Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 131 The Heartlessness of Human Beings

Chapter 131 The Heartlessness of Human Beings (Please Subscribe)

After a lot of experience, Tang Dou feels more and more that "true love" is between best friends.

There is no need to beat around the bush, no need to deliberately manage, we all understand and understand each other.

After playing happily all day, Tang Dou felt the long-lost relaxation.

Tang Dou just arrived in the community when Tang Tang called.

"Brother, when are you coming back?"

"I've arrived in the community, what do I want to buy?"

"No, just ask where you have been."


Tang Dou came home after eight o'clock in the evening.

Old Tang, mother, and old sister are watching TV.The headlights in the room are off, the light is dim, but very cozy.Seeing my brother come back, Tang Tang hid the remote control in his arms, and now at home, my brother is robbing her of the remote control.

Tang Dou threw his down jacket aside, squeezed to his sister's side, and Ge You lay down.

The younger sister sniffed and said, "Mom, my brother is drinking again."

Shen Yun reached out and touched Tang Dou's forehead, "How much did you drink?"

"Three people have seven or eight bottles. It's okay, just sleepy." Tang Dou replied.

"That's not much." Old Tang said.

"It's cold enough to drink beer in winter." Shen Yun glanced at Old Tang, and continued, "You never cared about drinking, and even encouraged it."

"Boy, it's okay to go out and have a drink with your classmates." Old Tang didn't think it was inappropriate for his son to drink.

"Mom, you have to blame my uncle. It was my uncle who taught me to drink. Every time I go there, I let him drink with him."

Tang Dou said lazily.

"Looking at how my brother is drinking seven or eight bottles, it's about the same." Tang Tang rolled his eyes and looked at the old brother: "How much is 1-4+2*3?"

"-3" Tang Dou closed his eyes, and then he came out.

"Pfft!" Tang Tang chuckled, the same question fell down and the order was wrong again, my head couldn't turn at all, "Mom, do you think my brother drank two bottles?"

"Isn't it minus three?" Old Tang went through 1-4+2*3 carefully in his head, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Do the multiplication first, Dad, you can get drunk even if you drink wolfberry water." Tang Tang was speechless.

"You didn't even tell me whether there were brackets or not." Tang Dou rubbed the corners of his eyes, this kind of question was similar to a brain teaser, right and wrong calculations had nothing to do with drinking or not.

"I didn't say there were brackets, so should I tell you that there are no brackets for this question?"

"Stop making trouble." Shen Yun looked at Tang Tang: "Tang, go and make a cup of Pu'er tea for your brother."

"Oh." Tang Tang got up reluctantly.

"How about your buddies who went to college? Did you have a tutor?" Shen Yun asked.

"I can't tell now that they are not rich and powerful families. Whether they are doing well or not will be seen in ten years' time." Tang Dou.

"Is Han Wentao still chasing Wanying?" Shen Yun suddenly thought of his son as the number one rival in love, because Mu Wanying, Doudou had a lot of rivalries with this rich second generation, and Han Wentao's mother always got angry in front of her every time at the parents' meeting. se.

"No, he has moved on."

"It wouldn't be possible without you Wanying and Han Wentao, the two families are not the same way."


Tang Dou turned on his mobile phone, logged on to the trumpet account, and only added Mu Wanying and a few other high school classmates who had a good relationship.

With Mu Wanying's news, Tang Dou replied, and then sent Xin Liao's photos of the renovation of my aunt's house to my aunt. The house decoration is basically completed, and there are no problems with the materials and decoration quality. The cost is less than 20 , Using the same materials, it is definitely not enough for others to decorate 20 yuan, and the quality of the decoration is difficult to guarantee.

The house has been renovated and vacant for half a year, and my aunt's house will come to Tangdu when school starts next fall.

"I went to see the house, and the decoration is really good." Shen Yun said after looking at the photos.

"Acquaintance, the quality of the decoration must be fine, and Xin Liao's father is also meticulous."

Tang Dou laughed.

Watching TV until ten o'clock, Shen Yun refused to let Tang Tang watch it, and Tang Dou didn't want to watch it either. He went back to the bedroom to tease his sister, and went to bed early.

At noon the next day, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying were going back to school, and Mu Jinhua drove them to Tangdu Station.It was already dark in the capital, Tang Dou took Mu Wanying to Zhongcai to have dinner together, and then went back to his school.

"Gloves on." Mu Wanying took out the gloves she bought from Tang Dou's pocket.

Tang Dou put on his gloves, smiled and said nothing.

Mu Wanying looked around, raised her neck and sucked lightly, "Go back and call me."

Mi Le called Tang Dou and said he was waiting in the playground to report on the company's affairs in the past few days.

Tang Dou returned to school and went directly to the playground. Mi Le came from the football field, wearing a long black hooded sweater, skinny jeans, and a hat like a hacker. When he saw Tang Dou, he greeted him with big arms.

Tang Dou ruthlessly stopped him at an arm's length.

"I haven't seen you for a few days and don't miss me at all?" Mi Le still hugged her up with her arms open.

"I don't want to." Tang Dou said simply.

"Well, people are ruthless. As for that, if I don't talk about work, I'm afraid you won't come to see me." Mi Le sighed exaggeratedly, lowered his arms, and took out the company's financial report for this week to Tang fight.

Tang Dou took it under the street lamp to see that from Monday to Friday, the company earned more than 50 yuan, which was nearly 20 less than last week, mainly because Tang Dou chose conservative investments from Wednesday to Friday to reduce trouble.

"I invested 100 million more this week, and the income was 20 less." Miller said.

"I didn't pay much attention to the inconvenience at home these few days." Tang Dou said frankly.

"Don't your family know? Afraid your parents won't support you?"

"You must know that my mother will definitely not support me when I trade in stocks."

"Okay." Mi Le said: "Go out for a late-night snack, and talk about the company's New Year's arrangements by the way."

"I just had dinner, what can I do for New Year's Day, just give each person a gift." Tang Dou had been tossing around for a day, and just came back and didn't want to go out.

"Then go talk to the company tomorrow." Mi Le sighed in disappointment.

The school poetry competition has been launched.

The competition is held as scheduled, and the class is held once a week. The top four are selected to participate in the department-level competition. Those selected by the department will participate in the whole school competition.

To motivate students, there are rewards for standing out, from class competitions to school-wide competitions.

Includes credits and cash.

The rewards for being able to stand out from the crowd are very generous, five hundred for No.1, three hundred for No.2, and two hundred for No.3.

If you can achieve good results in each period from the class competition to the whole school competition, the accumulated rewards are enough for the living expenses of ordinary students.

Of course, the most important thing about this kind of activity is to exercise students' courage and ability to respond.

The Friday class competition has already gone through a round. The first round is relatively simple, and all the poems learned in middle school are presented. Tao Minmin, Su Yuwei and others have entered the next round, which means they have already won a reward of 50 yuan.

Tang Dou was absent this time.

The quota for the competition is not fixed, and those who have not registered before can also apply for participation in the next round.

After Su Yuwei was forced to participate by the counselor, she memorized Tang poems all day long. A student like Su Yuwei is very focused on one thing to do. Once she overcomes the psychological barrier, this kind of competition cannot be easier for her.

Monday, December 27th.

Entering the final stage, the public classes have already begun to end. Tang Dou and Mi Le went to the company after the first and second classes, and held a short morning meeting, mainly to summarize last week's work and this week's goals.

Although a bit formalistic, it is also essential to think from the perspective of management.

This is a means to maintain the vitality and cohesion of the office. Whether the employees like to listen to it or not, the leader's speech will leave an image in their minds that "the boss attaches great importance to it", so they should not be too perfunctory in their work.

In five or six classes in the afternoon, the counselor asked Tang Dou to host the second round of the class competition of the poetry competition.

(End of this chapter)

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