Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 136 One sweet place and two sad places

Chapter 136

"One time free for purchases below [-]."

Mu Wanying stared at the wheel of fortune and prayed with wide eyes. The free order of [-] is enough for two people to eat once for free.

Seeing her anticipation, Tang Dou increased the speed of the lucky wheel, "The luck of the two people will be better."

"Maybe your luck is negative."

Mu Wanying curled her lips.

The cashier smiled and said nothing, not to mention that the center of gravity of the first prize on the carousel deviates from the pointer, the normal probability is [-] in [-], how can it be so easy to draw.

The cashier said in his heart that classmate, you are so beautiful and you are greedy for such small cheap things. I am really sorry for your face. You are always spoiled to laugh in BMW cars.

Of course Mu Wanying wasn't short of that little money.

One is fun.

The second is careful planning.

At first glance, the cashier at the front desk is a fake woman.

The pointer of the lucky turntable finally stays on the fish balls, and next time you will be free of a single plate of fish balls.

"Dou Dou, your luck value is really negative, so you shouldn't make that extra round, please leave your phone number."

Mu Wanying looked at Doudou in disappointment, and registered at the front desk, it was better than nothing.

"How can I catch up with you if my luck is negative."

Tang Dou smiled slightly.

"It seems to be, well, my luck is negative."

Mu Wanying nodded approvingly.

"In the past few days, there are activities to send members. The membership number is the phone number. In the future, you can report the phone number when you check out. You can accumulate points for consumption, and the points can be exchanged for dishes. Members can enjoy a [-]% discount from [-]:[-] noon to [-]:[-] pm."

The cashier registers the presentation.

"Got it, thank you."

Mu Wanying nodded and took back the change.

Accidentally asked Wanying to pay the money again, Tang Dou was a little bit sorry, he was used to eating and drinking from Wanying, and in his previous life after marriage, Wanying paid the bill for outside consumption, so Tang Dou didn't have the habit of spending money with Wanying.

It was past seven o'clock in the evening, and I leisurely returned to Mu Wanying's school. After dinner, I happened to go for a run.

Mu Wanying can run without hindrance, this is her determination to do one thing.

The playground is very lively, many people are walking, playing snowball fights, taking pictures, couples chasing and fighting.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying were running, when a snowball bomb flew towards Tang Dou's head and exploded, the ice in Tang Dou's neck was cold.

A white boy behind him shouted apologetically, "I'm sorry pretty boy."

The girl in front bent over laughing, taking pleasure in other people's misfortune. It doesn't matter if you don't want this kind of girlfriend, you are not afraid of your boyfriend being beaten to death.

"Grays are okay."

Tang Dou didn't care, if I were a girl, an apology would be useful, what should I do.

That buddy didn't understand what Tang Dou meant when he called him a "gray man", so he figured it out, it should be a dialect, which meant the same thing as he said "beautiful boy", so he smiled friendly.

"Doudou, you are good or bad."

Mu Wanying covered her mouth and smiled, patted the snow on Doudou's neck, and continued running.

"I built a snowman once when I was growing up. In the winter of my second year of high school, we two rolled a big snowball and a small snowball on the school playground. The small snowballs were carried on top of the big snowballs. Adding facial features made a snowman, but it was so ugly."

Mu Wanying remembered that time when she made a snowman.

"Your childhood was so ordinary. When I was young, I often took my sister to play. Every time it snowed, my sister would take me to build a snowman and let me take her to ski."

"You pull me ski."

As Mu Wanying spoke, she stopped and squatted down, and handed her hand to Doudou.

"Gloves." Tang Dou gave the gloves to Mu Wanying.

After playing and running, the two of them turned gray before they knew it. Mu Wanying was so excited that she took Tang Dou to a place with good light to take a selfie. During the photo shoot, Tang Dou kissed her cheek and changed positions. make faces.

Change positions and pout at each other.

Mu Wanying's space specially created a love photo album to record the love history of the two.

The photo of the two people in high school was also moved in.

Mu Wanying chose a photo of Dou Dou Dou Dou making funny faces and sent it to Moments, and edited the text:

"Wish to win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be separated"

"How is it?" The editor said, Mu Wanying let Tang Dou read it.

"Not bad." Tang Dou nodded, the pixels of Mu Wanying's VV phone are still good.

Seeing Mu Wanying's circle of friends, some people are envious, while others feel heartbroken.

"Sister Wanying, my brother is so good." Tang Tang commented.

"I only wish to have Wanying's heart, and the white head will not be separated." Brother Liu is a pure man.

"Candy boy, be careful when you come to our school at night, do you know how many people in our school you have offended?" Zhao Na.

"Did this guy come to our school tonight? Let him stay, who will go?" The accountant was very scheming.

"Who has a sack to carry." The old captain.

Han Wentao is celebrating New Year's Eve with his girlfriend. Although he has a girlfriend, and his girlfriend's appearance is not much worse than Mu Wanying's, the snow tonight has penetrated into his heart.

Unknowingly reminded of BGM.
During this period of time, Han Wentao often showed affection in the circle of friends. In fact, he is not a person who likes to show affection, but just for Mu Wanying to watch, but he didn't know that Mu Wanying had blocked his news long ago.

It's also self-inflicted, Han Wentao can be the protagonist, but he insists on playing a supporting role for Tang Dou.

Should he be said to be cheap, or infatuated.

"Your little padded jacket is stuck to other people and you can't take it off."

At Mu Wanying's house, Feng Qinglan showed Mu Jinhua the phone.

Looking at the sweet girl and Tang Dou, Mu Jinhua's body felt chilly.

"I regret not having another son. I think about the use of giving up so much for my career. What can I do with an extra 10 yuan and a house? In the end, it will be cheaper for other people's pigs." Feng Qinglan sighed, " You tell Tang Doudou, we don't make it difficult for him to come to our door, but he must take care of us in retirement."

"When I'm too old to move, I'd rather starve to death at home than go to a nursing home."

Feng Qinglan said in a muffled voice as he was in danger.

"Don't worry, Wanying won't agree to go to the nursing home." Mu Jinhua was also a little helpless, "You were the one who didn't want to be born again."

"That also requires Tang Doudou's agreement, otherwise Wanying will be wronged."


In Tang Dou's family, Shen Yun was also a little worried, depending on his son's future, he would give Mu Wanying the saddle in the future, if Feng Qinglan wanted to recruit a son-in-law, Shen Yun felt that Doudou would never turn back.

"You son of a bitch said on the day of the college entrance examination that Feng Qinglan wants to recruit a son-in-law, it can't be true!"

Shen Yun suddenly thought of this episode and was worried.

Old Tang said indifferently: "There is nothing to worry about."

"It's not that I'm worrying unfoundedly. Doudou's ideas in this area are indeed very weak. Don't worry. When the time comes, you will change your old Tang family's surname." Shen Yun continued: "After the college entrance examination, Doudou received a call from Feng Qinglan once. Calling mom, even if you joke with Mu Wanying, it's too shameful."

That was when Tang Dou hadn't adapted to his rebirth status at the time, and he habitually yelled when he saw his wife on the phone.

At that time, Mu Wanying was also at Tang Dou's house, and Feng Qinglan called Tang Dou when her cell phone ran out of battery. When she heard Tang Dou calling her mother, Feng Qinglan couldn't figure it out. Tang Dou explained that she was calling her mother, which made Feng Qinglan confused.

Who is calling mother?

Old Tang took a deep breath when he heard the words, and immediately said calmly: "Stop thinking about it, and make troubles for yourself."

Shen Yun rolled his eyes and opened his son's chat bar.

"Mom, don't worry, my brother will never be counted on. He will have to rely on me in the future, so love me more in the future."

Tang Tang comforted his mother intimately.

Shen Yun sighed, it's better to be a girl in this era.

"Why did my roommate suddenly call you Candy Boy?" Mu Wanying asked in confusion.

"Maybe I'm sweet."

Tang Dou looked at the comments on Mu Wanying's circle of friends, "Wanying, I think the boys in your class ambushed me on the road, what should I do if I dare not go back?"

(End of this chapter)

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