Chapter 139 Sleeping Beauty (please subscribe, ask monthly pass)
The second class dinner is on Saturday.

On Friday night, Tang Dou sent a message in the group to ask for opinions, and everyone in the male dormitory next door came to 412 to discuss.

Some girls in the group threatened to ask the boys to go upright and turn back sideways, so that the boys who don't have the guts to confess in the group earlier.

In the second Chinese class, the girls often say that they rule the world.

The girls are a little over their own strengths, and they have to be serious. There are nine boys and twenty or so girls, which boy can't drink more than three girls?

"I'll drink with you in the dormitory alone, dare you?" Hu Tengfei @王雪晗.

"No problem, there are people in our dormitory who don't drink alcohol, and drink fruit oranges." Wang Xuehan.

Hu Tengfei: "That's nonsense."

Zhang Xiaofan: "Tengfei, what are you afraid of? I challenge all the girls in the class. If I have a glass of wine, each of you will have a glass of fruit orange."

"That's what you said, so how about it, we girls have a glass of fruit orange, and boys a glass of wine."


Tang Dou asked them to talk about what they wanted to eat, but the group became noisy.

"Girls can't get drunk after drinking fruit oranges, what are you going to do with them?" Li Hao said to Zhang Xiaofan, although a boy has a glass of beer and a girl a glass of fruit oranges, girls will lose, but it's no fun if they don't get drunk.

"That's right, use your brain, and you can get a few drinks in the routine." Ma Jiang said.

"Tao Minmin is very brave"

"She's not pretty, but Wang Xuehan is fine. I sang a song with Wang Xuehan's dormitory once. Wang Xuehan looks petite, but drinking is really refreshing. She is worthy of being a Northeast girl."

"One-on-one, are you sure you can drink Wang Xuehan?"

"Come on, let's get together and don't kill people."

Tang Dou was a little worried. Don't cause any accidents at the first university party. The counselor specifically reminded him to pay attention. The current state of the four bachelors in the dormitory next door is very worrying.

"Squad leader has worked hard for half a year, everyone must take good care of him tomorrow."

"Yes, how much does the squad leader drink?"

"Squad leader, drink a little bit, and die with you."


Tang Dougang was worried that someone in the group would take him out, but it was inevitable. As a class leader, this kind of gathering would definitely be taken care of. If the whole class party turned out that few people liked you, then the class leader would have failed.

"Let's talk about what you want to eat first. Chen Yu and I will order food tomorrow." Tang Dou repeated.

Hu Tengfei looked at Tang Dou and the others and said, "Believe it or not, someone wants to take advantage of it."

"There must be. There are more than one or two who want to eat the monitor."

"Hey, let's just put the squad leader on the table tomorrow and have some food called that."


Lying on the grass, the more you say it, the more outrageous it is, Tang Dou's goosebumps are rising, these things are so imaginative.

"We often drink together, save tomorrow."

Tang Dou first confessed to the two boys' dormitories.

Ma Jiang: "How can this be? It's just the two of us in the boys' dormitory, plus someone else. What's the point of having a party if you don't have a good drink? Don't say you're really scared by the women's army. Don't worry, they will eat us if they want."

"Squad leader, come on, you take Wang Xuehan, Chen Yu, Zhang Yao, Zhou Tian, ​​oh, Zhou Tian can't do it, you can get rid of them when they drink enough, and leave the rest to us."

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at An Qi and said meanly.

"You really want to go to jail."

An Qi was upset when she heard him say Zhou Tian.

On the next Saturday, after lunch at noon, Tang Dou and Chen Yu, Minister of Economics of Class Two, went to the hotel to order food.

"After the money spent on the party is over, the class fee will still be deducted." Chen Yu asked Tang Dou after leaving the school.

"Collect it after the gathering, the class fee can't bear the cost, how much is left?" Tang Dou said.

"More than 6000, then pay the first class fee, and then take it back to fill the class fee." Chen Yu replied.

"Don't use the class fee, I will pay for it first."

Tang Doudao, after the dinner, there is nothing to talk about, and the payment of the class fee is complicated. Some people will definitely use the class fee if they want to. This time, all the students in the class will participate. In the future, there will definitely be unforeseen circumstances, which will make it more complicated. .

It is not a good thing to start with class fees.

All 35 people in the class participated, and three tables were reserved, and the meal menu table was controlled at 800 yuan.

Plus drinks average seventy or eighty per person.

There is no need to be too extravagant for a student party.

After ordering the meal, it was past two o'clock in the afternoon, and there was nothing to do back in the dormitory. Tang Dou went to Zhongcai and bought two catties of small oranges and two bottles of yogurt at the school gate.

Mu Wanying read the book in the morning, washed her hair at noon, then washed her clothes, watched an episode of TV, and took a nap after that. She only got up when Tang Dou called. She simply tidied up and came out to pick her up.

Mu Wanying's hair was disheveled, her bangs were parted on both sides, looking a little messy.

He was wearing the red down jacket on his upper body, gray black skinny jeans and Martin boots underneath.

Her exquisite face is lazy, and her movements are also lazy. Unlike usual, her posture is upright and full of vitality. Today, she is listless, and her big eyes are still a bit like Ji Ke's style. She came out and threw her head into Dou Dou's arms.

When I went to university, I gradually lost the youthful and rigid body in high school, and became more and more attractive.

Mu Wanying's breathing was even and soft, as if she was still immersed in a dream.

Kind of like Sleeping Beauty.

The difference in height between the two was ten centimeters, and Mu Wanying's face was right up to Tang Dou's neck. Her breath hit Tang Dou's neck, itching, rising with a hint of warm smell, like a orchid, which was fascinating. Refreshing.

"You haven't woken up yet?"

Tang Dou lowered his head and gently kissed Mu Wanying's forehead, quietly felt her body temperature, it was normal, then buried his face in her hair and took a deep breath, rubbed her face affectionately, bit her ear and said softly:
"Did you sleep after washing your hair?"


Mu Wanying replied weakly in Doudou's arms, like a cat.

"Don't sleep with wet hair from now on, do you have a headache?" Tang Dou hugged her and said.

"I just woke up a bit, so sleepy, find a place to sit first." Mu Wanying grabbed Doudou's arm with both hands.

He found a wooden chair in the small garden, and Tang Dou sat down first.

Mu Wanying sat on his lap, resting her head on his shoulder, "I dreamed of you at noon."

"Dream about me?" Tang Dou put on Mu Wanying's down jacket and hat.

Mu Wanying smiled silly and didn't answer.

"Say." Tang Dou was even more curious, "It can't be Chunmeng."

"I just dreamed." Mu Wanying raised her head and bit Doudou.

Mu Wanying bit Tang Dou, and in this matter, Tang Dou must take revenge.

"Recharge your battery."

Seeing that Mu Wanying was still listless, Tang Dou continued.

Gently outline in Mu Wanying's sandalwood space, or contain Mu Wanying's soft promise.

Mu Wanying raised her arms around Doudou's neck, and responded gently.

Outside Gemini Pass, Tang Dou practiced spiral pills through a sweater, taking care of left and right.

Mu Wanying just resisted symbolically, Doudou is no longer excessive, and it's okay.

The snow on the branches hadn't melted yet, and was blown down by the wind and landed on the necks of the two people under the tree, bringing a chill.

In the cold air and Tang Dou's warmth, after a while, Mu Wanying regained her vitality, biting Tang Dou lightly and coquettishly, she shook her head and said her throat was thirsty.Tang Dou took out the warm yogurt in his pocket, and inserted the straw for her.

Peel the oranges and eat them yourself.

"Our class will have dinner next Wednesday, and we will be on vacation soon. The past six months have passed so quickly." Mu Wanying fed Doudou a mouthful of yogurt, "You drink less alcohol at night, and come to me after the end?"

"Come when you drink too much." Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying strangely.

Mu Wanying thought about it, Doudou is the squad leader, so she must have a drink tonight.

"You always go to the bathroom after drinking beer. The canopy bed in the dormitory is too inconvenient. Book a room outside later. Come over when you're done."

(End of this chapter)

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