Chapter 145

Mu Wanying went out early in the morning to buy breakfast.

Steaming wontons, pumpkin porridge, and steamed buns.

The buns have bean paste, sauerkraut, and meat.

After she came back, she put breakfast on the bedside, squatted beside Doudou's bed, and had a sweet good morning kiss.
Then looked at with a smile.

There was a slight coolness from Tang Dou's lips. He opened his eyes and met that exquisite smiling face, which was more beautiful than flowers and brighter than the sun. moon day.

In the previous life, you changed from April to a moody July, but this life will not, Tang Dou said in his heart.

"Get up and eat something before going to bed."

Facing the sleepy Doudou, Mu Wanying said with a sweet smile.

Doudou vomited almost everything he ate last night, and it would hurt his body not to eat something in the morning.

"Want to eat."

Looking at Mu Wanying, Tang Dou's eyes slowly moved down.

"Silly Dou."

Mu Wanying pretended to be angry and patted Doudou's face. Doudou is so shameless, maybe he will really grab food from the baby in the future. Thinking about waking up in the morning, a big baby and a small baby on both sides are fighting to eat, it seems quite interesting .

"What are you smirking at, give me your hand."

Tang Dou grabbed Mu Wanying's cold little hand and pulled her into the bed, warmed up before getting up.

Tang Dou hadn't seen such a warm and sweet morning for a long time. In his previous life, when Mu Wanying went to school early, Tang Dou usually got up first to make breakfast.

Sometimes Mu Wanying is too late and Tang Dou drives her off.

"Dou Dou, your eyelashes are so long."

Mu Wanying looked into Doudou's eyes from a close distance.

"Your too, is it cold outside?"

"It's so cold that the wind hurts my face."

After covering Mu Wanying's hands with heat, Tang Dou got up and went to the bathroom, washed his hands and went out to eat breakfast. His mouth was dry and he drank a mouthful of wonton first.

"I don't want to eat meat, I eat sauerkraut."

Mu Wanying took a bite out of meat and fed it to Doudou, while she took away Doudou's sauerkraut buns.

"By the way, what did you dream about after twelve o'clock last night?"

Mu Wanying took a sip of pumpkin porridge and said suddenly.

"Did you talk in your sleep?"

Tang Dou asked back.

"Well, keep talking about me, let me go, don't quarrel, it's a mess."

Mu Wanying smiled sweetly.

Tang Dou frowned. During this period of time, he often dreamed back to his previous life, dreaming about the little things he had with Mu Wanying in his previous life. Seeing how sweet Mu Wanying's smile was, he probably didn't say anything that shouldn't be said.

"I can't remember, I guess I dreamed of being with you"

Tang Dou rubbed his head, and was about to say that he probably dreamed that he had quarreled with Mu Wanying, so he changed his words and said, "I probably dreamed of making you angry again to coax you. I often dream of making you angry recently."

"My temper is not so bad, Doudou, don't think too much, you have done a good job, I am very happy and satisfied with you, just be yourself like you used to be, I like you like that .”

Day and night dream.

Mu Wanying thought that Doudou was under psychological pressure to please her. She looked at Doudou affectionately, thinking that she must control her emotions in the future, and not get angry over trivial things like in high school.

The same semantics, different expressions may achieve diametrically opposite effects.

If Tang Dou said just now that he dreamed of arguing with Mu Wanying, then the first reaction of an ordinary girl would be to say that she always quarrels with me in her dream, so she thinks I'm troublesome, right?Say it quickly.

Mu Wanying is no exception.

In Tang Dou's previous life, he may have been thinking about fighting plots all day long because he was writing a book. He often dreamed of beating and scolding people, and sometimes he suddenly kicked his feet or cursed when he was sleeping.

Dreams are dreams.I don't know if this is considered an occupational disease.

Mu Wanying was taken aback every time, and when she woke up she complained how much Tang Dou hated her, and beat her and scolded her in her dreams.

Tang Dou would say, I don’t dare to haggle with you at ordinary times, why can’t I let me vent in my dream?

To vent your size, you have such a big resentment towards me. You just dislike me. If you get it, you know how to cherish it. If you don't admit it, don't kill me someday.Mu Wanying hugged the quilt and went to the second bedroom.

Of course Tang Dou was not allowed to play, he was used to sleeping with the big quilt, and couldn't sleep alone.

Now that Tang Dou changed his way of expression, he moved Mu Wanying so much that he didn't want to. Tang Dou said with emotion that if he had this EQ in his previous life, the knot of misunderstanding that couldn't be explained would have been solved long ago.

Drinking wine at night, drinking a bowl of wontons in the morning, and eating a few steamed buns is really comfortable.After eating Tang Dou, Mu Wanying came back to sleep, even though she was a plain sleep last night, it was enough to twiddle and roll for half a night, her mouth is still numb.

Just because Tang Dou said:

Wanying, why hasn't your bobo technique improved after so long, it's no different from sticking a piece of pork.

Then Mu Wanying practiced with all her might, that "messing around" type of bobo was really hypoxic.

At this time, Mu Wanying leaned on Doudou's arm, and said delicately: "Doudou, it's so safe to be with you."

Last night Doudou said that if she doesn't mess around, she really doesn't mess around, and she is still so rational after drinking, Mu Wanying is really at ease.

You don't have to worry so much when you go outside in the future.

Tang Dou smiled and said nothing.

The right hand easily enters the Gemini Pass, and there is no barrier to touch, and the taste and feel are excellent.

Two of the three levels have been broken, Tang Dou is not in a hurry to continue, let Mu Wanying get used to it.

When it was time to check out at noon, the two of them went out for lunch, and after sending Mu Wanying back to school, Tang Dou also went back to school. There was only An Qi in the dormitory, playing games.

"The dormitory was so deserted last night, I was alone in the empty room."

Angie looked up.

"Where's Xiongxiong?"

Tang Dou suddenly remembered that he didn't see Li Xiongxiong when he came out of the hotel last night.

"Go home." An Qi smiled and said, "Are you finally broke?"

Tang Dou: "I wouldn't believe it without you."

An Qi: "I believe what you say, if the girl doesn't want it, you definitely won't force it."

After a while, Li Hao and Li Xiongxiong came back one after another. Li Xiongxiong said with a depressed face as soon as he entered the door: "Doudou, you are so disrespectful. I blocked the wine for you and drank like that, and you left me alone."

"Didn't you go home?" Tang Dou was puzzled.

"When I got out of the elevator, I went to the bathroom and vomited, and then I just remembered being helped into the room in a daze." Li Xiongxiong hesitated for a few seconds, "When I woke up in the morning, Zhao Rui was snuggling in my arms."

At that time, Li Xiongxiong only had three sentences in his head.

who am I?
Where am i?

what did i do last night
"Damn it? Zhao Rui? Xiongxiong, you won't be punished."

Tang Dou, Li Hao, and An Qi were completely dumbfounded in an instant.

Li Xiongxiong remained silent with a bitter face.

"I've seen that Zhao Rui is interested in you, but I didn't expect Zhao Rui to be so. Then?"

"Did she see Zhang Yao wanting to make a comeback with you last night? She was in a hurry."

"I don't think so, Zhao Rui has been looking for opportunities."

The three looked at Li Xiongxiong.

"Zhao Rui said that she has been paying attention to me since the beginning of school. Last night, she saw that I was unsteady after throwing up, so she went to the room. She also drank too much, so she couldn't control herself. Let me give you a chance. The right to break up is in my hands. inside."

"If you can't get along, I won't force you." Zhao Rui repeated to Li Xiongxiong in the morning.

To make a long story short, Li Xiongxiong woke up with a dull head, but he was moved by Zhao Rui's sincere eyes, and when he saw the red mottled sheets, he said for no reason, okay, let's try to talk.

Then the matter has come to this point, one does not do two endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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