Chapter 142 is too sweet
The girls in the second class are more gentle.

They toasted Tang Doujiu just one cup at a time, the emphasis was on expressing their hearts.

It's not as fierce as the boys. It seems that the wine is free. The three boys in the dormitory next door vomited Tang Dou. This is the first time Tang Dou vomited when he was in college. Soon.

In the winter, more than four bottles were poured in less than 10 minutes, and one bottle was blown.

This group of students is simply devoid of conscience.

Fortunately, Li Xiongxiong and Mi Le gave back the vigor of Hu Tengfei and Ma Jiang, the two young birds, respectively, so that they did not dare to go too far, so they came over to toast honestly, and did not dare to play tricks and routines. .

Chen Yu is also very righteous, he is the kind of person who goes out of his way for his buddies.

It is rare to have such students in college.

At this moment, Li Xiongxiong, Chen Yu and others went to other tables to have a drink, Tang Dou could finally breathe a sigh of relief, eat something, drink and chat with his tablemates.

"It's almost enough to eat, and we'll have a good drink after a rest."

Hu Tengfei patted his stomach, walked over and took out a box of Furong Wang, "Squad leader, too?"

"Oh, I forgot, Chen Yu, you take someone out to buy two packs of cigarettes." Tang Dou patted his head. He doesn't usually smoke, but he forgot to buy two packs of cigarettes for class dinner today. There will be this mistake.

Although there are only three or four smokers in the class, they cannot be ignored.

In this regard, Mi Le has considered it thoroughly.

"Mengmeng follow me."

Chen Yu came over and put down the cup.

"Don't bother, it's just loose rice."

Almost Tengfei grabbed Chen Yu.

Tang Dou usually doesn't smoke, but today he took it from Hu Tengfei and lit it to burn it.

"Smoking is harmful to your health, monitor." Gao Meng looked at Tang Dou and said.

"Didn't you know that smoking second-hand smoke is more harmful?"

Li Hao exhaled the smoke.

"So you are not allowed to smoke here, it will harm our health."

"Pull it down, the smog you smoke in a day is too much, smoking may be able to fight poison with fire."

Ma Jiang glanced at the gray sky outside the window.


Ever since An Qi fell in love with Zhou Tian, ​​like a little lady locked in a deep boudoir, she has quit smoking completely, and she can stop drinking if she can. Just now, Li Xiongxiong and Li Hao tried their best to block Tang Dou from drinking, and An Qi just sat and watched. I don't care, I only know to whisper with Zhou Tian, ​​the same class, eat together every day, and go to class together, so there are so many whispers.

"Kiki, have a drink."

Tang Dou still asked him to drink two glasses.

"I toast the monitor."

After Tang Dou and An Qi finished drinking, Zhou Tian poured Tang Dou a smile.

"Come on, Qiqi is also here."

Tang Dou pulled An Qi along.

"I respect my brother and sister for a cup, and wish you two grow old together."

After several people had a bite to eat, Li Hao said to An Qi and Zhou Tian.

An Qi looked like a rotten piece of wood, so my roommate would save him. If An Qi couldn't seize such a good opportunity today, he and Zhou Tian might not have a substantial breakthrough in the next year or so.

For couples like An Qi and Zhou Tian who come from far and wide hometowns, falling in love is an impulsive move. Once the love period is over and you regain your senses, it will be difficult to take a step closer, no matter the relationship or the relationship. Come together, at least when talking, we can consider reality to the greatest extent.

Even if it is divided, it will not let An Qi fall into the fate of "licking the dog and ending up with nothing".

Li Hao reminded An Qi a few times, but An Qi was still vacillating, as if she had a phobia.

"I'll take Zhou Tian's place."

The roommate creates an opportunity, but sees An Qi serving Zhou Tian's cup first.

Li Hao was speechless, and no longer cared about An Qi after drinking, the mud couldn't support the wall.

Gao Meng whispered to Su Yuwei who was sitting blankly: "The class monitor takes good care of you, you should toast him."

Their dormitory has carefully studied the squad leader. At the beginning, Su Yuwei was selected as a pacesetter for military training, which was somewhat influenced by the squad leader. During the military training, the squad leader was busy with this and that, organizing the team every day, doing attendance, and shouting slogans instead of the instructor. Recommended the monitor who worked hard, but in the end she chose Su Yuwei.

At least the squad leader refused, so Su Yuwei had a chance.

Furthermore, during the military training, the counselors would come to the playground for a few minutes every day, so they must not know the performance of the students in the class, and according to common sense, the counselors should not interfere with things that should be decided by the instructors.

If the squad leader said that the instructor chose Su Yuwei after he refused, it would still make sense.

In the end, the squad leader said that the counselor recommended Su Yuwei, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, but after thinking about it carefully, it didn't fit Sun Ying's style.

Then there is only one possibility, the squad leader lied.

Then it is very likely that the squad leader recommended Su Yuwei to the instructor after she refused.

Then there is the selection of bursaries. According to the selection reference given by the school, the extremely poor students should be selected from single-parent or low-income students. Although Su Yuwei is very poor, no one in the class should be poorer than her, but she does not meet the selection requirements.

Although my parents are sick, they are both there, and no one in the family receives the subsistence allowance.

As a result, he was the first to be rated as extremely poor, and the care of the squad leader must have been indispensable.

There was also that time when the counselor asked the monitor to recommend a tutor. Although the monitor was particularly embarrassing for Su Yuwei at that time, as if he was throwing the blame, but thinking about it carefully, this did not fit the monitor's personality. Normally, with the monitor's thoughtful attitude, He should find someone reliable, like Tao Minmin in the class, Wang Xuehan is sure to be fine.

The squad leader chose to let Su Yuwei, who stutters when speaking in front of people, try it.

Although Su Yuwei was dismissed within a week of her trial lecture, she also gained real benefits from it, and was paid more than 1000 yuan. The most important thing is that she dared to try, even though she knew she couldn't do well.

Although the monitor did not show interest in Su Yuwei, this further showed that he was a respectable monitor.

Su Yuwei also felt that she should thank the monitor, but seeing that the monitor drank a lot, she wanted the monitor to drink less.

Encouraged by Gao Meng, Su Yuwei plucked up her courage, stood up and carefully poured a glass of Guoli Orange and pushed it to Tang Dou. She picked up the beer that Gao Meng had poured, pointed to Guoli Orange, "Squad leader, you drink this .”

What's the situation with the students, keep it hidden!

Su Yuwei's move surprised others.

Tang Dou was not surprised that Su Yuwei drank with him, it was obvious that Gao Meng was acting as a demon, but Su Yuwei poured him a glass of fruit orange, which was too "considerate".

Too "black-bellied", Gao Meng convinced Su Yuwei in her heart.

Mi Le was deeply surprised. Even with Gao Meng's encouragement, Su Yuwei dared to take this step, and let the squad leader drink fruit oranges. This ridiculous "intimate" behavior showed that she was quite brave in her heart.

This girl is a bit interesting.

Really unbelievable.

Mi Le looked at Su Yuwei incredulously.

"Student Yuwei, one cup is missing, you should let the monitor drink three cups of fruit oranges to relieve the hangover."

The other students booed.

"To shut up."

Chen Yu, who was a little drunk, scolded them.

Su Yuwei stood at a loss while holding the wine.

Tang Dou didn't tease with the others, touched Su Yuwei with his hand, and drank it in one gulp.

Su Yuwei glanced at Tang Dou, raised the wine glass to her mouth and drank slowly.

Zhang Yao, who hadn't spoken to Li Xiongxiong for a long time, suddenly came to Li Xiongxiong with a glass of wine, hesitated and said: "You were kind to me during that time, I have always remembered it in my heart, I may have misunderstood you before."

"Thank you anyway."

After Zhang Yao finished speaking, she drank first.

Li Xiongxiong blocked the wine for Tang Dou in front of him, and bumped into the other two tables. He was already a little dizzy from drinking. He couldn't understand what Zhang Yao meant for a while, so he took the wine glass and drank it. Looking at Zhang Yao's complicated expression, Li Xiongxiong's heart also became inexplicably complicated, and he drank a lot of wine with a depressed mood.

Party until after nine o'clock in the evening.

Tang Dou was dizzy, seeing that Chen Yu was not normal, so he called a girl who hadn't drunk to settle the score together.

After leaving the hotel, Tang Dou asked other people to take care of each other. After returning to the dormitory, the heads of the dormitories confirmed that everyone in the dormitory had returned, and then replied on the group, and then went to find Mu Wanying by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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