Chapter 144

Intoxicated, Tang Dou fell asleep within a few seconds.

"I also said that I wasn't drunk. Fortunately, I got into the room, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get on the bed when I returned to the dormitory."

Mu Wanying puffed her mouth, thinking of Doudou's embarrassment just now, she couldn't laugh or cry, but then again, Doudou should be broken!Mu Wanying slapped Doudou's face, lowered her head and bit it lightly, and turned off the overhead light.

Pick up Doudou's socks, go to the bathroom to wash them, and hang them on the heating bottle.

When Doudou vomited, it splashed on the shoes, and Mu Wanying wiped it clean.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening.

Mu Wanying couldn't fall asleep, so she sat on the edge of the bed, rolled out for Doudou and put her arms under the quilt.

In the past, she was always taken care of by Doudou. This is the first time Mu Wanying has taken care of a boy. It feels pretty good and has a sense of accomplishment. She sat there for a while and went to charge the warm treasure that Doudou bought in her bag. Cover Doudou's stomach.

After drinking so much ice, it should be more comfortable for Nuan Bao to cover his stomach.

"Teacher, Mom."

"Wanying. From now on, I won't be angry with you anymore, I will let you do everything."

"I have nothing with the book."

Not long after falling asleep, Tang Dou suddenly started talking in his sleep, intermittently and vaguely.

Mu Wanying got out of bed gently, and squatted under the bed to listen.

Although I didn't hear what Doudou said, but Mu Wanying heard her name, she showed her true feelings after drinking, Doudou was so drunk and still cared about her, so good, the corner of Mu Wanying's mouth curled slightly, and kissed gently Get off Dou Dou, cover the corner of the quilt that Dou Dou opened, and go back to your bed to continue reading.

Mu Wanying read until 11:30, and the dormitory group became lively.

Zhao Na: "Wanying, you won the first battle, how do you feel?"

Liu Ge: "first love love!"

The roommate asked, Mu Wanying didn't know how to answer, she really didn't understand them, did she have to love love if she went out with the opposite sex?

Instead of wasting words, I simply acquiesced.

Otherwise, you have to explain every time, and your roommate will definitely ask, why don't you two?You don't want to or he doesn't want to?You don't like him?He doesn't like you?Or, he can't?

It's like the birdcage effect.

It hurts to think about it.

"Wanying wants to be more open, sooner or later she will pass this test."

"The prettiest girl in the financial institution is being raped like this, let the boys in our class know how desperate they are."

The roommate comforted Mu Wanying.

Mu Wanying stopped talking to them and put down her phone to get ready to rest.

At around twelve o'clock, Tang Dou was woken up by urinating, and got up to go to the bathroom. Mu Wanying was a light sleeper, and when she heard the movement, she got up and helped him go.

"Wanying hasn't slept yet?"

Tang Dou yawned.

"Didn't sleep well." At the bathroom door, Mu Wanying said, "Can you stand still now?"

"It's a little floating." Tang Dou held onto Mu Wanying's hand and regained consciousness, "Help me in, it's not like I haven't seen it."

"Dou Dou, are you not broken?"

"I've watched too much TV, it's so easy to break, and besides, I just couldn't stand steadily, and I wasn't unconscious." Tang Dou pretended to regret, "Fortunately, it was you, Wanying, who were humiliated by them taking pictures in the dormitory and posting them in the group gone."

"Let you drink so much again." Mu Wanying pursed her mouth, "Do you need to help now?"

"No need, the alcoholism is basically over."

Tang Dou stopped pretending, and if he acted again, he would reveal his secrets.

But Mu Wanying was still worried, and went in to support him.

"Wanying, do you still want to see it?"

Tang Dou smiled.

"No, it's ugly."

Without thinking, Mu Wanying pinched Doudou as she spoke, making her face feel hot now.

"It's all like this. Mine looks pretty. Wanying looks so slender. I don't believe that yours are as beautiful as flowers." Tang Dou turned around and flicked the flick.

"Doudou, whether you are good or bad, I don't care about you anymore."

Mu Wanying blushed and turned away.

Tang Dou smiled and said enough was enough, this time Mu Wanying's reaction was much calmer, Tang Dou remembered the day when he introduced Mu Wanying's younger brother to Mu Wanying in his previous life, he went out directly after washing the dates, Mu Wanying was frightened and insisted on going to another room house.

"Wanying, I'm so shameless because I treat you as my wife."

"I'm just like you. I'd rather drink than play a big adventure game at a class party."

Seeing Mu Wanying feeling ashamed and annoyed, Tang Dou said calmly.

"I know Doudou." Mu Wanying's anger disappeared in an instant. She thought that Doudou was going tonight. How about a good time?"

"Wanying, you misunderstood, I just want to be closer to you, and I won't embarrass you."

Tang Dou smiled and said, if he wanted to force others to make things difficult for him, last night Li Hao gave him a small umbrella and he accepted it.

"Well, Doudou, I believe in you."

Mu Wanying nodded, and she could only trust Doudou. If Doudou persisted, she seemed to have no choice but to call the police. Mu Wanying took the thermos from the dormitory and filled the thermos cup, "Drink some hot water." The water rests again."

"Wanying, you still know how to take care of people. I didn't realize it before."

"I learned it all from you, how you take care of me and how I take care of you."

Mu Wanying, who is usually arrogant, will be very gentle and full of dependence on Tang Dou. If she is arrogant and arrogant, Tang Dou can still bully and bully, but Tang Dou can't bear it and can only follow her.


Tang Dou's head hurt a little, so he asked Mu Wanying to rub his temples, and when Mu Wanying leaned back, he lay in her arms.

Mu Wanying gently rubbed Doudou's temples on both sides.

After a while, Tang Dou turned over and buried his face in Mu Wanying's arms.

"Ah, Doudou, don't make trouble, I'll give you a good massage."

Mu Wanying pushed Doudou's head away.

"Let me lie down for a while, lying down and wanting to vomit."

"Then turn over there."

Tang Dou persisted, and took a deep breath through his clothes before getting up. Seeing Mu Wanying's face of embarrassment, Tang Dou put his arms around her shoulders and said, "Wanying, don't be so awkward, I like everything about you, including everything about you. An inch of skin."

Mu Wanying's face softened, "Does your head still hurt?"

"There is still a little, rest, just sleep."

Mu Wanying wanted to go back to her side, but Tang Dou didn't let her. It's a pity not to hug such a big warm baby.

"Dou Dou, don't forget what you just promised me."

Mu Wanying didn't insist on leaving, but just reminded Doudou.

"Promise you what?"

Tang Dou said intentionally.

"Dou Dou, I forgot as soon as I promised, how can I trust you like this, I won't come out with you in the future."

Mu Wanying scoffed coquettishly, her arrogant temper came up again, and she wanted to go back to her side.

"I remember, just kidding you."

Tang Dou stopped joking, and honestly hugged Big Nuanbao.

It's a bit difficult to squeeze two people into a single bed, but in winter, it's warmer if you squeeze together.

Mu Wanying reached out to turn off the bedside lamp, cuddled obediently in the dark, after a few seconds biting and fighting like a cat, Tang Dou turned his head and avoided, Mu Wanying asked puzzledly: "What's wrong? I won't be angry with you!"

"No, I smell of alcohol in my mouth."

"It's ok."

Early the next morning.

Tang Dou felt the cool aroma, opened his eyes, and met a bright smiling face.

(End of this chapter)

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