Chapter 158

Since January, Le Dou's revenue has continued to grow steadily.

The company now has no debts, assets of more than 1000 million, and cash assets of more than 200 million.

It's already mid-January, and the income in the first half of the month is more than 300 million, all of which have been transferred to the circulating funds. The circulating funds have increased from 800 million at the beginning of the month to 1000 million.

The average daily income is nearly 20.

According to the current benefits, Tang Dou will not have to repay the debt with his own body once January comes down and the 400 million is repaid to Mi Le.If he lets go at the end of the month, Tang Dou can still withdraw 400 million.

Something seems wrong.

At the beginning, the company injected 800 million capital, and Mi Le paid Tang Dou 400 million in advance
Tang Dou can now fill in the 400 million holes in Mi Le's mat.

This mathematics will be sold sooner or later.Tang Dou despised himself in his heart.

"The company now has 200 million as your net income, how does it feel?"

Mi Le told Tang Dou after reading the current financial data sent by Guo Jing.

"Nothing but mental security."

Tang Dou said plainly that he has no desire to show off his wealth and high consumption.

Now is a peaceful age, one room, two people, three meals for four seasons, reading on sunny days and enjoying love on rainy days, is Tang Dou’s ideal life, money means to him, just like Gao Wu world has a terrifying cultivation base, but is a sweeper monk.

It may be that he was tired of the day and night code words in his previous life. Now Tang Dou just wants to make money easily and live a peaceful life.

"Do you know what money is to me?"

Mi Le looked at Tang Dou with envious eyes.

"Is it a burden? It hollowed out you, leaving you only a harmless ghost?"

Tang Dou is very familiar with Mi Le's routine, and he just wants to give him some dimensionality reduction blows.

"Not really, but I have nothing but money."

Seeing that there seemed to be a piece of shit thrown towards him in Tang Dou's eyes, Mi Le counted his fingers and said: "Really, you have a warm family, adore your sister, a best friend who doesn't follow others, a girlfriend who doesn't dislike the poor and loves the rich "

"I don't have any of that."

Mi Le spread his hands and said.

"Then you are still working so hard to make money." Tang Dou.

"For the sake of freedom, if I want to be truly independent and prevent my marriage from being reduced to a commercial tool, I must shoot my dad on the beach. Do you know how crazy and rebellious my thoughts are?"

Without waiting for Tang Dou to ask, Mi Le said:
"In the future, we will use Le Dou to bring down Mi's Group."

Tang Dou gave Mi Le a thumbs up, this dream must have come true for her.

"Are you sure you want to rent a hotel room for the holidays?" Mi Le asked Tang Dou.

Tang Dou nodded. He will not live in school when Mu Wanying returns home tomorrow. Living in a dormitory alone is too boring.

"It's still rented by men and women. You can just rent my house. Renting a hotel room is like a homeless man."

Mi Le was a little speechless, this guy was too defensive against himself.

"Don't homeless people sleep in bridge holes? Those who stay in hotels are business people."

Tang Dou shook his head and said with a smile: "In the eyes of you rich people, business people who are running around are homeless?"

If it's a stranger of the opposite sex, it's okay to live together. If it's an acquaintance, it's cohabitation in the eyes of others.

"Then let's rent the Dongchen Hotel in front of Zijinhua, it will be easier to commute to and from get off work."

If he couldn't be persuaded, Mi Le didn't bother.

Tang Dou thought about it, no problem, it was convenient for both of them.

The company has nothing to do all day, Tang Dou works from nine to five, drinking tea, reading books, playing games, it is better to work regularly.At noon, Mi Le proposed to treat the office staff to a light meal, but Tang Dou had no objection.

Mu Wanying was also on vacation after the exam in the afternoon.

The roommates returned home, Liu Ge went home tomorrow, Mu Wanying abandoned Tang Dou, and lived in the dormitory with her best friend at night.

Liu Ge didn't mind Tang Dou dressing up as a woman and going to their dormitory, and Tang Dou was reluctant to do so, but Mu Wanying couldn't.

The weather was more than ten degrees below zero. Tang Dou and Mu Wanying had nothing to do after dinner. They went to the billiard hall. Tang Dou taught Mu Wanying how to play billiards. fly.

Mu Wanying was not convinced.

She pulled her hair, stood with her feet together, bent over to support the billiard table with her left hand, raised her neck high, and stabbed her right arm like a stab.The preparatory work was done very well, but the white ball stuck in place after one shot.

Mu Wanying was very depressed, the ball was just there, why couldn't she hit it correctly.

There was also a girl playing billiards next to her. She couldn't help but chuckled when she saw it, and said to herself, why is there such a big gap between the same girls.

On the contrary, boys think it is very cute. Girls, do you want my brother to teach you.

At the table next to him, a boy showed off his maneuvers and hit the white ball directly with a shot behind his back.

It's not embarrassing to show the operation without point b number!
"Dou Dou, does hitting the white ball count as a win?"

Mu Wanying didn't understand, so she asked Doudou.

Pretending to overturn the car, the buddy next to him felt ashamed.

"The white ball is the cue ball, hitting it is a foul."

Tang Dou explained.

Tang Dou wanted to pretend not to know each other when Mu Wanying slid the stick again and again, but Mu Wanying watched eagerly and wiped the tip of the stick, "Dou Dou, why can't I move it? I'm clearly aiming, yes Not too slippery."

"That's how it started."

Tang Dou comforted me and gave a demonstration first, "Put your posture in place first, press your upper body down, with your left hand like this, put the club in the depression, look straight ahead, aim the club at the center of the ball, hold the club tightly with your right hand, and push forward flat .”

After demonstrating again, Tang Dou came behind Mu Wanying.

"Press down further, and spread your fingers apart." Tang Dou patted Mu Wanying's left hand, "Don't keep your legs together, stand up naturally one in front of the other, stand up first, raise your head up and chest out, don't shrink your waist, stretch it out Press down and move your right hand a little back."

After one shot, the white ball moved a few centimeters to the left.

"so hard."

Mu Wanying turned her head.

"Don't shake your right wrist, keep your elbow at the same height, and swing your forearm back and forth."

Tang Dou continued to explain patiently, with his arms around her, his chin resting on her shoulders, teaching her with his hands.

The club hits the white ball, hitting a colored ball.

Mu Wanying tried another shot with confidence, and the white ball moved a few centimeters away.

"The posture is so awkward." Mu Wanying smiled silly.

Xueba is so stupid!

High school math and physics are so good, how can you not be good at playing billiards, Tang Dou said with a smile, "It's just for entertainment, just play whatever you want, just aim the cue at the center of the ball."

"It looks very simple."

Tang Dou didn't bother to correct me, so he just played casually with Mu Wanying. He hit all the black balls, but Mu Wanying didn't even hit a single colored ball. Tang Dou didn't say it was over until all the balls were gone until you get in.

Then keep going.

"Don't just run in the future, you can play badminton and table tennis to improve your body coordination."

Tang Dou said to Mu Wanying.

Appearance is born, and temperament is cultivated. Of course, Mu Wanying's temperament is not bad. She has a kind of classical beauty, but she lacks youthful vitality. More exercise is perfect.

"You will accompany me next year when it's warmer." Mu Wanying said earnestly: "Dou Dou, I regret more and more that I didn't report to the same school with you, otherwise I can have dinner together every day, and I will accompany you to play basketball or you play badminton with me"

"It's okay now, and it's not far away. It will be convenient for both of us to buy a bicycle next year."

Shared bicycles appeared too late. It seems that this concept appeared in [-], and it became popular when it was three years old and four years old.It's better to buy one first. Tang Dou lost three bicycles from his freshman year to his third year in college in his previous life. Prestigious schools probably won't do it.

"Yes, you can buy a bicycle. I haven't ridden a bicycle since you taught me in high school."

When it comes to buying a bicycle, Mu Wanying can't wait to buy it now. It is also very romantic to think about riding a bicycle to fight with each other.

After nine o'clock, after sending Mu Wanying back to school, Tang Dou also went back.

The school is even more deserted today, and there are fewer dormitories with lights in the dormitory buildings. The deep corridors are dark, the cold wind is howling outside, and the water in the public toilets is dripping, making people feel gloomy.

Back in the dormitory, Tang Dou opened "The Colonel" to continue reading, and found that there was an extra sentence on the bookmark.

(End of this chapter)

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