Chapter 138

Tang Dou was frightened by a night cat and slipped on the snow, sitting down on his buttocks was really embarrassing.

"Squad leader, are you okay?"

Su Yuwei, who just came out of the library, hurried to help him.Su Yuwei combed her long ponytail, wore a black down jacket, blue jeans, and carried a schoolbag on her back.

"Student Yuwei."

Tang Dou stood up unhurriedly, without showing the slightest embarrassment.

As long as you don't feel embarrassed, it's others who are embarrassed.

Sure enough, Su Yuwei was embarrassed, her face slowly turned red, she felt that she shouldn't see the scene where the squad leader made a fool of herself, her hand supporting Tang Dou inadvertently touched Tang Dou's hand, her fingers trembled, and she pulled her arm back stiffly.

"Go to read?"

Tang Dou smiled warmly and said.

"Well, where did the monitor go?"

Su Yuwei nodded and asked softly.

"Just came back from Zhongcai."

Tang Dou replied implicitly.


Su Yuwei nodded with her mouth slightly open, not knowing what to say.

The roommate asked her to use a beauty trick to seduce the monitor, but although the monitor is approachable, he is unattainable. The monitor is very calm, but gives people the feeling of being rejected by others, and she is an excellent person. Su Yuwei dare not even think about it.

Besides, the squad leader has a girlfriend, so she can't do things that people love.

To her, love itself is a luxury.

Tang Dou didn't look for any more topics, and the two walked towards the apartment area without a word. When they reached the girls' area first, Su Yuwei stopped, raised her hand in front of her, and said, "Goodbye, monitor."


Tang Dou waved his hand, calmly, without stopping, took out his phone and sent Mu Wanying a message back.

In dormitory 412, all roommates are there.

"You didn't go out tonight." Tang Dou said to Li Hao.

During the holidays, the old driver shouldn't stay overnight in the dormitory. Did he quarrel with his sister again?

"Otherwise, I bought a car for my partner for Christmas. The living expenses my mother paid me yesterday were [-] for Kiki, [-] for you, and [-] for Xiongxiong. Eat dirt."

Li Hao had a sad face, and had to eat dirt for half a month every month.

"What's in the car this time?" Tang Dou couldn't help laughing.

"My sister is full of hope and I am full of love." Li Hao looked like he was enjoying himself while suffering.

"You must be full of tears." An Qi couldn't help complaining.

"You are also happy to be in love."

Tang Dou sympathizes with his roommate very much, what kind of experience is it like to have a girlfriend who likes to buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy?

Sometimes Tang Dou is also very envious.

He also wanted to surprise Mu Wanying once in a while, but Mu Wanying felt numb when he gave him something a little more expensive, "Dou Dou, I understand what you mean, but"

Long-winded endlessly, it is a headache.

For example, on Mu Wanying's birthday in the first year of high school, Tang Dou bought a pink underwear for her for more than 70 yuan, but she just shy away from it.

Tang Dou said: There is no one who refuses someone's birthday gift, Wanying, you are too unreasonable.

Mu Wanying insisted not to.

Tang Dou quietly put it in her schoolbag after school, but she brought it back the next day.

After repeating it three times, Tang Dou said, if I don’t accept it, I will let the whole class exhibit and say I stole it from you.

Mu Wanying reluctantly accepted it.

After confirming that she was wearing it, Tang Dou said that he wanted to see if it fit and looked good.

Mu Wanying didn't show it.

Tang Dou said give it back to me.

Mu Wanying.
Then I would think about the goddess in my mind wearing the underwear I gave, that kind of feeling is wonderful.

Mu Wanying didn't want Tang Dou to give expensive gifts, so Tang Dou gave some inner clothes and socks, which were simple and practical.

"Does Dou'er spend money with his partner?" An Qi asked Tang Dou.

"It's okay, you come and go, basically AA."

Tang Dou didn't want to hit his roommate, so don't let the roommate break up with him and it would be a crime.

"AA is the best way. No one owes anyone much, and both parties have relative autonomy."

Angie nodded.

"Don't have a relationship like this. If you have a relationship, you can't tell. After the relationship, the girl will feel that she is at a disadvantage compared to the other party. It will make you pay more financially and emotionally to make up for it and find a sense of security."

Li Xiongxiong said.

"It depends on the situation. If my partner is with me for the first time, no matter how bad her temper is, I will try my best to tolerate her and pay more in other areas. Even if I eat poorly and wear poorly, I have started to quit smoking now. Two or three One box a day, save the flowers for her, if it's not with me for the first time, and you still put on airs, who the hell loves to pick up the dishes and go to someone else."

Li Hao said lightly.

"You are a bit extreme. If a person is cheated by a scumbag, he doesn't deserve to be loved?"

An Qi refuted Brother Ritian again.

"I mean you have to be self-aware. You've been dumped by others and you still talk to me like "I'm a girl and I'm proud". None of that plot."

"In that case I have absolutely nothing to say."

Li Hao was too lazy to argue with An Qi, his ideas were too far apart, so he couldn't explain clearly.

Angie has nothing to say.

Li Hao's words were harsh, but very practical.

The reality is like this, if you don't cherish yourself, why should people cherish you.

Tang Dou doesn't talk about these controversial topics with others, but he also cares in his heart, if the other party gives him everything, then he will do his best to pamper her and tolerate her, from beginning to end.

Receiver Tang Dou has never been a dish, and he has never thrown a dish, so he doesn't know if he feels repulsive or not.

In short, for girls from ordinary families, self-love is definitely right.

So Tang Dou resolutely opposes his younger sister's puppy love.

"Dou'er, is there any information these two days?" An Qi suddenly looked at Tang Dou with a smile.

"Damn, the relationship with Zhou Tian has been confirmed, and you still ask me for information."

Tang Dou was speechless.

"Qiqi is so cowardly, she probably wants to have an in-depth communication with Zhou Tian, ​​so she dare not say so." Li Hao said.

"You guys are embarrassed, and girls are even more embarrassed."

Li Xiongxiong couldn't stand it anymore, An Qi didn't make any progress, so it was useless for him to bother.

"No, that's not what I meant." An Qi looked at Tang Dou and said, "Didn't I ask you to ask Mi Le and Zhou Tian what he likes?"

"Ask yourself, I have nothing to do with Mi Le."

Tang Dou was too lazy to take the initiative to spy on others, so he was still with a woman.

"You are all out of the singles, and I have been single in the past six months."

Li Xiongxiong sighed.

"Don't worry, it's all over now, wait for next year's junior."

Angie comforted him.

"If you want to talk, you can't wait. You will be a senior when you wait."

Tang Dou said with a smile.

Li Hao agreed, wondering when it would be too late to find a school girl.

The roommate's love, the old driver's hard work, and the treasure boy's self-indulgence.

The poet Li Xiongxiong is far away, and he doesn't know when the will will be dark and the flowers will be bright.

After washing up and going to bed, Tang Dou opened his notebook, put on his pajamas, and opened the folder for the manuscript he wrote in high school. He wanted to continue writing these days to see if he could regain his enthusiasm and state of creation. He had been looking for it for several days, and it was too difficult. .

The interest in the past life has already been worn out, and now there is no motivation.

If there is a god in the writing in the previous life, now I can't type a word after staring at the screen for a long time.

Well, let's read the book, Tang Dou closed the computer, finished the updated book, and sent a group message to the class, "The life committee will order a meal with me at noon tomorrow, and you can tell me what you want to eat."

"It doesn't matter what you eat, you boys must be drunk."

(End of this chapter)

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