Chapter 143 Acting Fight

After the party was over, Tang Dou took a taxi to find Mu Wanying after the others had left.

"Get in the car, I'll take you there."

Tang Dou was waiting on the side of the road for a taxi, and a taxi pulled up slowly. It was called by Mi Le. When there were no other people, Mi Le asked the driver to turn around and pick up Tang Dou.

"No, Wanying is here to pick me up, be careful yourself, and tell me on the group when you get home."

Tang Dou declined politely, and closed the car door after speaking.

"Okay, then you should be careful."

Mi Le rolled down the car window and gave a warning, and left first, sighing in her heart, she really didn't mean anything else, she was just worried that it would be unsafe for him to drink so much at night.

This guy is too cautious, even if Mu Wanying sees this situation, what's the matter? I and Tang Dou are not only classmates, but also partners. If we sit in a car and have a meal together, Mu Wanying will be suspicious. It's too narrow .

Of course Mu Wanying is not that narrow-minded, otherwise she wouldn't let Tang Dou and Mi Le start a business together.

It's just that Tang Dou tried his best not to cause trouble in Mu Wanying's heart.

When Mi Le was far away, Tang Dou hailed a taxi.

"Is it almost there?"

Mu Wanying sent a message to ask.

"Just came by taxi."

Tang Dou turned on the phone in a daze to reply.

Mu Wanying: "Well, I'll wait for you at the intersection."

Tang Dou was dizzy in his head, bumped for a while, and when he stopped the car, his stomach rolled again. He didn't have time to pay, so he got out of the car with his mouth covered, and vomited while holding the tree trunk by the side of the road.

Mu Wanying who was waiting by the road hurried over to pat him on the back.

It's delicious.The driver was lucky not to vomit in the car.

"Are you still going?" the driver shouted.

"No, go slowly." Mu Wanying said politely.

"Hey, the money hasn't been paid yet."

When Tang Dou finished vomiting, Mu Wanying was about to help her to leave. The taxi driver honked the horn and yelled.

"Oh, sorry."

Mu Wanying apologized and went back to pay.

"Not that serious."

Being held tightly by Mu Wanying, fearing that he would fall upside down, Tang Dou smiled, although he drank a lot and his steps were a little weak, he still didn't need help.

This party was fine, no one in the class was too embarrassing, but there were two girls who vomited inappropriately.

In Tang Dou's previous life, at a college dinner party, a boy sat on the pit and fell asleep after vomiting, which was worse than Charlotte.

"It's not serious if you vomit like this. I really don't understand you boys. You drink beer as water in winter."

Mu Wanying was worried and complained.

"Some girls are no worse than boys at all."

Tang Dou put his arm around Mu Wanying's shoulder and pinched her face.

"You are still strong, if they tell you to drink, you can drink it."

Mu Wanying blamed it.

"I can't help it. If I don't drink, I will take a big risk. They asked me to confess my love to the girls in the class, turn around behind my back, eat together, and interact in a mess."

Tang Dou's half-truths and half-false compilations.

"It's just a class reunion. It's like a bridal chamber. They're going too far."

Mu Wanying managed to remove her grievances from Doudou, and she wanted to feel wronged by Doudou. If she hadn't been the squad leader, she wouldn't have been taken care of like this.

"Their purpose is to bully me. There are two boys who drank in the dormitory and were drunk twice by our dormitory. How could they easily let go of the opportunity tonight?"

Tang Dou smiled wryly, "If someone hadn't blocked me, I probably wouldn't be able to come back."

When he got to the room, Tang Dou fell headlong on the bed. The aftertaste of drinking made him feel dizzy. Fortunately, Wanying was thoughtful and booked a room. He would have to go back to the dormitory. The bunk bed would kill him overnight.


Mu Wanying helped him with his shoes and socks, and took off his down jacket.

"You take off yourself, Kuzi."

"No way, the alcohol is coming up, I won't be able to sit still."

Tang Dou let go of the belt, played for a while, couldn't sit still, and gave up.

"Let you drink less. Drinking like this will ruin your stomach sooner or later. Next time you drink so much, I will tell your mother."

Mu Wanying complained again, took off Doudou's jeans, went to get her thermos cup and opened the head of the bed, and then helped Doudou to sit up by her shoulders.

"Drink some hot water."

"I'll brush my teeth first."

Tang Dou supported the bed and got up to brush his teeth.

Mu Wanying followed behind, went to the bathroom to squeeze the toothpaste for Doudou.

While brushing and trying to drain the water, Tang Dou suddenly lost his balance again, and brushed his teeth in disorder. The right hand holding the toothbrush was full of toothpaste foam, and his left hand was also wiped on his mouth, which was covered with toothpaste foam. .

"Be careful, Doudou."

Mu Wanying quickly supported Doudou.

"It's okay, I'm not drunk, just a little dizzy."

Tang Dou brushed his teeth and mumbled, biting his toothbrush, and turned to the direction of the toilet.

Hands covered with toothpaste must be relieved.

"People who are drunk say they are not drunk, Doudou, wait, what are you doing?"

Mu Wanying was stunned and blushed.

"I want nn."

Tang opened his mouth, dropped the toothbrush on the ground, bent over to pick it up unsteadily, and was about to stuff it into his mouth.

"Dou Dou, wait a minute, I'll wash it for you, you rinse your mouth first."

Mu Wanying quickly snatched the toothbrush, washed Doudou's hands first, then took the water to let Doudou rinse his mouth,


Tang Dou rinsed his mouth and swallowed it directly.

"Dou Dou can't drink, Dou Dou, you bent down and spit after rinsing."

Mu Wanying was in a hurry.

Tang Dou rinsed his mouth "with great difficulty", "Wanying is ready, you go out first, I am nn."

As she spoke, she pushed Mu Wanying away. At this moment, Tang Dou slipped and her body began to fall. Mu Wanying hurriedly supported her and almost fell, "Dou Dou, be careful, stand still."

"Wanying is fine, her foot slipped a bit."

Tang Dou is still "pretending to be brave", acting really like him, he should drink some wine when he is acting in a wine scene.

Worrying about Doudou falling, Mu Wanying frowned and said, "I'll support you."

"Well, anyway, it will be cheaper for you sooner or later."

Being so rascal while drunk, Mu Wanying was speechless.

Tang Dou put one hand on Wanying's shoulder, and then began to sprinkle.

There was a drizzling sound.

Mu Wanying's pretty face was flushed, she turned her head and didn't dare to look down, but Tang Dou wanted her to look down, and wanted to take this opportunity to let Wanying meet her little brother, so that she would be prepared to avoid being overwhelmed or dislike.

After sprinkling, Tang Dou flushed the water first, leaned forward, staggered, and sat down on the ground.

Mu Wanying couldn't help her.

As soon as she lowered her head, she felt that her eyes were poisoned, but she didn't have time to think so much, so she raised Doudou first.

Tilting his head to help Doudou lift his clothes.

After going out, Mu Wanying helped Doudou to sit on the bed, took a sip from the thermos to make sure it wasn't hot, and then fed Doudou to drink.

Tang Dou suddenly felt a little pain in his conscience.

But in order not to embarrass Wanying and get angry, he can only continue acting.

When he was drunk, Tang Dou felt that it was not difficult to control his behavior in this situation. After experiencing it personally, Tang Dou felt that the episodes of drinking gaffes on TV were too fake, how could he be so impulsive after drinking.

Unless you have bad intentions in the first place, drinking is just a pretense, or you have the courage to make excuses for your irrational behavior and excuses for not wanting to be responsible.

After drinking the water under Wanying's careful care, Tang Dou fell headlong and fell asleep obediently.

That's it for tonight.

Mu Wanying covered Doudou with the quilt, and the image of that little brother of Doudou couldn't help appearing in her mind.

Black and ugly, how could she be worthy of her sister who was carved in jade.

This is the boy.

The image of little brother Doudou couldn't get it out of her mind, and Mu Wanying's face began to feel hot again.

 Thank you for tipping me if I have an afterlife, sitting up in shock in a dying illness, tail number 0160, gravel, red dates and wolfberry thermos.

(End of this chapter)

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