Chapter 147
Zhao Rui's clever manipulation not only allowed her to fall in love with Li Xiongxiong in an open and honest manner.

And inexplicably became the "group leader" of the dormitory.

There were originally four groups in one dormitory, but now they are united a lot, and they talk about everything when they get together.

Forever and ever, sometimes it will end, only routines win people's hearts.

This is Zhao Rui's life motto. Her favorite martial arts woman is Zhao Min, who has the same surname as herself. She likes to fight by all means, and finally wins Zhang Wuji from Zhou Zhiruo, Xiao Zhao, A Li and other beauties.

Zhao Rui was better than Zhao Min, and took Li Xiongxiong away from Zhang Yao without bloodshed.

And Zhang Yao also enthusiastically advised Zhao Rui.

Originally an obstacle to harmony in the dormitory, Zhang Yao, who was aloof and aloof, is now like a good sister to Zhao Rui, one by one, teaching Zhao Rui how to make up, beautiful pictures, clothes, walk the dog, how to reject some of the boys Asking him, but at the same time not destroying the relationship to whet his appetite, how can he let the boy pay with confidence and peace of mind.

"The first is to enhance your own charm, which is the biggest capital of girls."

Seeing two roommates who are really stupid and one pretending to be stupid, Zhang Yao starts class.

As long as girls are attractive enough, boys will be willing to pay for you.This is Zhang Yao's motto, which is completely opposite to Zhao Rui's active routine. Zhao Rui works hard on the other party, and Zhang Yao is beautifying herself to attract people.

Both have their merits.

"As a girl, your image is very important. Your appearance depends on your appearance. As the saying goes, there are no ugly women, only lazy women. The best way to improve your inner temperament is to read more books. What I mean by reading is not like Minmin who spends all day studying textbooks. You still look like a nerd in college, if you really can’t show your temperament, then be quiet, just dress yourself well, beautiful and elegant.”

You just pretended it, if you are so elegant, you won't tear each other up with your roommates.

Being regarded as a negative teaching material, Tao Minmin complained in his heart.

Zhang Yao: "We must develop the habit of looking in the mirror before going out. It is best to bring a small mirror with you. We are students now, so we don't need to touch up makeup at any time, but it is best to see if there is anything on the teeth after eating. Things are deadly, and even the most beautiful goddess will collapse in image.”

Xiao Zi nodded approvingly, the last time a boy reminded her that there were peppers on her teeth, it was too embarrassing.

It's so stupid, no wonder no one chased after her, the more the roommate listened, the more stupid she became, Zhang Yao sighed and shook her head.

Demonstrate how to take a cute selfie and how to take a pitiful selfie.

"It's very important for girls to take pictures. If they take good photos, boys will be reluctant to change their phone screens."

"Self-portrait is a basic skill for girls. Self-portraits are cute. Eyes should be wide open, look directly at the camera, expression should be natural, don't deliberately smile, and lips should be slightly pursed."

Zhang Yao demonstrated to her roommates, she squeezed Zhao Rui's chin, and said patiently:
"Slightly pursed lips, Ruirui, you are doing too much. Your chin is short, but when you put it away, you have no chin. Isn't the dimple at the corner of your mouth more obvious and kawaii? It's just natural. Look at Xiao Zi, just like her."

"It's too deliberate, but the expression looks stiff and awkward."

"Yes, that's it."

"It's a smile by pursing your lips, which is often called a slight smile. It's the most basic and simplest, but don't underestimate it. This kind of smile can be powerful if you practice it well."

As Zhang Yao spoke, the corner of her mouth squeezed to the left, and the corner of her mouth lifted slightly.

"Yaoyao, your smile is so captivating, a slight smile is very charming, I can't bear it even if I'm a boy."

Zhao Rui, Tao Minmin, and Xiao Zi really admired each other.

"This is just the most basic. You can also learn from the goddesses while watching TV. You can look at the smiling face of the little dragon girl in Huang Jiaozhu's version. The next test is the technique of blinking and smiling. It is the so-called electric eye, which is very useful for boys."

While Zhang Yao was speaking and demonstrating, she pursed her lips slightly, her right eye was motionless, and her left eye blinked.

"Yaoyao, your voltage is too high."

The three of Tao Minmin were stunned at the same time, and there was this operation.

A goblin is a goblin, no wonder Li Xiongxiong couldn't stop licking at the beginning, Zhao Rui said in her heart, Zhang Yao's smile was so provocative, it made her heart tremble, she thought Zhang Yao was being tricked by her senior, but now it seems It was the senior who was so fascinated by Zhang Yao.

"Yaoyao, how did you do it?"

Xiao Zi couldn't learn it at all, she squinted her left eye and her right eye blinked, and fixed her eyelids with her hands and kept trembling.

Tao Minmin and Zhao Rui couldn't learn it either.

"The best effect can be achieved by raising the corners of the mouth while blinking. This can't be learned in a short time. You should practice blinking slowly first."

Zhang Yao blinked her left and right eyes, and the third roommate couldn't find her way. She was very satisfied, and continued:
"Then there are movements. I will teach you a few of the simplest movements. The first one is scissors."

"Isn't playing scissorhands very secondary?"

"It depends on how you put it. If you don't know how to do it, any movement will be silly. Of course, if you can do it to the extreme, it is also trendy." Zhang Yao tilted her head slightly to the left, pulled her hair back with her right hand, and made a pair of scissors with her left hand. on the left cheek.

"How about it?"

"It looks good, but I don't think it's a matter of soil or not. If a person is beautiful, any pose will look good."

Zhao Rui looked at and nodded, and had to admit that she was so beautiful and coquettish that Zhang Yao laughed so much that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

"Yaoyao, try picking out your nose." Xiao Zi's flattering skills to Zhao Rui cannot be described in words.

Zhang Yao looked at Xiao Zi in disgust, and continued to show her pitiful selfie.

"Pretending to be pitiful, there is a cute style, like this, with big eyes shining, and a mouth that expresses grievance; there is also a Daiyu style, with lowered eyelids, sentimental." Zhang Yao looked at Zhao Rui and said: "Li Xiongxiong likes the first kind of cuteness Mode."

"What do I do with my small eyes?" Tao Minmin sighed.

"It's a beautiful picture."

Zhang Yao opened Meitu on her mobile phone, and found a picture of a girl with a big face and small eyes. After a short operation, she became a melon-seeded face with big eyes.


Zhao Rui is listless on the surface, but she is actually learning from Zhang Yao very seriously. Zhang Yao is a fairy and a fairy, but her way of "manipulating boys" does have merit.

"It's so difficult, my concubine can't do it."

Zhao Rui pretended to be distressed, and put her arms around Zhang Yao's small waist, "It's really complicated to fall in love, I just play around with Li Xiongxiong, is it necessary?"

"It's because you play him well that you do well." Tao Minmin answered on his behalf.

"Yaoyao, compared to you, we are at most like girls."

Zhao Rui sighed.

"How can there be, everyone has their own cuteness, and you are also very cute, Minmin is straightforward, Xiaozi is pretty, and Ruirui is frank."

Zhao Rui's words made Zhang Yao feel extremely comfortable. Zhang Yao used to look down on these three dormmates from head to toe, but now she thinks they are so cute, and happily praises everyone.

Zhang Yao said that she was honest, and Zhao Rui felt ashamed, and felt that Zhang Yao couldn't be any more cute.

Zhao Rui half-jokingly half-seriously said:

"The relationship between Li Xiongxiong and the class leader is as good as brothers. Li Xiongxiong provokes the relationship between our sisters like this. Why don't you use his own way to treat him? Yaoyao, you are beautiful and versatile. When you dance, the class leader looks at you. I think you can seduce the squad leader and drive a wedge between them in the dormitory."

"Ruirui, what do you have to do with the monitor, besides, the monitor has a girlfriend."

Tao Minmin was speechless.

"With people like Li Xiongxiong, Tang Doudou is no better." Zhao Rui.

Zhang Yao pondered and didn't speak, the class monitor was good, but unfortunately she wasn't her type, otherwise she didn't want to find someone to concentrate on talking with.

Originally I wanted to try chasing Tang Dou, but at first I got close to Li Xiongxiong to attract Tang Dou's attention, so I got along with Li Xiongxiong and never played ambiguously. After getting rid of Mu Wanying, she became discouraged, so she focused on Li Xiongxiong again.

It turned out that Li Xiongxiong was a hypocrite.

"Yaoyao, you taught me how to draw eyebrows, my eyebrows are too rough."

Zhao Rui looked in the mirror and said.

"You need to trim it first. I'm not very good at trimming eyebrows. In the afternoon, I'll accompany you to cut your hair and let someone trim it. Your skin is pretty good. I'll put on light makeup for you. I have a normal color slogan for you to try."

Zhang Yao rolled up Zhao Rui's hair and gestured, thinking about how to cut Zhao Rui's face.

External conflicts are indeed the best way to resolve internal conflicts, because Li Xiongxiong's "external conflicts" invaded, Zhang Yao and Zhao Rui completely settled their suspicions and "joined hands with girlfriends".

Zhang Yao is willing to be Zhao Rui's dog-headed military advisor.

The final exam will begin in the new week, and the public courses will be taken first. Tang Dou is not worried about the literature major, but the public courses are not good enough. He has not attended the lectures and has not reviewed. The teacher is from a foreign department, and it is more difficult to fail than the professional courses.

The exam seats are based on the student number, and Tang Dou's seat is not very good.

Tang Dou didn't care about failing the exam. He was worried that his mother would make a fuss again when his grades were sent home during the winter vacation.

The new year is restless.

So we still have to take it seriously, and it may be useful to write a few more cheat sheets. For the scumbags, the exam is to test their cheating ability.

Tang Dou went to the company for the last class of the exam tomorrow, and asked his roommate, "Who made the key points?"

"The teacher said that everything he said was the key point."

 Thank you Li Bai for giving up drinking, jamalluo, I don't think you have, if I have a reward in the next life.

(End of this chapter)

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