Dou said with a smile.

"You still have instant noodles in the instant noodle bag." Tang Tang also exposed the old brother's black material.

"What's the matter, I also learned from my classmates." Tang Dou didn't take it seriously. There was no bowl in the classroom. When he was hungry, he bought instant noodles between classes and soaked them directly in the instant noodle bag. There were chopsticks from the restaurant in the table pocket. The food is also delicious.

"You boys are so casual." Tang Tang looked disgusted.

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying and said, "The taste is not bad, Wanying."

"How do I know if I haven't eaten it?"

Mu Wanying categorically denied it. Now that I think about it, eating Doudou's instant noodles under the table is too embarrassing. It's not something a lady would do. When Doudou took her to Zhonger Road, she herself couldn't say clear.

Breaking the Snake record of playing Dou Dou on my mobile phone in the bed at night should not be counted.

It's normal to eat ice cream in winter.

Cutting out of computer class and playing basketball in the first year of high school should not be counted. My dad didn't say anything when he saw it.

Tang Tang lamented in his heart, passing on the second disease to the goddess, the elder brother committed a heinous crime, why was he not thrown with sulfuric acid.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying talked and laughed in the kitchen for more than an hour, and they're done.

Four dishes and one soup, with meat and vegetables.

Today's meal, Old Tang and Shen Yun's meal was particularly delicious. Shen Yun continued to pick up food for Mu Wanying, as if he was his own daughter. In fact, Shen Yun did treat Mu Wanying as a daughter. It was like this in his previous life. It is the same now.

"Mom, these two were fried by Wanying, who cooks better than me?"

Tang Dou gave Shen Yun shredded cabbage and tomato cauliflower and said with a smile.

Shen Yun tasted it, nodded without any surprise and said, "Wanying's cooking is delicious."

"You can eat more if it tastes good." Tang Dou had a calculating face, "Then the kitchen will be handed over to Wanying from now on."

"Brother, you are so scheming."

Suddenly understood something, Tang Tang cast a contemptuous look.

"Stinky boy, don't play tricks at home." Shen Yun also stared when he realized that the bastard actually set her up.

"Still, Doudou has the demeanor of a chef, and I can only cook something simple."

Mu Wanying smiled modestly.

"When it comes to cooking, boys are more talented than girls. The chefs in restaurants are generally men, and New Oriental's advertisements are all men."

Tang Tang is completely on Mu Wanying's side.

"He's a professional chef, of course he's great." Tang Dou

"Brother, you are very good now." Tang Tang couldn't keep his mouth shut after eating, and he started dancing, "Look at the boiled pork slices and mutton, the color and flavor are complete, this is called professionalism."

Tang Tang went to wash his hair after dinner.

Shen Yun didn't need Tang Dou and Mu Wanying to clean up the dishes, Tang Dou took Mu Wanying to the bedroom for a while.

"I've been busy all morning, sit down, I'll give you a massage."

Tang Dou sat on the chair in front of the desk and pulled Mu Wanying closer.

 Thank you for not knowing what you don’t know, little eraser, tail number 1178, if I have a book friend in the next life, I will give you a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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