Chapter 140 Wheel Battle

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying stayed until after five o'clock in the afternoon, had dinner with Mu Wanying, and then went directly to the hotel.

Mu Wanying went back to the dormitory to get some things.

ID card, pajamas, and a book that Doudou came to her school library to read, "Moment in Peking".

Then get ready to go to the hotel.

"Wanying, you're not coming back tonight?"

Roommate Liu Ge couldn't help asking when he saw Mu Wanying put her pajamas in her bag.

Zhao Na and Liu Qian also looked like they had discovered the New World.

"Dou Dou has dinner in class tonight, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for him to go back to the dormitory after drinking." Mu Wanying explained.

"Hey, this is just an excuse for boys, it doesn't matter, anyway, you two are childhood sweethearts, and you are going to get married."

Liu Ge said sourly, she doesn't want to talk casually, but also wants to find a boy who is compatible with the region, education, concept, and personality to get along with her earlier, but around her, first of all, there is no one who meets the requirements for the first factor.

"Candy Boy is too sweet and too warm, thanks to you being able to hold on until now, just be careful."

"Experience it well, and come back tomorrow to teach us the experience."

Zhao Na and Liu Qian hugged Mu Wanying and said viciously.

Misunderstood by her roommate, Mu Wanying did not explain.

They don't understand Doudou, and they don't need to let them understand.

With Doudou's personality, if he insisted on getting her, he would not leave last night, so he wouldn't use alcohol to bolster his courage and beat around the bush.

After packing up her things, Mu Wanying went out to find a hotel and got a standard room.

When Tang Dou arrived at the hotel where the class had dinner, the students had already arrived one after another. They were all in the dormitory, and the seats were shared by the dormitory. Because of the relationship between An Qi and Zhou Tian, ​​dormitory 412 sat at the same table as Zhou Tian's dormitory.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Chen Yu pulled Su Yuwei, Gao Meng and other roommates to rush over.

After Su Yuwei sat down, she glanced at the monitor and lowered her head.

Mi Le was opposite Tang Dou, looked at Tang Dou and smiled, and looked at his phone casually.Tang Dou suddenly discovered that since he became a partner with Mi Le, Mi Le was very reserved in class, and he didn't talk nonsense in the group like he did at the beginning, or go to the boys' dormitory to find him.

Before the food was served, the beer and drinks came first, and some people clamored for a drink before they had eaten.

They are all students now, and there is no distinction between good and bad. There is no routine of pretending to face at the party. The atmosphere is relatively harmonious and makes people feel very comfortable. Unlike the party after graduation, the party is good to show superiority, and the party is good. If it’s not good, I’m embarrassed to come.

"Take good care of Qiqi and Zhou Tian tonight, and give Qiqi one last help."

Li Hao whispered to Tang Dou and Li Xiongxiong.

"Take care of you two, I can't take care of others today." Tang Dou should not have too many today. Each person has a drink with him, just over 30 cups, eight or nine bottles. That's enough.

"I still have to find a partner at night, so I can't drink too much." Li Hao said.

"Leave it to me." Li Xiongxiong said, with only An Qi's drinking capacity, he could handle it all by himself.

Li Xiongxiong ignored Zhou Tian, ​​which was a serious mistake.

"Squad leader, you start first, so that everyone can walk."

Hu Tengfei from the table behind said loudly.

"Eat something."

"Whatever you eat, you have to spit it out after eating for a while, and wait until the wine is almost finished before you eat it."

"That's right, come on, the squad leader has a few words."

"This is the first class reunion in our class. I know that everyone has part-time jobs on weekends and other arrangements, but if you can divert your work and attend the reunion, it shows that everyone attaches great importance to this friendship. It is fate to meet thousands of miles away, and I hope everyone can cherish our hard-won fate."

Tang Dou picked up the wine glass, "Everyone just eat and drink well tonight, and let me know if the food is not enough."


Tang Dou started, and then he was casual, clinking glasses freely.

"I'll offer a bottle to the monitor first."

Just as he sat down, Hu Tengfei came over with a glass in one hand and a bottle in the other.

"Damn it, it's a bit too much for Tengfei, you don't need to respect the supervisor for a box." Before Tang Dou could speak, Li Xiongxiong picked up a bottle and said, "Let's blow a bottle first."

Hu Tengfei: "Just kidding, let's toast first."

"Don't talk nonsense, it was the man who blew the bottle with Xiongxiong first, otherwise there would be no talk." Li Hao said.

"Don't don't don't" almost took off in a hurry.

"Li Xiongxiong picked it up, if you don't drink, none of us will drink with you tonight, everyone is right."

"Yes, I don't have to say if I don't blow this bottle."


"Is it okay to pour one cup into the cup?" Hu Tengfei's face turned livid after playing too much.

"I'm free, let's see everyone." Li Xiongxiong said calmly.

"Blow the bottle, blow the bottle." Hu Tengfei aroused public anger against the monitor at the beginning, and the girls began to boo.

Almost ashamed of Tengfei, he put down the cup and bit the bullet to blow the bottle.

Li Xiongxiong is so righteous, sitting next to him, Tang Dou can relax a lot tonight, otherwise Tang Dou will be almost as good as facing this group of tigers and wolves.

After blowing a bottle, Li Xiongxiong didn't change his face.

It seemed that Tengfei was having a hard time, so he hiccupped and quickly sat back in his seat to eat some food.

"Tengfei, don't run away. If you come here, don't drink with each of us." Li Hao laughed.

"Reciprocity, even if we lose this round, you can send someone over if you have the guts." Ma Jiang said vigorously.

"We didn't grow any." Li Hao accepted it as soon as it was good, and it was just the beginning, keep a low profile.

Li Xiongxiong directly blows the bottle to kill the soaring spirit. The others are much more honest, but obviously they will not give up the counterattack. When they first entered university, they all had a bunch of stunned young people, and they hurt each other in the dormitory.

"Squad leader, here's a toast to you."

Tao Minmin, the school committee member, came over with a glass of wine. The girls in the second class didn't drink much. Tao Minmin didn't know how much he could drink, but he still drank refreshingly enough.

Tang Dou didn't run away, so he picked up a glass and drank without saying a word.

"Toast to everyone." Tao Minmin filled his glass and touched Tang Dou's table together.

This is equivalent to two cups, Tang Dou can only continue to drink, girls are thin-skinned, it is not easy to refuse in a class, if it is a boy, other people at this table will definitely not follow, why should we all accompany you to drink, if you want to respect it Respect one by one.

Tao Minmin had just walked away, but Hu Tengfei recovered his breath.

"It's not easy to have a drink with the squad leader. If you have three drinks, the squad leader won't give you face."

"Hua Tengfei, you have a strong head, I'll drink three glasses with you first." Chen Yu stood up.

"What are you in a hurry for? Wait until I finish drinking with the squad leader." Hu Tengfei glanced at him.

"Then I'll drink for the monitor."

"Why do you drink for the monitor, do you agree?"

"Agree." The majority shouted.

"I'll go, Doudou, you can figure it out for yourself. Girls drink it when they respect you, but you don't drink it when boys drink with you?" Hu Tengfei was so depressed.

"I didn't say no to drinking."

Of course Tang Dou didn't need other girls to drink for him.

After drinking three glasses in a row, Tang Dou said to Hu Tengfei, who was breathing out alcohol, "Three more glasses?"

"I toast the monitor three times." Ma Jiang came over immediately.

"Wait until I toast Tengfei three cups first, Tengfei will not lose face."

Tang Dou ignored Ma Jiang, since the next door started a wheel battle, let's take down one first.

"Wait until I have a bite to eat." Hu Tengfei said as he was about to withdraw.

"The squad leader picked up what you were running for." Seeing what Tang Dou meant, Li Xiongxiong pulled Hu Tengfei back.

It seemed that Tengfei couldn’t escape, so he could only drink. It took only a few minutes to blow a bottle with Li Xiongxiong, six cups with the squad leader, and a cup with the beginning. Toilet.

Tang Dou was also not relaxed. He drank nine cups in a row, almost like Hu Tengfei, but he didn't blow the bottle, so he felt okay.

But the three cups of Ma Jiang came again.

(End of this chapter)

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