Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 129 Happy time with best friend

Chapter 129 Happy time with best friend

After Tang Tang finished washing her hair, Mu Wanying blew it.

"Hair quality is really good, black and thick." Mu Wanying envied Tang Tang's hair.

"But it's not going well. I have to wipe it with a towel every day when I wake up to comb it." Thinking of his messy hair every morning, Tang Tang was very troubled.

"When it grows, you will know the benefits of good hair quality. Your hair will be truly black and straight when it grows." Mu Wanying continued: "Your brother's hair quality is not as good as yours."

"When I was a child, I gave her all the delicious food at home." Tang Dou rubbed his sister's hair.

"Isn't this what it should be? You don't know that I am at the same table in junior high school, and you are the only one who nicknamed her Big Face Girl, how good her brother is to her." Tang Tang began to talk about other people's brothers again.

"Tch, you are not satisfied." Tang Dou said.

"Why do you call me a girl with a big face? Does she have a big face?" Mu Wanying asked.

"It's about the same as Zheng Mengyuan, the sleeping god of our class." Tang Dou replied.

"Okay, it's quite big, but Zheng Mengyuan's chubby and cute is cute."

"Every fat girl is a potential stock." Tang Dou smiled.

Wait for Mu Wanying to dry Tang Tang's hair, and then go out with Tang Dou.

"Wanying, come back after cutting your hair." Shen Yun said reluctantly.

"After cutting your hair and transferring to Tang Tang, let's watch the time in the afternoon." Mu Wanying politely refused.

After leaving the community, Mu Wanying and Tang Tang went to get their hair cut.

Tang Dou first went to his buddies Li Fan and Xin Liao, and then went to Bai Yanlong, who was repeating his studies, to give condolences.

When they met, they hurt each other first as usual. Li Fan, Xin Liao, and Bai Yanlong were all in Tangdu and met often, so the three unanimously hurt Tang Dou who came back from the capital. The damaged Tang Dou had nothing but skin.

This time Tang Dou specifically asked about Bai Yanlong's single-entry university next year.

Jindu Normal University.

It looks pretty good, but I don't know the difference between a single move and a unified move.

"Doudou had a fulfilling life in a prestigious school, and he didn't often play games." Xin Liao asked.

"I don't want to play time-consuming games anymore. I have made a Terra Stone lightsaber to protect Arad occasionally." Tang Dou said: "The school has a good learning atmosphere, but I'm not a research material, so I just read books in the library to pass the time."

"That's not bad. In our school, you look like an alien when you read a book. There is a hotel in front of the school. The owner seems to be the principal. The hotel has catering, accommodation, and clinics. The students of this school go to pay for the discount."

Xin Liao laughed.

"Then you guys are too cool! Men and women are three to seven." Tang Dou pretended to be envious. He had been to the business school in his previous life, so it was not surprising. Some private three-ben schools were founded or funded by businessmen, and some school leaders were businessmen.

A strong commercial atmosphere is normal.

Anyway, students in this kind of school don't go for learning.

There is even an astonishing remark that after reading three books and playing for four years, it may be a good thing, but after four years of study, it will be useless.

However, the hotel serving students at the entrance of the College of Commerce is really considerate.

"Drought to drought, flood to flood to death."

The fat man smiled lightly.

Fatty is still very devoted, but it’s a pity that he didn’t love the right person. He liked a girl in his class in the first year of high school. I don't know how this girl unknowingly got along with another boy in the first class, and this boy has been talking to another girl in the first class before.

Then the fat man remained single until Tang Dou was reborn.

Li Fan and Bai Yanlong University also deal again and again.

Li Fan found a colleague from his hometown after working, and planned to get engaged in the first month of 20 years, but it was delayed.

Bai Yanlong is really worrying. Tang Dou has never seen him interested in any girl since he first met in high school. Before Tang Dou was reborn, several people talked about urging marriage at home. Tang Dou even joked, "Yanlong may like boys. "

"I regretted that I reported to Mingde College. It's too far away. It takes two hours to go out."

Li Fan looked distressed. Behind the school was the dark Qinling Mountains, and he felt very depressed.

"I told you that the place is very out of the way, why don't you come to tutoring with me." Bai Yanlong said.

"Tutoring is impossible. You are not bad in science. Except for English, I have all partial subjects, and I have performed [-] times in the exam." Li Fan.

"This year's second line is only 445. You have performed supernormally. How can you do better than Fatty and me in the usual exams?"

"That's because you guys are playing abnormally, fighting is called extraordinary performance."

"Dou Dou must have learned it secretly at home, and there is Mu Wanying's tutoring. If the mock test is more than 400, if it is his real level, and the supernormal test is [-], he will die."

"Luck and extraordinary, I am really familiar with the exams this year."

Tang Dou felt that his buddies were confused when they went to college, and they were forced to repeat their studies. After graduation, they were no worse than ordinary students who graduated from two majors.

Li Fan has three books, and when he was looking for a job in his senior year, he miraculously squeezed out competitors from good schools such as Western Polytechnic University in the interview. He was able to work in Kyoto, and his monthly salary was a few thousand higher at the beginning. He was simply lucky.

Fatty doesn't make much money in Suning, but he is free and easy, drinking and partying whenever he is called.

Bai Yanlong only recruited two colleges. After graduation, he resigned from the company he found at home for two months. He traveled half of the motherland by himself. In 19 years, he became a technical secondary school teacher in Xiaogan. He did well. He returned home early during the winter vacation and went very smoothly.

Years ago, Tang Dou, Li Fan, and Fatty were quarantined at home because they had a meeting with Bai Yanlong.

In fact, during that time, there was no need to be quarantined, and no one wanted to go out.

"Go to FireWire, I bought cannons for half a year." Li Fan suggested.

"I still remember the first time I brought Doudou to play lol. Doudou gave super gods to the same person. I couldn't bear to be scolded by my teammates. I also deliberately sent a few to attract teammates' firepower."

The fat man laughed.

"Fighting games are very good, and you can play simple ones. He can play the dungeon summoner to level [-]. I really admire it. I usually don't want to be with the summoning group when forming a team."

Li Fan continued.

Tang Dou is really good at playing games, but every time he can form a team that is worse than him.

"Games, just enjoy yourself." Tang Dou looked at Li Fan and said, "If you are so devoted, your body can't take it anymore. Forget about the night flight in the winter of the first year of high school, and you got a nosebleed?"

"Haha, I thought the bullet came out of the computer screen and hit Li Fan."

"Damn, it's too hot in front of the radiator." Li Fan's face was dark, and he had been laughed at for several years when he got a nosebleed from playing games.

The four of them went to the Internet cafe happily, and when they boarded the game, they immediately regained the feeling of high school.

CF Desert Ash blast mode.

"Is my sniper still okay?" Li Fan shot to the head, proudly.

"Okay, okay, change the gun, I also play cannon." Xin Liao threw down his M4A1.

"I still like M4A1-S." Bai Yanlong just picked up a condom and fell down, "Damn, there's someone behind the box in the aisle in Area B."

"I'm the only one left? I can't get stuck in this position."

Tang Dou looked at the battle situation, all his teammates were dead, and the opponent was also dead, but Tang Dou didn't have the skills to get the explosive pack on the two-story box.

"This kind of thing is the most irritating." Xin Liao smiled helplessly. "I used to meet people who couldn't dismantle bombs, so he was the only one left to stand in front of the bomb and wait for it to explode."

"I come."

Li Fan came over and stuck a few times and finally got stuck, but the time was up.


"I'm still not proficient at this position. I can get stuck on transport ships anywhere now."

Playing until after five o'clock in the afternoon, going out to eat, drinking a few bottles of beer, Tang Dou had a happy day.

This kind of happiness is really happy.

(End of this chapter)

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