Chapter 159 My brother is lost
"What you have is no longer lost. 2014.1.13."

There is an extra sentence next to "have everything you want" on the bookmark.

It's Mu Wanying's handwriting. Her handwriting is easy to read, delicate and neat, and the force gradually becomes heavier when she writes, especially the "skim" and "hook".

When Mu Wanying was writing, veins popped out on the back of her hands.

Tang Dou often said that she was engraving, not writing.

Mu Wanying said that handwriting can reveal a person's disposition, the handwriting is neat and solid, which shows that she is a real person, some people's handwriting is rough and frivolous, and their personality is more impetuous.

It makes sense.

Tang Dou's handwriting was ugly when he was in elementary school, but it's not his fault. It's the teacher's fault. The Chinese teacher always asked him to copy the text five times and the phrases ten times. How can the students control whether the writing is good or not?

Tang Dou only practiced calligraphy when he was in junior high school.

Looking at the bookmark, Tang Dou raised the corner of his mouth and hid the bookmark.

The appearance in front of me when the lights are turned on, Nuo Da’s room, the lonely bed, when the lights are turned off, they all look the same
Bored, Tang Dou sang while listening to the song.

Lie on the bed and feel the breath left by Mu Wanying last night. It's nice to have someone to warm the bed in winter. It's better to do nothing than to stay in an empty room alone. It's also quite interesting for the two of them to maintain a full of vitality.

Finding a long hair on the pillow, Tang Dou put the long hair across his nose in a daze.

Aunt Shen Xiaolong sent a message asking Tang Dou if he was on vacation, and asked Tang Dou to go to her house during the holiday. Tang Dou replied that he could not go back for the time being, and he would only go back during the New Year.Every twelfth lunar month, my uncle Hao Jun is very busy with business and travels around for days. In the past, during the Tang Dou holidays, he often went to help my aunt look after the children, or went out to collect accounts with my aunt.

After chatting, Shen Xiaolong gave Tang Dou another big red envelope. She would give Tang Dou a red envelope every year and festival.The children of my uncle's family are not so cute, and my aunt only gives out a red envelope during the Chinese New Year, which is a reciprocal courtesy.

Mu Wanying was worried that Doudou would not live in a dormitory alone, so she sent a message to show concern.

Tomorrow morning he had to get up early, so Tang Dou and Mu Wanying chatted until 11:30 and took a rest.

The next day, January NO.15, Saturday, before dawn in the morning, Tang Dou sent Mu Wanying to the train station. He was going to drive Mi Le's car to pick him up, but after thinking about it, he decided to take the subway. Just go there.

It was freezing cold, the sky was slightly bright, and locomotives roared on the road.

Tang Dou was carrying Mu Wanying's bag, and Mu Wanying was holding his arm, and the two hurried on their way.

At the station, Tang Dou bought fruit and snacks for Mu Wanying.

"I can't eat so much. I'll be home by lunch time."

Doudou bought a bunch of them, bananas, yogurt, instant noodles, egg yolk pies, how could Mu Wanying finish them after a few hours of driving, and she just finished breakfast.

"bring home."

Tang Dou smiled.

"Dou Dou, take care of yourself."

After kissing goodbye, Mu Wanying waved her hands reluctantly.

She was very conflicted, she was homesick if she didn't go back, and she didn't want to be separated from Doudou when she went back.

"Well, go back and call me."

Tang Dou patted Mu Wanying's head, watched her check in, and then went back to school to pack her things.

Mi Le parked the car outside the school and came to Tang Dou's dormitory as a fool. She was wearing a dark-colored thick pullover sweater, black leggings, and Martin boots.

"Didn't you talk about borrowing a car yesterday? Why didn't you want it in the morning? It caused me to go back to school and get up so early in vain."

"Worried about traffic jams."

Tang Dou looked back and said apologetically.

Mi Le was powerless to complain, and suddenly stepped on a chair and lay down on the bed to observe the sheets.

"What did you and Mu Wanying do the day before yesterday?"

"Lu Jiu warms up, and then I push the cart."

Since Mi Le was so curious, Tang Dou gave her another bowl of steaming dog food.

"You guys are disgusting."

Thinking of that pose, Mi Le was full of disgust.

"The bed is so small, it's not too crowded."

Dirty dog ​​food is the most sour, Mi Le regrets that he shouldn't ask more questions, and makes himself feel uncomfortable.

Mi Le got off the chair and came over to help pack things.

There was nothing to clean up, so Tang Dou took a few changes of clothes, simple daily necessities, a package, packed up and went out to the Dongchen Hotel outside Zijinhua, where he rented a room for 3000 yuan for a month.

Gradually getting to know Tang Dou, Mi Le restrained a lot.

Some time ago, he realized that Tang Dou had no loopholes to exploit. Mi Le thought about digging from Mu Wanying, but found that it was not so easy.Now Mi Le does not dare to provoke the two of them, she is afraid that Tang Dou will quit Le Dou Company in a hurry.

With Tang Dou's dog personality, this is entirely possible.

Tang Dou doesn't have much enthusiasm for his career, but Mi Le is full of hope for Le Dou Company. With the rise of Le Dou, Mi Le can dominate his own future, so Mi Le usually teases Tang Dou jokingly, and then pours some poisonous chicken soup.

When Mu Wanying was away, Mi Le said that the opportunity had come, and behaved very well.

"Do you want to find a maid for you? It's easy to find a college student working on vacation around here, and the company will pay for it."

Helping Tang Dou settle down in the room, Mi Le said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"If you want to find me, you will also look for it secretly."

Tang Dou rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't report to Mu Wanying."

More than half a month passed quickly, and the Spring Festival holiday was approaching. Tang Dou went back to Tang Capital on the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, and went to Mu Wanying's house first. Mu Wanying had a cold and fever these two days, so Tang Dou naturally went to see her.

It was past one in the afternoon when I returned to Tangdu.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there is a strong sense of the New Year everywhere, with red flags fluttering in the streets and alleys, and lights and festoons.

Tangdu just had a snowfall yesterday, and the weather is extremely cold today, but this does not stop people from welcoming the New Year with enthusiasm.

When he arrived at Mu Wanying's community, Tang Dou bought a grapefruit and a few catties of oranges at the supermarket in front of him.Both Mu Jinhua and Feng Qinglan were at home, knowing that Tang Dou was coming, Feng Qinglan left lunch for him.

At Mu Wanying's house, Tang Dou knocked on the door and took a step back.

When Mu Jinhua came to open the door, Tang Dou met him and said, "Teacher, Mistress, I wish you New Year's greetings first."

"It's cold outside, Doudou come in quickly." Feng Qinglan came over and said, "Wanying fell asleep just after taking the medicine, you eat first."

"Thank you Mistress."

Tang Dou also disappeared, as if he had arrived at his own home.The rice Feng Qinglan left was very rich, braised pork in brown sauce, meatballs, and crispy pork. This is the New Year's Eve dinner for the future son-in-law.

After being hungry all morning, Tang Dou was very hungry, but the food was delicious, and the cooking skills of his mother-in-law were pretty good, to be honest, better than his own mother's.

"Is Wanying's cold still serious?"

Tang Dou asked with concern.

"The fever is gone, and the cough is still there. I stayed at home for half a month. I went out with me the day before yesterday and came back and caught a cold. This child is not in good health, and it is easy to catch cold when the environment alternates between hot and cold. Has she been sick at school in the past six months? "

Feng Qinglan sat across from Tang Dou, taking care of Tang Dou's meals and chatting.

"I caught a cold once at the beginning of winter, but never again," Tang Dou said.

Mu Wanying's insistence on running for half a year is still useful, and her physical fitness has improved a lot. In high school, she would catch a cold once or twice in spring, autumn, and winter. Tang Dou gave her a three-nine. Dou pestered her to drink.

"Then this year is fine, and Wanying's health has improved a lot when I come back."

Feng Qinglan nodded.

At Tang Dou's house, Shen Yun looked forward to seeing his son come back, and looked at Tang Tang: "Where did Tang call your brother?"

"My brother is lost."

(End of this chapter)

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