Chapter 137
I saw someone in Mu Wanying's circle of friends commented that she was going to buy sacks.
Tang Dou is very sensitive to sacks. When I was in junior high school, I saw ordinary class students put sacks on the teacher. It was so miserable. The second graders in the ordinary class of junior high school couldn’t afford to provoke them. Once they came to Tang Dou’s class, Tang Dou stared at a black big look.

Big Hei noticed it and came over and asked Tang Dou with a smile: "Am I black?"

Tang Dou didn't panic at all.

He doesn't cause trouble and is not afraid of trouble, and he doesn't let the little kid let go of his hands. Once, a boy in the square snatched his sister's toy, and the sister was shaken down and cried. Tang Dou threw the basketball over and kicked the boy's ass. kick.

"You can't steal other people's things in the future."

Tang Dou was still teaching fart kids at that time.

Tang Dou was surrounded by several people from Hei Da, and Wang Ke at the same table was not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he went to the corner to get a bench leg.

"Am I black?" The big black man repeated.

"It's a bit like Gu Tianle."

Tang Dou smiled at the big black man.

"I think so."

Big Hei laughed from ear to ear, patted Tang Dou on the shoulder and went out, and greeted Tang Dou later.

In high school, Tang Dou was quilted, 1, 2, 3, and [-] sacks, all in the first year of high school, but they are not too bad, they don’t hit people in the face, they don’t hit key positions, they hit in durable positions , Sprinkle some drinks and leave.

Tang Dou seldom offends others, and Tang Dou has never been beaten for being so arrogant as a junior high school gangster.

Tang Dou was so angry that he was repeatedly sacked in high school. Tang Dou believed in Han Wentao's instructions, but there was no evidence.

Tang Dou, a sophomore in high school, also has the factor of evacuation when he lives in school, and it is really hard to guard against going home every day.

Especially next night self-study.

"Is she Mu Wanying? She's not prettier than me, she's so earthy."

At the hotel, Han Wentao's girlfriend, Xu Shirou, noticed that Han Wentao's face was getting darker as he stared at Moments, and took a look at the phone and said unhappy, "Why do you never forget her? I'm not as good as her."

"Because she doesn't flirt with you."

Han Wentao said coldly as he took back the phone.

Xu Shirou couldn't react a bit, is this a human speech?

She was stunned, picked up the pillow and threw it on Han Wentao and scolded, "Han Wentao, what do you mean, do you insult your girlfriend like this? It's also for other girls. If you can't let go of her like this, don't disgust me."

"Go after her."

"OK, you can go now."

Han Wentao was so upset that he waved his hands impatiently.

"Split it, Han Wentao, are you serious?"

"Did I ever joke with you?"

Seeing Han Wentao's unfeelingness, Xu Shirou suddenly became angry and panicked, "Han Wentao, you bastard, I take medicine every time because of you, I do whatever you ask me to do, you treat me like this for someone who can't get it ?”

Han Wentao: "Did I treat you badly? I didn't buy what you eat, drink, and wear from head to toe."

Xu Shirou: "Don't spend money if you don't want to, am I just a tool in your eyes?"

"Isn't it?" Han Wentao asked lightly.

"Han Wentao, you bastard."

Xu Shirou burst into tears, and scuffled Han Wentao desperately.

"++ I gave you face, right?"

Han Wentao was so annoyed that he slapped him, and Xu Shirou fell to the side in response.

The ears were finally quiet, but Han Wentao felt even more depressed, and wanted to stand in the snow and roar a few times.

Xu Shirou lay on the bed sobbing, originally wanted to threaten Han Wentao by breaking up and improve his status, but in Han Wentao's heart, he was nothing, he talked to himself just to forget Mu Wanying.

What's ridiculous is that she hasn't made Han Wentao forget Mu Wanying yet.

Han Wentao is so infatuated.Thinking of this, Xu Shirou felt a little better, wiped away her tears, and crawled over aggrieved, "Wen Tao, give me a chance, I will never do worse than Mu Wanying."

Han Wentao expressionless, stretched out his hand to smooth Xu Shirou's hair, then pointed to Tang Dou's photo and said:

"Who is handsome, me or this kid?"

"Of course you are handsome. He is stupid and has no temperament at all. He is not worthy to lift your shoes."

Xu Shirou replied without thinking.

Han Wentao thought to himself, Tang Dou is not as handsome, temperamental or rich as Tang Dou, so why should he win against him.

"Go get a glass of wine."

Can't figure it out, Han Wentao said lightly.


Xu Shirou responded, picked up the underwear from the ground and put it on, went to get red wine, first poured it for Han Wentao, and then poured it for herself.

"I only want to win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be separated"

Mu Wanying's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was from roommate Liu Ge.

"Hello, brother."

"Wanying, are you coming back tonight?"

"Come back, do you want to buy something?"

"When you come back, help me buy a bottle of yogurt, a bag of crispy noodles, Nana Qianqian, what do you want? I want it, I want it, and I want it too. A chicken sausage."

"It's okay to bring back the candy boy and women's clothes."

"Haha, women's clothing is fine. I spent my birthday in the dormitory, and Wanying brought candies with her."

There was a mess of voices on the phone.

Thinking of women's clothing, Tang Dou had goosebumps all over his body.

"Doudou want to try women's clothing? Your women's clothing can definitely hit a lot of girls. The facial features, smooth and white skin, and a fake figure are nothing to say. The only difference is long hair and a woman's clothing."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Wanying said with a smile.

Tang Dou smiled.

It's not like she didn't have it in her previous life, and she was really regarded as a girl by fans.And look at Mu Wanying, one night when Mu Wanying's roommates were not there, she went in wearing Mu Wanying's coat, and stayed on Mu Wanying's bed all night, it was really crowded.

"If you go to your dormitory, you can consider it."

Tang Dou's hands were cold, but she was warm under Mu Wanying's short skirt.

It's almost ten o'clock.

Seeing that Mu Wanying didn't intend to keep him together for the New Year's Eve, Tang Dou didn't want to cling to her, just bobo boo boo boo.

There is no sugar tonight, I gave it to Mu Wanying's roommate, but it is still very sweet.

Mu Wanying is very happy today. Doudou eats hot pot with her, runs with her, takes her skiing, and snowball fights. She never had such fun when she was a child. Doudou made up for some of the fun she lost in her childhood.

After leaving the school, Tang Dou accompanied Mu Wanying to the store to buy things for her roommates.

At the time of parting, Mu Wanying lightly stood on tiptoe and touched Doudou's neck for a few seconds.

More and more fairy.Tang Dou tugged at her cheek.

Mu Wanying went back to the dormitory, and her roommates got up from the bed one by one like birds waiting to be fed in the nest, and got out of the mosquito net.

"It's such a cold day and the road is so slippery, why is Wanying willing to let the candy boy go back alone, not afraid of being assassinated by the boys in our class on the road." Seeing that Mu Wanying still had a sweet smile on her face, Zhao Na said.

"I want to buy something for you dear."

Mu Wanying smiled, and if Doudou insisted on not going back, it would be fine to live together if he was obedient.

Just as Mu Wanying returned to the dormitory, her mother Feng Qinglan called.


"Wanying, it's snowing in your place, and the temperature will drop tomorrow, so keep warm."

"I know, Mom, you said it this afternoon."

"You're careless, I'm afraid you'll forget, is Doudou here, I'll tell him a few words."

"Dou Dou just went back to school."

Feng Qinglan wanted to test her daughter, knowing that her daughter was in the dormitory, Feng Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief, her daughter will be in the dormitory tonight, so Doudou should not have reached that point yet, but it will be sooner or later.

On the way back to school, Tang Dou was very careful, especially when passing the alley.

Was psychologically shadowed.

Back at school, passing by the library, a black shadow rushed past, Tang Dou was startled and slipped.

"Squad leader, are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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