Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 148 The Movie Emperor Possesses the Boys and Girls Group

Chapter 148 The Movie Emperor Possesses the Boys and Girls Group

On Sunday afternoon, the roommates all went to self-study with their sisters.

Tang Dou is alone.

Going to self-study with your girlfriend at the end of the semester is also quite a romantic thing in college.

In Tang Dou's previous life, at the end of each term, he saw roommates and girlfriends going to self-study, or went to the self-study room alone and saw them in pairs. .

Bullying (dog) too much.

Originally, Tang Dou had a good life during this time.

Outside, I was sour with my confidant Mu Wanying, reading books in the morning, shopping in the afternoon, and running in the evening;

The school and confidant Li Xiongxiong are sweet and sweet, playing basketball in the afternoon and billiards in the evening, taking a walk to talk about heart to heart, or drinking a little wine to talk about life and ideals.

The girlfriend and boyfriend filled Tang Dou's heart to the full.

Now her boyfriend is abducted by the scheming girl Zhao Rui.

It made Tang Dou feel like he had lost his right hand and right arm. He didn't even have a fan friend at school, and he was lonely.

"You abandoned me and just laughed it off."

Thinking of Li Xiongxiong leaving with a smile just now, Tang Dou couldn't help humming, picked up the compendium and flipped through it, it was in vain, the title of the book was not written.

Don't good schools focus on exams?

The teacher said that everything he said was the key point, and the university hates this kind of teacher the most.

No, although Tang Dou didn't have the habit of taking notes, he would write the title of every book, and wrote it everywhere in a fancy way. Tang Dou cherished books since he was a child, and didn't like to mix them with others, except Mu Wanying.

This book is so white, it probably belonged to Brother Ritian, he didn't take this class a few times at all.

Tang Dou asked on the Crouching Dragon Pavilion (dormitory group): "Who took my book by mistake?"

Angie: "I'll take yours, what about mine?"

Li Hao: "Dad here @Anqi, where's mine?"

"I have a book here that doesn't have a name written on it." Tang Dou.

Li Hao: "That should be mine."

Li Xiongxiong made an expression of unknown expression, and then sent a selfie with Zhao Rui, their heads were pressed together, Zhao Rui was smiling, Li Xiongxiong was serious, it was obviously Zhao Rui who sent it, and it was on the show.

"Xiongxiong, take your phone away and don't reveal the privacy of the dormitory."

Li Hao reminded that he often posted the resources of the cloud disk to the group, which made it embarrassing for the girls in the same class to see.

Li Xiongxiong: "I deleted the chat history."

In fact, Zhao Rui looked through Li Xiongxiong's phone last night, looking at everything he should and shouldn't, but Li Xiongxiong didn't know it yet.

Tang Dou was bored, Mu Wanying sent a message, "What are you doing?"

"Review, the teacher didn't draw the key points, I don't know where to start (sad)" Tang Dou replied.

Mu Wanying: "Find a student in your class and ask seriously."

Tang Dou: "I'm thinking about which girl in our class is beautiful and good at learning."

Mu Wanying: "(Tap) That won't bother you anymore."

Tang Dou: "I'll find someone to highlight the key points, and I'll come to you at night."

Mu Wanying: "Yeah, then I'll wait for you to eat."

Tang Dou sent a message to Tao Minmin, the school committee member, and then went to look for her in the study room. Zhang Yao and Xiao Zi went to study together with Tao Minmin. After Tang Dou entered, Zhang Yao beckoned from afar and moved in to make room for her.

Zhang Yao has long hair slanting, wearing light makeup, a pink plush jacket, thick black stockings, and a pleated skirt.

You can smell the perfume on her body from a meter away.

Zhang Yao has good looks, is good at dressing herself up, and is also good at socializing. Influenced by Tang Dou's performance in the freshman basketball game, she fell in love with basketball and often played with Li Xiongxiong some time ago.

Zhang Yao joined the sports department when the student union recruited new students, and now things are booming. If nothing happens, she will be Tang Dou's leader in her sophomore year.The Sports Department of the Student Union has close contacts with the monitors.

"Hello beauties."

Tang Dou said to the three girls.

"Does the monitor need to review too?"

Zhang Yao smiled.

"The squad leader is not guaranteed."

In Tang Dou’s previous university, the class monitor was often the first to fail the subject, and the class monitor of Tang Dou’s class was very worried. After finishing the XX test and confirming that he had failed, he and the dormitory also failed to buy some things to see the teacher. The teacher said there was no problem. He accepted the things without any problem, but the two of them got it right, so they scolded the teacher's ancestors for eight generations.

"Tell me to tutor but don't come to me. I thought you had finished your review."

Tao Minmin looked at it.

"I don't want to read the book, so help me highlight the key points." Tang Dou handed the book to Tao Minmin and said, "Did you ask the teacher the original question?"

"I asked, the teacher only talked about one big question, the impact of the Anti-Japanese War on the modern times of the motherland." Tao Minmin said, "I'm going to post it in the group at night."

"Squad leader, do you know that Li Xiongxiong is chasing after Zhao Rui in your dormitory?" Xiao Zi leaned her head in and asked.

Zhang Yao and Tao Minmin also looked curiously.

Li Xiongxiong chasing Zhao Rui?Sure enough, Zhao Rui let Li Xiongxiong carry everything.

In this case, let Li Xiongxiong be black to the end, the man who takes the blame is better than the man who takes the blame.

Tang Dou was not surprised. He frowned and pretended not to know much, and said, "Seeing that Li Xiongxiong has shown courtesy to Zhao Rui several times, it seems that he went to self-study with Zhao Rui. Has Zhao Rui accepted Li Xiongxiong?"

"Didn't she like you, Zhang Yao?"

Tang Dou looked at Zhang Yao and added.

"Boys nowadays really don't want to give at all. They feel that if they like it, the other party should immediately accept it as it should be, or explicitly reject it. They don't want to give the other party time to adapt and test."

Tao Minmin shook his head and sighed:
"Chasing after girls is neither a liking nor a greedy one. If you can't satisfy your greedy appetite, then go find other prey."

"It's fine for Li Xiongxiong to move on so quickly, but he chases after another person in our dormitory when he can't catch up with Yaoyao. It's a little hard to understand. Our dormitory relationship has been just right recently, but now it's weird again."

"It's no wonder whoever you like. It's human freedom to choose whoever you like."

Zhang Yaonunu looked at Tang Dou with her pink lips, "Besides, I have nothing to do with him, we are just simple friends."

"I think Li Xiongxiong either really likes Zhao Rui, or just plays around casually, and Zhao Rui actually forgets his friends when he sees sex."

Li Xiongxiong changed to pursue Zhao Rui, Xiaozi blessed her in her heart, but on the surface she still complained for Zhang Yao.

"Actually, Li Xiongxiong is quite a nice person, but in my heart"

These three girls are also possessed by movie kings, Tao Minmin and Xiaozi are aggrieved, Zhang Yao is very open-minded, she looked at Xiaozi and hesitated to speak, then turned to Tang Dou and continued: "Hey, feelings I can't force it, I have always regarded Li Xiongxiong as a friend sincerely, no matter what happens, I wish him and Ruirui all the best."

Tang Dou was a little confused, if he didn't know the inside story, he would really be played by these three women.

Of course, Tang Dou's acting is not bad, and Li Hao and An Qi are also cooperating with Li Xiongxiong and Zhao Rui in acting.

"I hope Ruirui won't be disappointed." Xiao Zi asked Tang Dou: "Squad leader, what do you think of Li Xiongxiong, are you serious?"

"I think people are pretty good, at least for boys."

Tang Dou wanted to slander Li Xiongxiong, but on second thought, slandering others behind his back was also destroying his own structure. Tang Dou looked at Zhang Yao and said, "Zhang Yao should be clearer about what Li Xiongxiong said to girls."

"It's also very kind to girls, and he is considerate and considerate, but I really don't have feelings for him."

Zhang Yao said in her mouth that she wanted to know people but not her heart.

Xiao Zi was a little puzzled. Zhang Yao said in the dormitory that Li Xiongxiong was so hypocritical and disgusting. Since he hated him so much, it meant that he had hoped for Li Xiongxiong, and that he would receive what Li Xiongxiong gave, but in front of the monitor, Zhang Yao kept talking to Li Xiongxiong. Putting aside the relationship, it seemed that he was afraid that the monitor would misunderstand that he was having an affair with Li Xiongxiong.

Xiao Zi is small, very delicate, looks like a little girl, looking at Zhang Yao enviously said:

"I feel that Jiang Zhizhe, the third-year senior, is reliable, mature and stable. He is also the head of the discipline department of the student union. The student union never checks our dormitory. Inferior Yaoyao, Yaoyao's dormitory has never broken chocolate."

"President Jiang Zhezhi gave Yaoyao this Anima watch two days ago. It's really beautiful. I checked, and it's more than 2000."

Xiao Zi said and rolled up Zhang Yao's sleeves.

 Thank you Andy for the reward of 1000 points, and 100 points for the gay who took you to see our village.

(End of this chapter)

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