Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 157 If there is no friction of clothes

Chapter 157 If there is no friction of clothes

Tang Dou held Mu Wanying's little hand tightly, and silently said "Wanying..." in his heart, when the nth sound
Mu Wanying just felt so disgusted.

Mu Wanying cried in her heart, she wanted to let go, but she was worried that Doudou would be unhappy, so she could only hold back.

After five seconds, Tang Dou let go of her hand.

"Doudou, you are good or bad, you did it on purpose."

A complex expression of wanting to cry but unable to cry appeared on Mu Wanying's face, complaining with a bit of crying.She raised her hand, pretending to rub it on Tang Dou.

"Hey, it wasn't intentional, the brakes failed."

Tang Dou laughed along, took out paper and wiped Mu Wanying's hands first.

"This thing can be taken internally, applied externally, or injected. It has the effects of nourishing the skin and promoting blood circulation, delaying aging, preventing diseases, and improving physical and mental health."

Seeing that Mu Wanying still had a bitter face, Tang Dou said again.


Mu Wanying went to the bathroom to wash her hands, Tang Dou went down to find a XX to change, and then went to wash her hands too.

"It's disgusting how to stay together for a lifetime, why should we always respect each other as guests?"

Tang Dou hugged Mu Wanying's neck from behind, unable to put it down.

"It's not disgusting, it's just that it's weird."

Mu Wanying felt weird. Under Doudou's leadership, she went further and further on the road of being a bad girl.

After adapting psychologically, Mu Wanying felt as if she had cooked raw rice.

Tang Dou: "We will be together for the rest of our lives, sooner or later we have to get used to it, life is short, so what's wrong with enjoying the fun of two people earlier."

Tang Dou talked eloquently, and Mu Wanying felt that there was nothing wrong with what Dou Dou said, but there was a process of getting used to it.

"Doudou, give me some more time."

"I'm afraid you'll be overwhelmed. I'm just reasoning with you, not urging you."

Misunderstood by Mu Wanying, Tang Dou didn't say much.

Life is short, enjoy it in time.Mu Wanying was a little brainwashed.

Tang Dou was in a happy mood, squatting under the bed to drive Mu Wanying up.

"No need for Doudou, I will go up by myself."

Mu Wanying was embarrassed.

"It's okay, we've known each other for more than three years, and we've been in love for more than two months. I don't mind what it is."

Tang Dou urged.

Mu Wanying wobbled on her shoulders, Tang Dou supported the table and stood up, the height was just enough for Mu Wanying to go up.Mu Wanying grabbed the head of the bed, Tang Dou pushed her feet up, and after Mu Wanying went up, she straightened Doudou's hair.

Mu Wanying felt so happy that Doudou gave her an ideal first love.

"Dou Dou, will you treat me so well for the rest of your life?"

It's already the second life, okay, Tang Dou said solemnly: "How is it possible, when you get old, I'll hide wherever I'm cool"

Mu Wanying's face turned wide instantly, and she stuffed the freshly peeled oranges that were ready to be fed to Doudou into her mouth.

Although it is impossible for two people to be together for a lifetime, "You are ruthless, you are cruel, and you are vexatious", "Then you are not ruthless, cruel, and unreasonable?", but, Doudou, please don't destroy the atmosphere, okay?

"At most, I will spoil you until thirty, and then I will spoil my little lover. You will be demoted from a mistress to a maid."

Tang Dou smiled and continued, "So Wanying, you should cherish these ten years."

"Doudou, you are good or bad." Mu Wanying became more and more angry and loved her more and more. Mu Wanying was satisfied when she was spoiled to thirty. "The two-child policy is in place. We can have two children when we get married. I will give birth to two princes and usurp your position and make you a servant."

"You know a lot, so you are so anxious to cultivate with me?"

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying.

"The last time I went home, I heard my mother and my father talk about it. What are the only children? We have children alone. After we get married, we are considered to have children alone. Whether the first child is a boy or a girl, we can have a second child."

Mu Wanying threw orange peels on Doudou's head and said, "You two are debt collectors, you will be exhausted."

"The most poisonous woman's heart, if you become ruthless, you will not let it go. Having two bastards will not only usurp my position, but you will have to suffer for the rest of your life." Tang Dou said: "In the past two years, only two children were allowed. Separate second child is allowed, and when we graduate, it is estimated that full second child will also be opened.”

"Is it too crowded? I'll sleep in my roommate's bed."

It is a bit far-fetched to sleep two people in the dormitory bed, Tang Dou said to Mu Wanying.

"Squeeze, they're all packed."

Mu Wanying stretched out her hand to Tang Dou, Tang Dou turned off the light, and dragged Mu Wanying up.

She lived alone in a room and a bed alone since she was a child, but now Mu Wanying is especially attached to Doudou's embrace, it is so warm and safe.

Inside Mu Wanying, Tang Dou stepped aside. To be honest, it was uncomfortable but comfortable to be squeezed.

It would be perfect without the friction of the clothes.

The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning, Tang Dou sent Mu Wanying back to school.Mi Le didn't pick up Tang Dou today, so he drove to the company by himself first, Tang Dou was not in a hurry, he had breakfast with Mu Wanying, and then took a taxi to the company.

"Morning Tang."

Just as Tang Dou entered the office, Qiao Mai at the front desk smiled and said hello.

The salaries have just been paid in the past two days, and the income of several people has exceeded their expectations, which makes them more active in their work.

"Mr. Tang, after the opening of the market, the market fluctuated a bit, and the growth of the entrepreneurial sector was weak. Should we sell it?"

Zhang Yadong looked at it.

"Wait a little longer, if there is a drop below the XXXX point, you can deal with it according to the situation."

Tang Dou pretended to look at the market, as if the problem was not serious.

"Alright Mr. Tang."

Zhang Yadong nodded.

"Mr. Tang, here is the salary list for December."

Guo Jing, who was wearing a slim sweater, a narrow knitted skirt, and black silk, came over.

Tang Dou looked at it, picked up a pen and signed it.

In the private office, Mi Le crossed her legs to play Doudizhu, and when Tang Dou entered, she looked up and yawned, "Last night I had insomnia, thinking that you and Mu Wanying might be in the clouds and rain, so I couldn't sleep .”

"And you, it seems that your spirit is not very good."

"The dormitory bed is too crowded for two people, and my arms are still sore after being pressed by Mu Wanying all night."

Tang Dou pretended to be in great pain, moving his arms and neck uncomfortably.

"Deser, I'm not cursing you. The shelf life of love is no more than ten years. It's so beautiful now, so annoying in the future."

Mi Le looked contemptuous. He fed dog food to people at night and came back early in the morning. He was not afraid of getting cancer.

"I also think that in the end, it's mainly about commitment and persistence. If you talk to someone for more than five years, Ruyi would rather muddle through with that person than start from scratch with someone you don't know well."

"A pair of people who don't have a perfect fit can walk together to see if they can be accommodated and tolerated."

Tang Dou smiled.

Mi Le was speechless, and became more and more discouraged. The corner between Tang Dou and Mu Wanying was too strong, and she hadn't found a gap after searching for half a year.

"The two of you are in a typical state of being in love right now. In love, the hotter it gets, the faster it cools down."

Mi Le still forcibly poured cold water on him.

"I know better than I. It seems that you have talked about it. If you have not experienced it, you have no right to speak. Asking what love is in the world is just like life and death."

Tang Dou froze Mi Le's cold water to reinforce the corner of the wall.

"go to hell!"

PS: Squeezing your nose to drink water and bending over at [-] degrees to drink water are quite effective in stopping hiccups.

(End of this chapter)

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