Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 132 Tips for Giving Gifts to Employees

Chapter 132 Tips for Giving Gifts to Employees (Subscribe)
The poetry competition is divided into regular questions and quick answer questions.

The way to make questions is to give specific elements and words, and let the contestants recite the poems that match the sentences. Generally, the regular questions can be answered within the effective time.

Opponents are chosen by drawing lots, and for the sake of fairness, they are chosen on the spot.

Su Yuwei was lucky, she didn't get Tao Minmin, the top student, but Cui Wisteria, who played soy sauce.Su Yuwei narrowly won, which meant that she was already qualified to participate in the departmental competition, which was a good start for her.

Build confidence and be rewarded.

"Congratulations to the four students who won the first class competition. The other students will continue to work hard. This kind of opportunity is available every month, but it is reserved for those who are prepared. I hope that every student can actively participate. It is a rare opportunity for experience, and the students who won the second round will go down and prepare well, and strive to make further progress in the departmental competition."

"The squad leader will count the students who won the first and second rounds later, and send them to me together with the bank account number."

After the end, Sun Ying said.

Tao Minmin and others came to register with Tang Dou, Su Yuwei stood in front and said softly: "Squad leader, I don't have my bank card, go back and look for it."

Compared to before, Su Yuwei is obviously much more confident.

Tang Dou looked up at her, "Just go back to the dormitory and send me the card number."

Su Yuwei nodded and left the classroom.

Someone in the class group mentioned the class reunion yesterday.

The exam will be next week, and some students hope that it will be held before the exam, and after the party, they can devote themselves to the final review.

After counting, Tang Dou discussed the class reunion with counselor Sun Ying.

"You can discuss it with the class. I won't go. You can be more comfortable and pay attention to safety." Sun Ying thought for a while and added, "Boys don't drink liquor, beer is enough."

Sun Ying didn't want to go, and Tang Dou didn't force it. University teachers usually only attend a student reunion when they graduate.

"Are you free tonight? Go play billiards." After reading the poetry competition statistics, Sun Ying glanced at Tang Dou.

"No problem." Tang Dou readily agreed.

After returning to the dormitory, discuss in the group what to eat at the party.

The group debated whether to eat hot pot or something else.

"Eating hot pot in winter is justified."

"The big table meal is lively. Class gatherings, eating hot pot and sitting at a table for four people, what's the point of being together in your dormitory? The meaning of class dinners is fusion."

In the end, the minority obeys the majority and eats a big table.

The time was set for Saturday night, at the nearest hotel outside the school.

In dormitory 412, Li Hao went to the balcony to look across with the binoculars, An Qi said, "What's there to see in broad daylight."

"What if someone takes a bath or changes clothes." Li Hao said.

"It's boring to watch too much. I've seen that dormitory all over. There are two figures that are not bad, but the faces are not good-looking." Li Xiongxiong was a little disappointed.

"A good figure is enough, there are so many beauties with natural beauty." Li Hao put down his binoculars and came in.

"It's okay if you don't know if you have a good face or a good figure, but if you know that you don't have a good face, no matter how good your figure is, you won't be interested." Li Xiongxiong said.

Tang Dou, who was listening, was also a little curious. He went to the balcony and picked up the binoculars to look at it. There was no one in the dormitory, but there were a few nice underwear on the balcony.

"The exam will be on Monday next week. Aren't you going to review it?" said An Qi who was reading.

"Didn't you highlight the key points? What else do you need to review?" Li Hao didn't panic at all.

"Isn't it the same as not marking the key points if you don't review?"

"I can't write cheat sheets. I copied everything in the college entrance examination."

"Really, how do you copy?"

Li Hao: "The cheat sheet is stuck to the inside of the trousers, so turn it up when copying."

An Qi: "Lying on the grass, it's all right, you cow."

Tang Dou also admired how big a heart it is to read cheat sheets for the college entrance examination. This kind of operation was often used in college exams in his previous life, and he never thought about it in the college entrance examination room.

In the evening, Tang Dou went to find Mu Wanying and sent her the neiyi he bought for her last week.

"I want to see if your clothes fit well." Tang Dou took out the black suspenders and gestured with a smile.

"I'll take a photo when I go back to the dormitory and send it to you." Mu Wanying looked at the clothes, the quality was pretty good, she put them in her bag, and rubbed her cheeks.

After returning to the dormitory, Mu Wanying washed up and went to bed, and put on inner pillows.Because she runs every day, Tang Dou bought a sports sling with wide shoulders.

Wrapped tightly, the hills are stretched very delicately and lovely.

Mu Wanying lay down with the quilt pulled down, took a few selfies, and selected a good one to send to Doudou.

Ping also has a flat loveliness.

Tang Dou saved the photo and replied with a "slobbering" emoji.

Mu Wanying: "Just right, just right for running (beating)."

the next day.

Mi Le and Tang Dou discussed what gifts to give to the employees on New Year's Day, but Tang Dou didn't understand.

Pay attention to what grades to send and whether to distinguish them. If you don’t think carefully, it may cause jealousy among employees.

At the school gate, Mi Le was waiting in the car, Tang Dou went up and said directly: "Why don't you just buy six soybean milk makers."

"Fortunately, if you can imagine it, it doesn't matter to other people. What about Zhang Yadong? He is the supervisor, and everyone gives the same gift. He must be feeling uncomfortable." Mi Le sneered.

"Then what do you think? Buy one with a similar price?" Tang Dou said angrily.

"Giving gifts to employees is skillful. If the price is about the same, you should follow the standard for Zhang Yadong, regardless of the cost? Of course, there are few people now, and it doesn't cost much to give according to the standard for the supervisor. Can you do it later?"

Mi Le glanced and started the car, "Didn't you get your driver's license? Can you drive?"

"If you dare to sit, I will drive." Tang Dou said indifferently.

"Forget it, I'll let you practice someday when there are fewer cars." Mi Le grinned.

The two went to the appliance store and bought a soybean milk machine, a juicer, a rice cooker, a hair dryer, and a bread machine. There were only six employees in total. The gifts should not be too shabby, and the total cost would not be too much.

"Your so-called skills are distributed according to positions?" Tang Dou said.

"Let them draw lots themselves."

After buying the gifts, Mi Le bought another stack of red envelopes, returned to the car and wrote six notes, and put them into six red envelopes.

"That's a good idea." Tang Dou nodded.

Blind selection is a bit interesting, and at the same time, it will not make employees feel that the boss is watching people give gifts.

When I arrived at the company, I didn't take my things to the office, but put them in the car. Mi Le only brought six red envelopes.

"I wish everyone a happy New Year's Day in advance. I bought some simple small gifts for everyone. Let's choose by lottery. After get off work, go downstairs to pick it up in the car." When he arrived at the office, Mi Le took out a red envelope and asked everyone to draw one.

"Thank you Mr. Tang, Mr. Mi. Happy New Year's Day, Mr. Tang."

"Ladies first, Maimai and Brother Jing smoke first."

Wang Zhennan and others looked at Qiao Mai and Guo Jing.

"Thank you, Brother Wang." Qiao Mai was not polite, and took the lead in drawing a red envelope from the middle.

Guo Jing followed closely.

The two of them didn't open it yet, waiting for others to smoke.

The rest of the men are randomly drawn,

Qiao Mai smoked the bread machine, Guo Jing smoked the soybean milk machine, Zhang Yadong smoked the hair dryer
Expensive ones cost a few hundred dollars like a rice cooker, and cheap ones cost more than 100 yuan like a hair dryer. But in this way, no one feels that the gifts they get don’t match their status in the office. Instead, they feel that they are very novel and harmonious.

Zhang Yadong smoked the cheapest one, it was because he was unlucky, no one could blame him.

"Thank you Brother Zhang for promoting your style." Wang Zhennan teased.

 Thank you cwjxqb for the 5000 point reward, and thank you Fenglin Hanyue for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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